Graduation is just around the corner!
I understand how confusing and life changing the next steps you need to take can be. That is why I am here to help guide you every step of the way, and provide you with as much information and assistance as I can. You are not alone, we are all here to help.
Remember, your future is out there!
To discuss your goals or if you need any assistance with your transition out of Adult School please visit me:
Liliana Campos
Transition Navigator
Room 6B
To contact or schedule an appointment with me:
- Email: Lcampos@seq.org
- Office Number: (650) 306-8866
- Text: (650) 503-3848
High School Diploma and High School Equivalent Students! Pass Tests and Earn Credits for a chance to Win a $50.00 Visa Gift Card!
Rules for HSE/HSD Incentive Raffle!
For HSE students - each time a student takes a HiSET test or a GED test, they will receive five (5) raffle tickets to put in the raffle box.
For HSD students - each time a student earns one credit, they will receive one (1) raffle ticket to put into the raffle box.
There will be an AM and a PM Raffle for each month: AM for all HSE/HSD morning students and PM for all HSE/HSD evening students.
For each month (April & May), a $50.00 Visa gift card will be the grand prize for the morning raffle and one $ 50.00 Visa gift card will be the grand prize for the evening raffle.
There will also be runner-up prizes (surprise!) for each raffle.
Please see Tracy Smith for raffle tickets. Tracy will keep the raffle boxes in her office.
Spring Classes begin
Sequoia Adult School:
- HSE/HSD Spring 2019 Term Begins
April 15, 2019
- ESL Spring 2019 Term Begins
Community Colleges:
April 8, 2019
- Foothill/De Anza Spring 2019 Begins
April 15, 2019
- Canada ESL 921 AM classes begin @Sequoia Adult School
Cañada College Spring Job Fair
April 17, 2019
11 AM - 1:30 PM
In The Grove
Job fairs are a great way to explore potential career fields and job openings with employers.
Come as you are with lots of questions and copies of your resume.
There will be free food, resume help, prize giveaways, and new this semester, a LinkedIn Photo Booth!
We hope to see you at the fair! To see the list of employers who will be attending, please check out this link: https://www.canadacollege.edu/careercenter/employersattending.php
ABE/ASE Graduation Countdown!
Graduation: June 21st, 2019
Only 10 weeks until Graduation!
For more details, visit SeqSAS.org
Or contact Soledad:
650-306-8866 EXT: 77905
Check out these pathways below to help guide you in reaching your goals after Graduation:
Transition Pathways
Canada College
Cañada College provides:
- Extensive basic skills training
- student support services
- counseling
- Certificates
- Degree planning
- Transfer assistance
- tutoring.
Cañada College
4200 Farm Hill Boulevard
Redwood City, CA 94061
Person you should contact for more information:
Janet Ramirez- Transition Coordinator
Email: ramirezj@smccd.edu
Phone: (650) 306-3473
Building 9 room 354 (Library)
JobTrain offers career training for 6 different pathways at no cost to the student.
Career Training Pathways offered:
- Medical Assistant
- Carpentry Project Build
- Culinary Arts
- Nursing Assistant
- Construction Fundamentals
- IT Service and Support
To register for a pathway or for more information visit: https://www.jobtrainworks.org/career-training/
1200 O'Brien Dr, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (650) 330-6429
Upward Scholars
Upward Scholars helps low-income students overcome the financial and academic barriers that limit their success.
Upward Scholars provides students with:
Transportation to college
Food vouchers
To learn more about Upward Scholars, please contact:
Email: Info@UpwardScholars.org
Phone: (650) 383-8449
Are you interested in government and have a passion to help others?
People with an interest in government who are willing to work as part of a team please consider applying.
If you are reliable, efficient, takes initiative, is friendly and treats all people who interact with our office with respect then you will be a perfect fit! Student interns are provided with flexible hours and they will have the opportunity to work for an elected official and learn what public service at the local level is all about.
If you would like to apply or have any questions, email your resume to my Legislative Aide, Maggie Cornejo: macornejo@smcgov.org or click here.
To read about other job opportunities for youth in San Mateo County, visit the County of San Mateo Jobs for Youth website - https://jobsforyouth.org/, a program designed to help youth gain important job skills.
Featured Student Success Story: KATHERINE RAMIREZ!
According to research, goal setting is the single most powerful motivational tool in a student's toolkit. Why? Because goal setting provide purpose, challenge, and meaning. Goals keep our vision alive. Setting specific, clear, and challenging goals lead to greater effort and achievement than easy or vague goals do.
In order to make your vision and your dreams a reality your goals should be SMART. SMART goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and also Time-bound. Goal setting is one of the simplest and most effective strategies that can be used to increase student success!
Watch this video below to learn how you can create your own smart goals!
Canada College Shuttle
East Palo Alto stops:
- The Oxford Day Academy
- Cañada College
Menlo Park Stops:
- JobTrain
- Sequoia Adult School
- Canada
Office Phone: (650) 306-8866 Ext. 77935
Text: (650) 503-3848
Office Hours:
- Monday: 8:30am-4:30pm
- Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm
- Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
- Tuesday: 1:00pm-9:00pm
- Wednesday: 1:00pm-9:00pm
You are welcome to contact me to set up appointments or for any questions you may have. Hope to meet with you all soon!
Website: http://www.seqsas.org/
Phone: (650) 306-8866
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sequoiadistrictadultschool/