Wildcat Weekly
November 7, 2022
Hello Wildcat Families!
It's hard to believe we already working our way through November! In just the next few weeks, we have a day off for a teacher in-service, our Veterans Day assembly, 5th grade chorus concert, parent-teacher conferences, the Scholastic Book Fair, and Thanksgiving. Please take note of these important dates below.
Additionally, Monday, November 7th kicks off the Wildcats Give Back Two-Week Giving Extravaganza. Details on the collection items and dates can be found in the flyer below.
Important Dates Coming Up:
11/8 - No School for Students/Teacher In-Service Day
11/17 - 5th Grade Chorus Concert
11/21 - Half-Day for Students/Parent Conferences in the afternoon/Book Fair
11/22 - Half-Day for Students/Parent Conferences in the afternoon and evening/Book Fair
11/23 - No School for Students/Parent Conferences in the morning
11/24-11/25 - No School for Students & Staff - Happy Thanksgiving!!
Kind regards,
Dr. Cruice
Halloween Parade Video
Veterans Day at WTE
Wildcats Give Back Two-Week Giving Extravaganza!!!
As we approach Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and the holiday season, we are coordinating efforts to help those in need. We will have two separate collections during the month of November. The first collection will take place during the week of Veterans Day (Nov 7 - 11) when we'll be collecting personal hygiene items and Halloween candy to donate to the Coatesville Veterans Affairs Office. The second collection will take place the following week during the week of our choral concert. Each grade has been assigned a different food item to collect for the St. Agnes Day Room. Students are asked to bring these items to school during the week of Nov 14th. Attendees at the choral concert are asked to bring an item in from the list as their "ticket" into the concert. Thank you in advance for making our collections a success!!
Book Fair countdown starts now! The Scholastic book fair will be at WTE the week of November 14th! For more information, including volunteer sign ups and setting up a secure eWallet for your shopper, click here. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/westtownthornburyeschool1
Padres Latinos
Attached you will find the invitation to the November Padres Latinos meeting. In December we will meet on the 7th and the topic will be Intro to Special Education Services, with Dr. PJ Dakes.
Rustin High School Diva Dance Workshop
Power Paws
Congratulations to all of our power paw winners pictured below from the last two weeks. These students were selected by their teachers for best representing what it means to be a wildcat by going above and beyond to be safe, respectful, responsible and kind. Great job students!
WCASD Parent Training Series
The Special Education and Pupil Services department will be holding four evening sessions this year for parents. Please see the attached flyers for details. One flyer lists all four sessions and the other is for our first session on October 20th.
Smart Watches/Cell Phones/Personal Technology Devices
🚗 Morning Drop-Off
If you plan to drop your child off at school, drop off begins at 8:30 AM at the back hall entrance by the soccer field on the lower lot. Drop-off ends sharply at 9:00. After 9:00, students will need to enter at the main entrance. Please help us by dropping off your child prior to 9:00 at the drop off location. More detailed instructions for drop of logistics to follow.
🚗 Dismissal and Parent Pick-Up
Dismissal is at 3:40 so the busses will not depart WTE prior to that. In order to get the buses into the school lot, we begin parent pick up at 3:30. Parent pick-up occurs at the same location as morning drop-off on the lower lot by the back soccer field. For a variety of safety reasons, please do not come to school prior to 3:00. The pick-up line begins at the flag pole. Please do not pull all the way up to the gate as there may be students outside. Staff will be there to help direct traffic once we open the gate.
🍽️ National School Lunch Program
The National School Lunch Program application for the 2022-23 school year is now available online. For information regarding the program, visit the WCASD website at https://www.wcasd.net/Page/6842. Contact our school caseworker with any questions or for assistance with the application.
WTE Caseworker: Mrs. Beata Starr - bstarr@wcasd.net
Apply for the NSLP online at https://www.schoolcafe.com
Aplicar en linea en https://www.schoolcafe.com
💲 Activity Fee
The West Chester Area School District has a tradition of offering high-quality extra-curricular programs for students. To support the costs of these programs, an Activity Fee is applied to extra-curricular programs supervised by a contracted coach, advisor, or director. This yearly fee allows a student to participate in one or multiple funded activities, and the maximum amount a family may pay per year is $250. At the elementary level, the activities that require payment of an activity fee for the year are intramurals, chorus, orchestra, and band. Please see the attached letter for additional details and payment information. Payment should not be made until your son or daughter is rostered for the given activity during the school year.