Falcon Flyer
Fall Creek Intermediate: Feb 4 - 17, 2024
Remember the FOOD FLORIST is at FCI Tuesday, 2/6! Check fundraiser info below!
National School Counseling Week 2/5-9
This week is National School Counseling Week! A huge thank you to Mrs. Sullivan (5th grade) & Mr. Kozloski (6th grade) for all your support at FCI! The collaboration you engage in with students, staff & families is beyond appreciated!!
February 7 is Global Play Day & World Read Aloud Day
Similarly, with collaboration from Ms. Zabonick our teacher librarian, our teams will also we having read-aloud time with our classes. Yet one more important way to encourage reading and literacy for our students.
Bus Safety
This week as a school we turned our focus on safety to bus transportation. We discussed how important it is to allow our bus drivers to be focused as they are driving to get everyone to and from their homes safely each and every day. Our students can do this by following the bus expectations listed on the HSE website's Transportation page. Thank you for your collaboration in working to keep all of our Falcons safe!
Upcoming Dates to Remember!
- Feb 5 - 6:30pm Orchestra Concert
- Feb 6 - 3:30pm Food Florist Fundraiser, 4:00pm Boys' Basketball Banquet, 5:30pm Girls' Basketball Game vs. HIJH @ FCI
- Feb 7 - Global Play Day, World Read Aloud Day
- Feb 8 - 4:30pm Girls' Basketball Game @ Sand Creek Intermediate
- Feb 9 - SOUPer Bowl Pitch-In lunch for FCI Staff by PTO
- February 13 - Author Visit to the FCI Library, FCJ counselor visit to FCI 6th graders, 5:30pm Girls' Basketball Game vs Westfield @ FCI
- Feb 14 - 8:05am Connect, 8:15am Math Bowl Tryout, Student Council
- Feb 15 - 6:30pm Band Concert
FCI Vision ~ All student will learn & grow at high levels!!
Student Handbook Feedback
Every year, we gather input from various stakeholder groups about possible revisions to our Student Handbook. Please consider reviewing our current Student Handbook and offering feedback for enhancement; these suggestions could be revisions, removals, or additions. Please indicate all suggestions in the Student Handbook Feedback form. Thank you for your assistance in this important process!
SOARing Students
This is an opportunity for staff to celebrate students and the many ways that they shine! The Student of the Month Program is a way to acknowledge and celebrate individual achievement. We want it to help create a culture of applying our SOAR mission to their involvement and contributions within their community for others as well as themselves.
Congratulations to our January Winners:
Blake Allen
Samuel Batista
Olivia Beisel
Dmitri Belcher
Aarav Boini
Elsie Crum
Xander Cunanan
Caden Dake
Fred Esser
Max Everson
Kale Fenchak
Liam Ferguson
Taylor Francis Anthony Gutierez Kate Haviza Kennedy Heyman Karly Hogan Lucy Hollin Margaret Kelly Micah Kenmir Opeyemi Ladipo Carter Long Stephanie Madukaife Mason McClure
Bridget McWilliams Makayla Miller Lum Ndofor Vera Oyler Naba Raza Everett Schum Anna Semko Eva Tello Raylon Thornton Devan Welch Shenouda Yassa
Each month a SOAR student's name will be drawn from the weekly SOAR card winners. This student will have the opportunity to celebrate their success with two friends and a provided pizza lunch!
Congratulations to Nafissa Doucoure from Mr. Teal's 5th Grade Class! Her name was drawn for the month of January!
A big thanks to Pizza Hut on Olio Road for providing the pizza for our winners and their friends!
FFES Water Safety Program
Fishers Fire & Emergency Services (FFES) visited FCI to review water and ice safety with the students. During the lesson, the students learned the following:
- how to select and wear a life jacket properly.
- three reasons retention ponds are dangerous.
- how to communicate with guardians so they are informed on child's location and time of return.
- how to properly help someone struggling in the water using the technique - reach, throw, don't go!
To learn more information about the lesson, please visit Canvas: Homepage: Water and Ice Safety - Intermediate
If you have questions, please contact Ashley Heckly, Community Risk Reduction Specialist with FFES, at hecklya@fishers.in.us or 317.595.3219.
Upcoming Author Visit
Author, Saadia Faruqi will visit FCI on February 13th
All students will have an opportunity to see Ms. Faruqi speak the morning of Februry 13th. She will sign books before the visit. Books may be ordered using the attached form. Students may bring in their own copy of a Saadia Faruqi book before the day of her visit. See the attached form for more information.
Thank you,
Terri Zabonick, Teacher Librarian
Band & Orchestra Updates
Orchestra Concert Monday, Feb 5 @ 6:30pm
There will be an ice cream social in the cafe after the concert.
