Bear Cave Newsletter
Week of 8/14/2023
From the desk of Principal Lam
Hello Bloomingdale Bear Families!
This year we will focus heavily on literacy with our students. Superintendent Watts has pronounced literacy as the "North Star" for the district. Developing a love for reading requires a strong school-to-home partnership. Below are some easy ways you can build literacy at home:
- Read, Read, Read! - read to your student and listen to them read every night
- Word Games - play word games like "name a word that rhymes with _____"
- Model - let your kids see you reading and enjoying reading
- Turn on Captions - turn on the closed captions on your TV. This will help students make connections to words they hear
- Build vocabulary - point out new words, talk to your kids, and tell them meanings of new words
- Read Everything - nothing is off the table! Read everything from comics to graphic novels to picture books to newspaper articles and more!
- Sing songs and nursery rhymes - these aren't just cute stories, they help develop vocabulary and fluency!
Please ensure that you have completed your Free/Reduced lunch application - even if you think you may not qualify!!
We will also continue iReady testing this week for all students in grades K - 5. Be sure to remind your student to take their time and do their best. This is important data so we can identify your child's specific learning needs to develop a plan to support or enrich their learning!
On and ever upward,
Principal Lam
Coffee with the Principal
Thursday, Aug 24, 2023, 10:00 AM
1700 Highgate Boulevard, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Bus Stops Now Available!
Morning Drop-off & Afternoon Pick-up Route
Students who qualify for reduced lunch will receive free lunch this school year!!
September 5, 2023: First Day of 21st Century
Tuesday, Sep 5, 2023, 04:00 PM
1700 Highgate Boulevard, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
Complete your Forms Today
- Code of Conduct Agreement
- Family Protection Plan for devices (pay in SchoolCash)
- Device Loan Form - required to take home a device for e-learning days