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Friday, December 8, 2023
Holiday Cheer!
Bravo to Eagle Lake second grade students on their holiday performance! Second grade students, under the direction of Mrs. Raska-Selle, presented Winter Spectacular.
The presentation was truly delightful .
One of the AASL national library standards encourages students to become
creators of content, rather than just consumers. Did you know that Lake Michigan College has a maker space that is open to the public? You can sign up for classes or go to open lab times to rent the equipment for a reasonable price. They have everything from sewing machines and woodworking tools to laser cutters and 3D printers. They even have a 3D printer that prints in chocolate! It can be a fun family activity to try different projects without having to invest in expensive equipment yourself. Check out the Fab Lab website to see the schedule and to learn more.
Happy creating!
Miss Thunell
P.E. Corner
3rd Grade Gymnastics Unit
This week, 3rd grade students started a new gymnastics unit. They learned about weight transfers and rotational skills. They were able to warm up with Pac Man tag that helped them work on balance skills. By the end of this unit, they will be able to create their own gymnastics routine.
Multiage Leaping Unit
Multiage started a Leaping Unit. The students were able to play Stuck in the Mud, Fly, and Wriggles. They were able to play Hop and Skip Line Tiggy as well. The focus of this unit is to learn how to properly leap and build up the muscles used in leaping.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Wallick
EPS's newly adopted math program,
Big Ideas Math,
includes online resources for studentsand teachers as well as QR codes to help families understand any homework practiceassignment. Ask your child to show you their math journal. Scan the QR codes from thevarious pages with your phone for access to informational videos and examples that will helpnavigate
“Tis the Season for… Bugs!"
While the cooler temperatures bring relief from bees and mosquitoes, it seems to usher in the return of those harmless, yet pesky, head lice. Just a reminder to do periodic head checks on your child(ren) at home. The health office does not conduct school-wide head checks. They do check students who are sent by a teacher, parent, or who are complaining of an itchy head.
Did you know that lice do not jump, hop, or fly? They crawl. Young children usually interact in very close proximity of each other—which unfortunately helps the bugs travel from head to head. Lice are also spread through the sharing of hats, brushes, towels, pillows, and clothes. It is recommended that children with long hair wear braids or “pony tails.” Please remind your child to keep hats, scarves, etc. in the sleeve of his/her coat while at school—especially if they do not have a locker or have a shared locker.
Our health office has a great deal of information to help parents deal with these pesky critters.
Breakfast and lunch are available daily at the Eagle Lake School.
EPS Mission
Edwardsburg Public Schools will maximize all EDDIES’ potential to be successful in life.
23889 Avenue C
Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Principal: Deborah Becraft