Washington Intermediate Newsletter
October 2023
College and Career
This quarter students were able to time travel and envision what type of career and/or education they see for themselves. We celebrated College and Career week by virtually visiting colleges online. In addition, we also had an entire day where treasure hunters came to our school and allowed students to learn more about different careers in our very own community. Below are some pictures from the event. It was very meaningful and I think staff had as much fun as our students!!!
McTeacher Night will always be a favorite of ours!
Thank you so much for spending the evening with us and having dinner to support our school. We love being able to get together outside of school and appreciate the support of our McDonald's. We had a few staff members who are pros and were able to share their talents at their former job. So fun!
2nd Grade Visits Lark Ranch
Second grade spent weeks learning everything about pumpkin. They ended the unit with a trip to Lark Ranch and were able to enjoy all the fun attractions and visit their pumpkin patch and even take a pumpkin. We are super proud of our students. The employees at the ranch commented on how well behaved our entire group was!!
Celebrating Mr. Cherry for Principal Appreciation Month!
Thank you for attending your parent teacher conference(s) either in person or virtually!
The support and communication between parents and teachers are very important. Please continue to contact or ask questions throughout the year. Teachers are best to contact via email or Talking Points.
Washington Intermediate Play Partners
We are currently working on training several adults in our community who want to make a positive impact in our building. These adults are also considered TREASURE HUNTERS. They believe 100% that all children are capable of success. You child(ren) will be able to interact and play with these adults at recess. We are so excited to add Play Partners as another layer of Kids at Hope at Washington Intermediate. Play Partners is a program that will allow our trained adults to come and spend recess with them. If your child comes home and shares they had a play partner today. Let us know! We hope students are just as excited as we are to have them volunteering their time. We have 10 community members that pledged to volunteer once a month. So excited to get started in November!
Red Ribbon Week FUN
Thank you for participating in our Red Ribbon Week dress up days the last week in October and celebrating making good choices and being drug-free! We ended our week with a visit from Trooper Wilson. Trooper Wilson spoke to our school about setting boundaries and committing to staying drug-free. Classrooms also completed a fun scavenger hunt to learn facts and create some healthy classroom discussions around Red Ribbon Week.
Fun Community Service Reverse Parade
Students and staff were able to kick off our next destination, Community and Service, by having a reverse parade at Washington Intermediate. Students made posters and signs and thanked people who work in our community as they drove by. It was so fun to see how genuinely excited our students were. This fun event helps start some wonderful conversations in our building about the importance of helping others in our community. Washington Veale was able to join us for this event!
Important Dates for November:
Monday-Friday, November 13-17, 2023- Scholastic Book Fair
Monday, November 13, 2023- Family Book Fair Shopping Event, 3:15PM-5:30PM
Monday, November 13, 2023- Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week
Tuesday, November 14, 2023- 1st Play Partners (during recess)
Monday, November 20, 2023- PTO Meeting @6PM
Wednesday-Friday, November 22-24, 2023- NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 29, 2023- 2 hour late start
Thursday, November 30, 2023- Student Council Meeting until 4PM
Sudexo Monthly Menu
Each student at Washington Intermediate receives free breakfast and lunch through Washington Community Schools. Click on the link to find out what is on the menu!
Washington Intermediate
Washington Intermediate School is a proud Kid at Hope Model School and part of Washington Community Schools. We have students in grades 2nd, 3rd and 4th. We truly believe every child is capable of success, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Email: cnewkirk@wcs.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.washingtoncommunityschools.org/4/home
Phone: 812-254-8366
Christe Newkirk
Christe is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters