The Franconia Falcon Flyer
Stay Informed, Get Involved, & Check in Every Wednesday...
Franconia Falcons SOAR to success!
Using expected behaviors both in and out of the classroom so everyone feels comfortable and supported at school.
Taking responsibility for choices and actions at school and showing pride in yourself and your work.
Treating peers and others with respect and kindness while embracing our differences.
Caring how your actions impact others and yourself.
🍂 October 🍂
10/11 - H&S Meeting 7pm in the Cafeteria
10/13 - In Line 309 Roller Skate Fundraiser - Rescheduled for 02/16/2024
10/20 - Author Visit - Daniel Jude Miller
10/27 - Trunk or Treat 6pm - 8pm
The Spirit Wear Sale is OPEN! Shop the Spirit Store here!
To shop kid sizes, select the 3 bars on the top of the screen to filter and view the Youth Apparel.
The Spirit Wear Store will be open until October 22nd!
🎃 Trunk or Treat 🎃
Please join us for a night of Halloween fun at the school!
Please see the Sign Up Genius for different ways you can participate.
More information to come!
🏫 Home & School Meeting 🏫
Come join us for our next H&S meeting, Wednesday, October 11th at 7:00pm! The meeting will be held in the cafeteria!
Come and get to know other parents as well as staff dedicated to making this school year the best one yet.
Our principal, Dr. Heineck, keeps us in the loop with what is happening in the school at each meeting.
Looking to get involved? If anyone is interested in any of these positions, please reach out to Mandy Wendell aewendell@yahoo.com
Bingo Night - Chair
- Help coordinate and run our fall family Bingo Night
Lip Sync - Chair
- Help Coordinate and run the winter lip sync
Fundraising - Co - Chair
- To organize and run one or two small fundraisers for this school year
Yearbook - Co-Chair
- Help gather pictures and design the yearbook
These are just some of the ways you can get involved. Come to our meetings to find out more!
Falcons Helping Falcons
Throughout the year, opportunities arise to help a fellow Franconia Falcon (and sometimes their family too). The needs are normally unpredictable and anonymous, but in many times they are needs that fellow Falcons can help meet!
If you are interested in hearing about these needs and possibly helping out, join our Facebook page: Falcons Helping Falcons
❤️ Falcons Helping Falcons Meal Train ❤️
The Jones Family, a part of our Franconia community has faced a sudden and unexpected loss of their husband and father. Together, let's help make their lives a little easier by providing dinner for them on Mondays and Wednesdays.
If you feel inclined, please sign up here to provide a meal. In addition to meals, gift cards for groceries and meals are welcome. Donations can be made through the Meal Train website.
🍎 Franconia Home & School 🍎
The Franconia Home and School has a Facebook page. To join, click this link .
Note: You must answer all of the questions to be added.
This is a great way to get reminders throughout the school year and get to know other parents!
⭐ Box Tops For Education ⭐
1. BUY Box Tops products you already know and love.
2. SCAN your receipts in the app.
3. EARN cash for your school!
Franconia Elementary will earn funds that can be used towards anything the school needs (books, technology, sports equipment, field trips, etc.)
📷 Year Book Photos 📷
Please email any photos from school events for the yearbook to Franconiahs@gmail.com
Save the Date!
Save the date for our Holiday Market at Perseverance Fire Co. on December 9th from 9am-2pm
If you are interested in becoming a vendor, please e-mail Franconiahs@gmail.com
Vendor tables will cost $35
Community Events
Please Note: Saturday's Movie has been postponed to Oct 21st due to weather
Friday's movie will be shown as scheduled