Bison Stampede
Rosemont Weekly Newsletter
10/23/2023 ENGLISH
Our Vision
At Rosemont, our vision is to be an exemplary campus with established leaders that exemplify a commitment to academic excellence and educating the whole child.
Lower Campus
1919 Stevens Forest Drive
Dallas, TX 75208
Upper Campus
911 N Morocco Ave
Dallas, TX 75211
(972) 749-5000
Campus Front Office
From Your Principals
Ms. Benningfield, Lower Campus
Dear families,
This week ends with one of my favorite Rosemont Lower traditions, the Literacy Parade! Students are encouraged to dress up as their favorite story book character to fill our school with different literary heroes. Our hope through this event is to foster a love of reading and learning. As your child prepares for this event, I encourage you to read a book about that character and ask questions about the story as you read. This is a great habit to build with students and create excitement about reading for the whole family. Thank you for helping make reading fun for our bison!
Ms. Munves, Upper Campus
From Your Counselors
The Counseling Department is looking forward to supporting your scholar's social-emotional, academic, and career development growth this year. Could you please complete this brief survey to help us plan and develop quality programs that best meets the needs of your scholar and family. Your input is valuable and your responses are anonymous. Thank you for your time!
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Campus Events
E - Sports (4th & 5th Grade)
Lower Campus (PK - 3)
Upper Campus (4TH - 8TH GRADE)
Lower Campus (PK - 3)
Families are welcome to attend and view the parade outside. There will be a designated family viewing area.
Lunch visitors will not be allowed on: October 27, 30 or 31
Community Events
Special Education Workships
Fam Jam
YouTube Link:
Clubs and Extracurriculars
About Us:
Twitter: LC- RosemontLower UC- RosemontUC