Eagle News
Virtue of the Month- Perseverance
October 16 - 20
We are approaching the end of our first nine-weeks. Please help us with our attendance goal this year. We want to move from a F on our state report card to a C. If your child has 8 absences each semester or a total of 16 absences in the year they are considered chronic. Any chronic absenteeism is counted against Washington. It is so important for our Eagles to be at school so we can help them grow academically.
Good Afternoon Washington Families!
Parent teacher conferences are coming up next week. We can't wait to share all the wonderful progress your students are making this year. Healthy Choices Week starts October 30th. This is a fun week to learn about healthy choices and dress up. Dress up days are below. We will wear our costumes on Tuesday, October 31st. Please don't send your child with fake weapons of any kind, mask or face paint. All costumes need to be school appropriate and follow dress code.
Don't forget to pick up your Story Book Pumpkins Friday, October 20th.
Service club is selling Boo Grams from October 23rd-27th.
Book Fair is coming soon - Oct 30th - Nov 2nd. We are looking for volunteers to help checkout students at the fair. Scholastic sends a scanner and it is very easy to manage. If you are available to help please go to the following link to sign up.
Message from Mrs. Shannon our School Nurse
Does your student need medication at school ? The Medication Request and Release form 2023-2024 will need to be filled out annually to administer ANY medication to your student at school. This includes cough drops, inhalers, OTC (age appropriate) , and prescription medications ! If you have any questions, please call the school at 405-366-5984 and ask for Shannon.
It’s that time of year...for our friendly head lice to appear. Please remember to check
your child’s head occasionally for lice or lice eggs (nits). Cleanliness at home or in
school has nothing to do with getting head lice; they are equal opportunity bugs. Lice
cannot fly or hop from one person to another. They move by crawling and are most
often spread by head to head contact with another person (sleepovers, sharing hats,
coats, combs and brushes, etc). Head lice are not spread by dogs, cats or other pets.
Head lice is not a disease and does not spread disease.
In general, it is unlikely to find head lice anywhere except on a person’s head. Head lice
cannot survive long away from the body and will die within one to two days if they are
not attached to a human. If you find head lice on one family member, it is
recommended to check all the members in your household. Over-the-counter FDA
approved head lice treatment(s) are available at most large grocery stores. Students with
live lice must be treated before they can return to school. Regular home head checks are
a good way to identify head lice in early stages. If you have any questions regarding
head lice, please feel free to contact your school, everything is confidential.
Healthy Tip :
As the colder weather approaches , wash your hands to minimize the spread of germs !
Birthday Reminder:
- Please check with classroom teachers for food allergies before bringing birthday treats. You can drop the treats off in the office. We do ask parents not to send balloons or big bouquets to school. These are a big distraction in the classroom and if your child rides the bus it is hard to handle on the bus. Thank you.
- PLEASE don't drop off your student before 7:25 when staff gets outside. We have no supervision before 7:25. Our staff is not on contract until 7:25. Thank you for helping us keep your kids safe.
- If the doors are closed on the north side please park and walk your child inside. The doors are locked all day on that side of the building.Please stay in your car during drop off and pull up if you need to buckle your child. This helps our line move faster.
Important Dates
October 20- Pick up Storybook Pumpkin from the library
October 20 - Virtue Assembly 1:30
October 23-27- Boo Grams on sale
October 26- Parent Teacher Conferences PM and Book fair is open in the evening
October 27- No School- Parent Teacher Conferences AM
October 30 - November 2- Book Fair and Healthy Choices week (Dress up days below)
October 31- Fall Parties
November 9- 3rd grade Music program 7:00 PM
November 10- Veterans Day Assembly- Parents invited
November 14-World Diabetes Day- Wear Blue
November 16- PTA Meeting 7:00-8:00 PM @ WES Library
November 20-24- Thanksgiving Break -No School
November 30- Fall picture retakes
December 15 - Virtue Assembly 1:30
December 20 - Winter Parties
December 21 - January 3- Winter Break
This weeks spot light is our wonderful special education team. Back row- Tisha Pappan, Beverly Waiters, Angela Dungan, Sarah Testa, John Robb Front row- Joan Koerner, Samantha Putman, Chrystal Johnson, Amy Sanders, Jessica Bigbee, Kari Massey, Juli Mitchell
WES Yearbook for Sale
Yearbooks & 5th Grade Ad's are available for purchase: (School code: 227540M)
Small Skills Groups
This year Washington will be offering small skills groups throughout the school year. These groups will focus on a variety of topics such as resiliency, mindfulness, feelings, social skills, and friendships. The skills groups will meet once a week for 45 minutes and last 6-8 weeks, depending on the group. The small groups will be facilitated by either the school counselor, Mr. Graham, or by a counselor from Crossroads Youth and Family Services. The upcoming groups being offered are below. Please contact Mr. Graham at grahamt@normanps.org or by calling Washington Elementary at 405-366-5984.
