The Acorn
Message from Academy of the Canyons' Principal, Dr. Fine
Week of 10/15-10/22
Dear AOC Families,
It is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge the loss of our beloved student, Louis Barba. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family during this difficult time. Please know that we are committed to providing the support needed for our students as they cope with this loss.
To assist students during this challenging period, we would like to make you aware of several available resources:
On-Site Therapist: Mrs. Alex Sparrow is available on-site to provide counseling and support.
Wellness Room: Mrs. Danica Lynch is present in our Wellness Room, offering guidance and assistance.
District Support: We would like to extend our gratitude to Dr. Nicholas Betty, Director of Wellness and Mental Health for WSHUHSD, who recently provided our school with a team of therapists to aid our students.
Hazel Health Therapy Services: These services are free and available to any student in WSHUHSD. They are here to help students in need.
Our school and the district remain committed to supporting our students and staff during this challenging time.
As we move forward, please take note of the following schedule for the upcoming weeks. This Friday will follow the M/W schedule.
Order a free lunch for your student through the Hart District. Free lunches are available to all students in the Hart District. Orders must be placed before 8:00 AM.
We'd like to express our appreciation to ROOTS PTA for providing PSAT Snack Bags to our students, helping them stay energized during testing. Additionally, we are grateful to the families who have generously donated treats and snacks to our staff; your support has been invaluable.
We also extend our heartfelt thanks to ROOTS for providing snacks and water to our students who have been grieving. These small gestures have made a significant difference in helping our students replenish themselves and recharge.
Thank you to our dedicated staff who hosts the PSAT on Saturday for our students. We are the only school in the district who offers this. Thank you to Ms. Grijalva for taking the lead on this work.
In conclusion, we want to assure you that we are here for you and your loved ones. Please feel free to reach out to us if you need any assistance or have any questions.
Dr. Juliet Fine
Principal of AOC
Phone: (661) 362-3056
Email: jfine@hartdistrict.org
Counseling Corner with Ms. Grijalva
College Information Sessions
This week we have two concurrent college information sessions. One is virtual via zoom, the other is in-person. These information sessions are a chance for students to meet a representative from the specific college and learn more about the campus.
- Case Western Reserve University is visiting our campus on Friday, October 20th from 7:45-8:45 am in AOC Room 102. If you are interested, please be on campus at that time.
- Brandeis University is hosting a virtual session via ZOOM on Friday, October 20th from 7:45-8:45 am. Registration is required for the virtual session; Juniors and Seniors find more info on Google Classroom. 9th and 10th grade students, if you are interested in receiving the link, please provide your name to Ms. Perkins by Wednesday 10/18
Spring 2024 Scheduling
This week we continue working on Spring 2024 scheduling. The majority of student's AOC class schedules remain the same for next semester, but COC classes change. 9th grade students will be pre-assigned COC classes, while current 10th-12th grade students are working on choosing classes that fit their AOC schedule. Formal COC registration will be Oct. 31st. More information will be sent out closer to the date regarding fee payment.
College Application Labs (12th Grade)
College Application Labs continue through November (except Thanksgiving week). Every Tuesday and Wednesday afterschool (3-4pm) students are welcome to the AOC Computer Lab where they can work on their college applications and Ms. Grijalva can review and/or answer application questions.
Our Beloved Louie Barba (2006-2023)-Memorial Services on 10/22
This message is written from the parents of Louie Barba, mother, Oksana Obolkina and father, Louie Barba, they have asked that we share that they are holding Louie’s memorial at Eternal Valley: 23287 N. Sierra Highway Newhall, CA 91321
The Visitation will be held at the The Monarch venue on Sunday October 22, 2023 from 10am-12pm. The visitation will be closed casket.
The Funeral Service will be held at The Monarch on Sunday October 22, 12-2pm.
Everyone is welcome to come to both.
They would love to give our students an hour to speak during the funeral service if they want to share anything about Louie. We’re also collecting pictures for the slides. If anyone has any images that they would like to share with the family, they can send it directly to this link.
This information is open to the community.
Heartfelt Gratitude and Appreciation for ROOTS
Dear ROOTS PTA, Jawich Family, Mrs. De Vita, Dr. Pete Getz, and the Getz Family,
We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your incredible support during a challenging week at AOC. Your generosity made a significant impact, and we are truly thankful.
ROOTS PTA, your generous donation of snacks for our PSAT test takers was greatly appreciated. The treats provided a source of comfort and energy during a crucial time for our students. Your thoughtfulness did not go unnoticed.
Furthermore, ROOTS PTA's provision of snacks and water throughout the entire week for our students was a true lifeline. Our seniors, in particular, relished these treats, and it was heartwarming to see how much they meant to them. Your care and support were invaluable to our students during this challenging period.
To the Jawich family, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your donation of breakfast and coffee to our staff throughout the week. With a high volume of visitors on campus, your generosity took care of so many people. Your contribution ensured that our staff had the sustenance they needed to provide a welcoming environment for all.
We would also like to express our gratitude to Mrs. De Vita, Dr. Pete Getz, Valencia Administration, and the Getz family for their generous treats and baked goods. Your thoughtful gesture helped us navigate a particularly challenging week. Your kindness and support did not go unnoticed.
Your collective efforts have not only touched our hearts but have also provided much-needed comfort during a demanding time. Your generosity and care have made a real difference in our community.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Project Linus Make a Blanket Drive on 10/28
Make a Blanket Drive 10am-4pm
Hello AOC Families!
We are excited to announce that Project Linus is back for our Fall 2023 Make-A-Blanket Day.
We would love to have you join us on our Make-A-Blanket Day on Saturday, October 28 from 10 AM to 4 PM at the COC East Gym! Nonprofit ventures - Project Linus is a chapter of a non-profit organization that specializes in making and delivering handmade blankets across the valley to provide love, security, and comfort to children who are seriously ill and traumatized. It is also our mission to provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals, students, and groups in our local communities, for the benefit of the children.
Our event this year is on October 28. We will be located at College of the Canyon’s East Gym at 26455 Rockwell Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91355. There will be food trucks at the event if you would like to purchase food!
Furthermore, if you are unable to participate in our Make-A-Blanket Day Event or cannot attend the event for the full amount of time, you can drop off blankets on the day of the event from 10 AM to 2 PM! We ask that ALL participants fill out the attached form below to sign up and receive instructions on how much fleece to bring and the number of service hours participants can earn. Participants will be emailed a service hour confirmation form at the completion of the event. To learn how to make the tied fleece edge blankets, please check out our website @scvprojectlinus.org.
We have included a digital flier, the sign-up sheet, an instructional video for how to make blankets, as well as our promotional video. We encourage all participants to help us spread the word. If you have any questions regarding the event, please feel free to contact us events.svcpl@gmail.com.
See you there!
- SCV Project Linus Staff
Event Sign-Up Form: https://forms.gle/qRMQgeDBx4qCTxW66
Digital Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gw6sKCmcmh3lUbtCaACyF2Hz3gYSiFtA/view?usp=sharing
Instructional Video for how to make blankets the Project Linus Way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vEzen4G5n8
Video Promo Ad: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zsg-8gNMlEABvSdoV2lS1QZqBC3OZUmR/view?usp=sharing"
Watch this video to learn more about the Project Linus event held on 10/22. AOC students created a video ad to promote the event.
Academy of the Canyons
Email: jfine@hartdistrict.org
Website: https://www.academyofthecanyons.com/
Location: Academy of the Canyons, Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Phone: 661-362-3056
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Academy-of-the-Canyons-Middle-College-High-School-330158873741614
Twitter: @Academy_Canyons