Panther Press
PRS December/January Family Newsletter
Contact Information
Main Office & Attendance: (585) 247-2144
Health Office: (585) 247-2149
Email: cdgrattan@gateschili.org
Website: www.gateschili.org/prs
Location: 571 Paul Road, Rochester, NY
Phone: (585) 247-2144
Facebook: facebook.com/PaulRoadSchool
Twitter: @PaulRoadSchool
Warm Wishes from your PRS Principals!
What a wonderful November we had here at Paul Road! This past month, we were able to share the highlights of the Fall with the Board of Education, and present GC PRIDE Awards to several fifth-grade students for their charitable work. We also celebrated third-grader Langston, who won the Chili Fire Department's Fire Escape Plan Contest. He got a special ride to school on the fire truck! Some of our fourth-graders were able to participate in STEAM Fest at the annual NYSCATE conference, and our fifth-graders were able to show off their climbing skills at Roc Ventures! Additionally, our Annual Food Drive was a huge success! Thank you to all of the families who participated, allowing us to support a number of local families with meals this year. We have an incredibly generous community, and we are thankful for all of you.
Already in December, our band and chorus students had the opportunity to showcase their hard work and talent at the winter concert. Congratulations to all our musicians and directors Mrs. Simonetti and Ms. Toms on a successful show! Additionally, all our Panthers have been busy crafting for the holidays! We hope you cherish the creations they bring home.
Have a warm and wonderful winter!
Mrs. Cutaia and Mrs. Doty
Fifth-Grade Leadership at Paul Road
We are so happy to see so many young student leaders involved in our school community! Keep up the great work!
Have you checked the Paul Road Lost and Found?!
Additionally, if you or your student need a new pair of gloves, there are some available in the foyer and the little free library!
Birthdays at Paul Road
- A craft or activity
- Reading with your student's class
- A book donation in your student's name for the classroom library
- Colorful pencils or markers
- Stickers, erasers, or other age-appropriate surprises
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
Friday, Dec. 23 - Half-day for Students - parent pick-up is at 11:20 a.m.
Dec. 25 - Jan. 2 - Winter Recess - NO SCHOOL
Monday, Jan. 9 - PRSFA Meeting at 7 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 13 - PRS Movie Night at 6:30 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 16 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
Staff Spotlight
As the band teacher, Mrs. Simonetti teaches fourth- and fifth-graders a wide range of instruments through individual and group lessons. She leads our PRS Band, and this year she is also leading the Elementary District Band! Ms. Toms leads our PRS Chorus, in addition to teaching general music to all students at PRS!
Earlier this month both the band and chorus were able to show off their skills at the Gates Chili Performing Arts Center! It was a truly fantastic show, and we are so proud of the hard work and dedication of not only these two teachers, but their students as well!
Interested in Joining our Staff?
PRSFA (Paul Road School & Family Association)
The next PRSFA meeting will be held in the PRS Library on Monday, Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. All are welcome! If you are interested in joining please complete this VERY BRIEF form and someone will reach out to you with more information!
Our next PRSFA sponsored event will be a Family Movie Night in the PRS Cafetorium, on Friday, Jan. 13 at 5:30 p.m. We will have pizza, popcorn, drinks, and snacks available for purchase as a PRSFA fundraiser. The movie is still to be determined. After the winter recess, we will present the students with a few options and put it to a vote.
One way that PRSFA raises funds is through Box Tops! Did you know that you can submit them to the school electronically simply by scanning your receipts to an App? Download the Box Tops for Education App to your device, choose Paul Road Elementary School, and start collecting today!
Please reach out to PRSFA co-presidents, Clarissa Galvano and Laurie Miller for more information.
Additionally, follow us on social media for updates and event highlights!
Facebook: Paul Road School and Family Association (PRSFA)
Instagram: Prsfa_gc
New Online Store!
Counseling Corner
Please click the link below to view December's Counseling Team Newsletter.
Counseling Contact Information:
Cameron Scharf
A Note from our Nurse
Nurse Contact Information:
Health Office Phone: 585-247-2149
Fax Number: 585-340-5571
Cynthia Cole, Nurse
Jenna Mosher, Health Aide
School Nutrition and Meals
Click the following links for information related to our school nutrition program:
- Breakfast and Lunch Menus
- My School Bucks (Meal Payment)
- Free and Reduced Meal Application
- School Nutrition Snapshot
The cost of breakfast is $2.00 and the cost of lunch is $3.20 this year. Be sure to regularly check your student's meal account balance using MySchoolBucks. We encourage all families to submit a free/reduced lunch form. Both websites are linked above.
For more information related to our school nutrition program, please visit gateschili.org/SchoolNutrition.