Group: Feelings
When: October 9th- November 24th
Who: 1st graders
Facilitator: Mr. Graham
Group: Resiliency
When: October 9th- November 24th
Who: 2nd & 3rd graders
Facilitator: Mr. Graham
Group: Mindfulness
When: October 9th- November 24th
Who: 4th & 5th graders
Facilitator: Mr. Graham
Group: Stress and Anxiety
When: November 6- January 12
Who: 3rd-5th graders
Facilitator: Crossroads Youth and Family
Group: Anger Management
When: November 6th- January 12
Who: 3rd-5th graders
Facilitator: Crossroads Youth and Family
District Communication/Second Step
The Family Field Guide offers consultations to families at no cost. Consultations assist families with problem identification, creating solutions, offering guidance on developmentally appropriate practices, referrals to services to meet individual needs and follow up services. Trained consultants answer the warmline M-F from 8-6pm. For more information click here.
Second Step
Elementary: Next week your child will be learning about the importance of practicing new skills to get better at them!
Click your child’s grade below to see what they are learning next week and how you can use this at home. This is updated every week.
PK K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Families can also visit The Second Step Family Webpage to view full lessons and student handouts.
Check out Norman Public School’s Prevention Resource library here! And follow #NPSMentalHealthMonday on Facebook and Instagram!
4th and 5th Grade Honor Choir
Honor Choir is a free after school choral music experience provided by Mrs. Lenington and Mrs. Arce to all Washington 4th and 5th grade students. No audition is required to join, just a love for music, singing, and a great attitude.
The choir meets after school on Tuesdays from 2:45 to 3:45 in Mr. Lenington's music room. Parents will need to make arrangements for their child to be picked up in the north school oval after choir rehearsals (unless your child is enrolled in Alphabest). All choir members must be picked up after choir no later than 3:50.
The choir will perform a Spring Concert on Thursday, May 9th in the Washington Gym at 7:00pm.
If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Lenington markl@normanps.org or Mrs. Arce tstephen@normanps.org
Link for menus
Breakfast / Lunch
(paid). $0.90 $3.10
(reduced) $0.30 $0.40
Free and Reduce Meals
Reminder to fill out the application for free and reduce meals for the 23-24 school year. If you don't fill out a new form each year your child will start being charged after October 1, 2023. The application is below. Please complete only ONE application per household (not per student).
If you need a paper copy please call the office and we will send one home.
You can also go into your parent portal- click the 3 lines and the "more" tab, then "Meal Benefits"
Here is the link for the Parent Portal:
We are focusing on being R.O.C.K. Stars this year!!
Students can earn R.O.C.K star tickets to buy items on our Rock and Roll cart each Friday.
Tutoring Options
NPS is excited to offer FREE online tutoring to all of our students. Click on the images below for more information or scan the QR code to get started
Brainfuse provides FREE online tutoring, homework help, writing lab assistance, test prep, video lessons, and study tools to all students.
Expert tutors, ready to help: All Brainfuse tutors are experienced professionals who hold a bachelor’s degree and complete an intensive onboarding process prior to assisting Brainfuse users.
For the past 20 years, Brainfuse has significantly boosted academic performance for thousands of students nationwide.
Guiding students without providing answers: Through a variety of personalized techniques, Brainfuse tutors collaborate with students to help them work out problems rather than offer solutions.
Rigorous quality control: Their comprehensive monitoring and review system provides tutors real-time guidance with instructional strategies and assists students with special tutoring requests.
At the end of each session, an average of 98% of students were satisfied with their tutoring sessions, while 97% would recommend Brainfuse to a friend.
Top Ranked
A Colorado Department of Education study ranked Brainfuse first among tutoring providers in math and reading – with a math improvement rate of 30% and a reading improvement rate of 39.3%.
Washington PTA
Washington has a wonderful PTA. Our goal is to have a parent for each student sign up for PTA this year. Thank you to everyone that came to the PTA meeting. We appreciate all the support and help.
Washington Student/Parent Handbook
Cell Phones and Smart Watches:
Student cell phones should remain in backpacks and turned off. All smart watches must only be used as a watch during school hours. If a student is using their device for calls, texting, photos, videos or apps. during the school day, the device will be taken away and a parent must pick it up from the office.
Dress Code:
Clothing should be school appropriate. Please make sure your child covers their midriff and shorts are appropriate length.