School District 57
From the Desk of the Superintendent

Friday, February 3, 2023
Please view the video above for more information about this initiative.
Dear Families,
Over the past year, District 57 has engaged in the exciting work of developing a Portrait of Graduate, which will define the characteristics and capabilities that each and every District 57 student will have by the time they graduate 8th grade.
To get started, we turned to leading thinkers in this work. This included considering current research from the business world, education, and psychology regarding the traits and capabilities of highly successful, well-rounded individuals.
We collected these descriptors and compared them against content standards in reading, math, science, social studies, & social-emotional learning. Teachers, students, and administrators collaborated to synthesize and sort these terms into meaningful categories to better clarify our vision for a District 57 learner.
We are now over a year into this work and have a solid starting point: a set of terms we believe best describes District 57 graduates.
To help give feedback and inform the refinement of this work,
we are asking stakeholders to TAKE THIS BRIEF SURVEY.
You will be asked to rate select words to best describe your vision for your child’s educational outcomes, along with answering a few additional questions. The deadline to submit feedback through this survey is Monday, February 13.
Your responses to this survey, along with our research and work session outcomes, will move us into the next phase of the process where we will conduct focus groups to ensure we have a District 57 Portrait of a Graduate that fully captures our community’s vision for all children.
Together, we will ensure that each and every District 57 student reaches their fullest potential both in school and in life.
In the Spirit of Education,
Dr. Mary Gorr
Superintendent of Schools
Mount Prospect District 57
Dr. Mary Gorr
Email: mgorr@d57.org
Website: https://www.d57.org/
Location: 701 West Gregory Street, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: 847-394-7300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dist57/
Twitter: @dist57