Anderson Weekly News! 11/28/22
What's Your Superpower? - Gratitude!
Dates to Remember
- Wed. Nov. 30th EARLY RELEASE Day. Dismissal at 2:10 PM
- Wed. Nov. 30th PTO Dine out Fundraiser at The Burger Joint Geneva
- Thurs. Dec. 1st PTO Meeting
- Tues. Dec. 6th Picture Retakes
- Wed. Dec. 7th Winter Orchestra Concert 6:00 PM
- Thurs. Dec. 15th PTO Dine Out Fundraiser at Portillo's - Elgin
- Fri Dec. 16th PTO Movie Night 6:00 PM
- Mon. Dec. 19th 5th Grade Band Concert 7:00 PM
- Wed. Dec. 21st. Holiday Classroom Parties (2:20 - 2:55 PM)
- Thurs. Dec. 22nd - January 9th Winter Break
Winter Weather reminder
Winter weather is upon us. Students will have outdoor recess unless it's below zero, and students should have the appropriate gear for outdoor recess; winter coat, hats, gloves (and snow pants and boots when appropriate if they want to be on the non-blacktop area).
Additionally, it is helpful to have kids' coats, snow pants, and other items (such as water bottles) labeled as it will be easily identified if it ends up in the lost and found.
REMINDERS FOR Orchestra Families
Ms Mezera is communicating the changes in practice time to the Orchestra students, so this is just an added reminder about the changes in orchestra practice thru winter break.
After Thanksgiving break, the orchestra before school rehearsal schedule will be a little different for two weeks because of the winter concert.
Tuesday 11/29- No Change: 4th Grade Orchestra
Wednesday 11/30- 5th Grade Orchestra No Beginner Orchestra
Thursday 12/1- No before school orchestra at Anderson,
Anderson Beginner Orchestra will practice at Richmond Intermediate before school this day. A bus will bring students to Anderson after rehearsal.
Tuesday 12/6- Combined 5th Grade Anderson/Richmond before school orchestra at Anderson,
Wednesday 12/7- No before school orchestra
Anderson 4th Orchestra will practice at Richmond Intermediate before school this day. A bus will bring students to Anderson after rehearsal.
Thursday 12/8- No before school orchestra.
The week of 12/12-12/21 we will not have before school orchestra practices. (There may be some optional caroling rehearsals for 4th and 5th grade students, but that is TBD)
After winter break the rehearsal schedule goes back to normal.
Picture Retakes!
If your student wasn't photographed on picture day or they want to retake their picture, they will have the opportunity for a retake on December 6th. If you ordered a package and want to have a retake, please send the original picture package with your child to school on the 6th.
Inter-state Studio has made it easy to order online. See the flyer for detailed information and the order code for online orders.
From the Nurses office
As a reminder, kindergarten students should have an extra change of clothes at school.
Is your Contact Information Up to Date?
As we inch closer to December, please remember to make sure the contact information you’ve provided the District is up-to-date. We want to ensure you’re getting timely alerts on inclement weather operations and other important notifications. Please take a moment to do the following:
View Notification Preferences/Enable Text Messages
District 303 will send notifications to families through the ParentLink system by text message, phone call and email based on your settings. Parents/guardians can view and edit their contact settings through the Home Access Center.
To receive timely emergency communications, we strongly encourage families to enable text notifications. For most people, this is the fastest way to receive and view important messages. Here’s how:
- From the HAC main menu, select the “registration” tab to view your contact settings
- Select the “edit” button to change your contact settings
- To enable text message notifications, enter your cell phone number in the SMS/text message field
- Select the “save” button
Anderson is accepting toys for the Salvation Army Toys for Kids Program
Toys are being collected till December 8th. New and unwrapped toys can be dropped off during school hours.
Community Events:
Local Girl Scout Troops 206
If you have a kindergarten daughter is interested in Girl Scouts, troop 206 still has spots open. Contact Julie Ford at (630)217-9924.
Adult Learning Classes
Anderson Elementary School
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300