2023-24 Lottery Applications
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Kestrel's Scholar of the Week
Kestrel's Scholar of the Week - Celebrating scholars who SOAR above and beyond!
Grade Level News
Third-grade scholars are currently learning these standards:
RL.3.1 Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
Reminder: Continue letting the scholars read at least 20 mins a day to boost their literacy skills.
NC.3.OA.3 Represent and solve problems involving Division
Upcoming topics: Divide by 7, 8, and 9, Two-Step Word Problems
Reminder: Let’s encourage scholars to practice their multiplication facts, so they can understand division topics easily.
Here’s a list of steps to mastering multiplication facts:
Step 1: Break up the facts into manageable chunks.
Step 2: Make the facts concrete with a simple visual.
Step 3: Teach your child to use easier facts as stepping stones to the harder facts.
Step 4: Practice each times table on its own until it’s mastered.
Step 5: Practice a mix of multiplication facts.
Fourth Grade:
Math: Happy New Year! In 4th-grade math, we’ve begun working with fractions. Next week there will be a quiz on Tuesday and then we will pause to take our mid-year iReady Diagnostic. Fractions will resume on Friday if all students have completed their diagnostic.
Social Studies: Happy New Year to everyone! This week students were introduced to the topic of European settlements in North Carolina. We will continue to dive deeper into the content next week and look at the failures of certain settlements and how others became successful and changed over time.
Fifth Grade:
Math: Happy New Year! In 5th grade math, we’ve begun working with fractions. Next week there will be a quiz on Tuesday and then we will pause to take our mid-year iReady Diagnostic. Fractions will resume on Friday if all students have completed their diagnostic.
Social Studies: Happy New Year to everyone! This week students were introduced to the topic of European settlements in North America. We will continue to dive deeper into the content next week and look at the effects of multiple countries establishing settlements on the same continent.
Sixth Grade:
Social Studies: We are wrapping up our unit on Egypt by focusing on the achievements, accomplishments, and lasting legacies of the ancient Egyptians. Students will be completing a final assessment on Tuesday, January 17.
Science: We are finishing up our unit on energy and learning how simple machines assist us in our daily lives. We will conclude this unit with a test on Wednesday, January 18th.
This week in art class, scholars are working on a variety of things to get back into the swing of things. We had an informal competition in 3rd grade to create the tallest paper sculpture that could stand on its own! These pictures are from Ms. Manching’s class this week!
Supply Requests from Teachers & Staff
Greetings! Our staff would like to request supply donations as we approach the second half of the school year. If you would like to donate, here is a list of the most requested items by teachers:
Two-pocket folders*
Disinfecting wipes*
Whiteboard markers and erasers*
Individual dry erase boards
#2 Ticonderoga pencils
Pencil top erasers
Paper towels
Crayola markers
Colored pencils
Non-latex disposable Gloves
*Most Requested Items
Thank you for all of your support!
Parent-Family Engagement Session - Expansion Project
Parent-Family Engagement Session - Expansion Project
Tuesday, January 24 · 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Google Meet joining info
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Or dial: (US) +1 414-436-8507 PIN: 478 760 780#
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Looking for Substitute Teachers!
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Monday, January 16
MLK Jr. Day - No School
Thursday, January 19
PTA Meeting
Tuesday, January 24
Parent-Family Engagement Session
6:30 pm
Friday, January 27
End of Quarter 2
Monday, January 30
Makeup Day
Location: 4700 South Alston Avenue, Durham, NC, USA
Phone: 919-484-1300
Twitter: @kestrelheights