Weekly Eagle Update
November 10, 2022
Veterans Day Message
On Veterans Day, we honor and remember every man and woman who has ever worn the uniform of our country. Americans who stepped forward and swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and laws of this great nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Veterans Day is an important day. It is a day to speak up for those who put their lives on the line for their fellow Americans – a day to remember and renew our commitments to these brave men and women.
We use this day to show our appreciation for our armed forces, Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, and Guardsmen.
To all veterans, thank you. May Veterans Day and every day bring you joy in the freedoms our country has because of your sacrifices.
With gratitude,
Newhall Elementary School
Report Cards
You've already met with your child's teacher for fall conferences, next week you will receive the trimester report card and we wanted to share this guide with you in understanding your child's report card.
Newhall School District Standards-Based Report Card Parent Guide Overview of a Standards-Based System
Four Essential Components of a standards-based reporting system
As part of our standards-based system, this report card is designed to fully communicate what students are expected to know and be able to do as set forth in the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, as well as for other content area (e.g., Social Studies, Science) learning standards established by the California Department of Education.
A standards-based report card communicates student progress toward meeting end-of-year standards. As a result, trimester 1 and 2 are considered “progress reports” and your child may receive a high number of 2’s during trimester 1 and 2 while students work to demonstrate mastery of the standards. Teachers assess individual student performance against these standards, which are specific and observable grade-level skills.
This report card benefits students, teachers and parents/guardians. It allows students to be aware of what is expected of them, gives teachers across the district a consistent understanding of what each child should know and be able to do at each grade level, and it communicates to parents, in a common language, student progress toward meeting the standards.
Student success depends on a strong partnership between school and home. Please carefully review your child’s report card and talk to your child about his/her progress. In doing so you are communicating the importance of school. Contact your child’s teacher if you have questions.
This standards based report card represents the rigor required to build a strong foundation for college and career readiness. Students are expected to meet each year’s grade-specific standards and retain or further develop skills and understandings mastered in preceding grades. The card provides parents a detailed outline of the grade level expectation in each of the major academic areas (English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) as well as Art, Music, Physical Education, and the Characteristics of a Successful Learner.
Academic Indicators:
3+ Exceeds grade level expectations
♦ Student performance demonstrates a thorough understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level
♦ Student demonstrates a deeper understanding of grade level standards by applying and utilizing concepts and skills
3 Meets grade level expectations
♦ Student performance demonstrates a solid understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level
♦ Student demonstrates consistent use of skills
2 Progressing towards understanding grade level skills and concepts
♦ Student performance demonstrates partial progress of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level
♦ Student is progressing in understanding, however, the skills are not yet mastered
1 Limited understanding of grade level skills and concepts
♦ Student performance demonstrates a limited understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level
♦ Student is working below grade level expectations
♦ Student needs continued support; struggles even with assistance
NA Not Assessed during this grading period
This mark indicates that the specific standard is not applicable as the standard is not addressed during this term. You should expect to see several NAs used in the first trimester, especially in the lower grades. This is because the entire curriculum cannot be taught at once. While some learning standards will be addressed from the beginning of the year, others will be phased in as the school year progresses.
Effort Indicators:
O Outstanding effort made
S Satisfactory effort made
N Needs to improve effort
PTA Association Meeting
What do we talk about at PTA meetings?
PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building rapport and discuss issues that are on your mind.
You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences. Join us next Monday, November 14 at 2:15 in person (room 5) or via Zoom ( https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84575362723).