ISSMA Solo - Gold Ratings for Two Falcons!
On January 27, two Fall Creek Falcons participated in the Indiana State School Music Association Solo and Ensemble contest in Westfield, IN. This event is where kids prepare musical solos or small groups consisting of 10 or fewer people and perform it in front of a judge. This judge then gives them a score based on aspects of their performance and depending on that rating will award them a gold, silver, or bronze.
Congratulations to Praveen Eapen (Violin) and Shain Patel (Alto Saxophone), each of them received a Gold Rating for their solos.
We are so proud of these amazing musicians!
Shain Patel
Gold Rating on Alto Saxophone Solo
Praveen Eapen
Gold Rating on Violin Solo
Upcoming Opportunities
Math Bowl 2024
Fall Creek Intermediate will be participating in the Indiana Math Bowl Competition. This academic team is open to all 5th and 6th grade students. Math Bowl requires students to be quick and flexible mathematical thinkers. Students will work in teams to quickly answer a variety of math problems based on Indiana State Standards for grades 4-7. In the 2024 competition, the content areas of focus are algebraic thinking. Print out the attached permission slip and return the lower portion to Mr. Teal by Friday, February 10.
Intramural Volleyball 2024
Come join your friends to learn the game of volleyball! Any 5th or 6th grade student interested who has availability to show up to ALL practices regardless of times may participate. See the attached information and permission slip for more information. Return the bottom portion by Feb 19.
FCI Connect: Spring Semester
Creating Positive Relationships Program
6th grade Creating Positive Relationships Instruction
Creating Positive Relationships (CPR) is a Human Sexuality curriculum developed to build character in young people, empowering them to develop healthy relationships, benefitting their communities and society. The curriculum focuses on teaching students the basics of puberty and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s); personal relationships; physical, emotional, social, and mental health; love vs. crush; and media/technology impact on relationships. This year, the Creating Positive Relationships curriculum will be taught by FCI’s physical education teachers to all 6th grade students during PE rotation beginning at the end of February through the end of March and completed prior to spring break.
Any family that intended to opt-out and not wish for their child to participate in the CPR curriculum must have logged into Skyward and completed out the custom form for CPR. If no response is received prior to the start of CPR instruction, your child will participate in the Creating Positive Relationships curriculum during the February/March timeframe at FCI.
A webinar is available that explains our 6th grade lessons on the Creating Positive Relationships website: https://www.cpr4teens.org/parents/webinar-info/
Should you have questions or concerns about CPR, please contact your child’s PE teacher for more information.
Counselors' Corner
Junior High Counselors to Visit Current 6th Graders
6th grade parents: Rachel Underwood (FCJH counselor) will be visiting FCI on Feb 13 to talk to all 6th graders about the transition to the junior high and 7th grade elective choices. Students will be making their elective choice at the end of this talk on Feb 13. Please talk with your child about electives between now and then (Band, Orchestra, Choir, Art, FACS). Look for more information to be coming out via Parent Square from the junior high staff.
The FCJH Band, Choir, and Orchestra Programs WANT YOU! You have an exciting opportunity to participate in band, choir, or orchestra next year at FCJH. Participants will learn how to read music and how to play an instrument or develop your abilities as a vocalist. Classes will meet at FCJH just like any other academic class. Every student at FCJH receives SOAR time (comparable to our current SGT), even the students in a performance ensemble!!!!! Students who are not currently in band, choir, or orchestra can join at FCJH without any prior experience! Performing Arts classes do not conflict with athletics, clubs, or other extracurricular activities! As a 7th grader you get one elective spot, but in 8th grade you get multiple. So, 7th grade is a great opportunity to join the performing arts and then in 8th grade you can continue to perform and enjoy some of the wonderful electives that are offered as well!
“Research shows that students who participate in musical ensembles at school have higher attendance rates and test scores. Even more, new studies show that making music with peers as part of the school day can lead to increased levels of empathy and can lead to making friends faster!”
All you need to do is put band, choir, or orchestra on your schedule as an elective! Students who are currently in band or orchestra simply need to write down band or orchestra to continue to participate next year!
Grab your friends and don’t miss out on all of the fun! COME BE IN THE PERFORMING ARTS!!
Students in the FCJH Band, Choir, and Orchestra take a trip to Kings Island at the end of the school year!
For questions or more information please contact Mrs. Pietranczyk, Mr. Spidel, Mrs. Hochstetler, or Mr. Wirtz!
Kim Pietranczyk– Choir kpietranczyk@hse.k12.in.us
Brandon Spidel – Band brspidel@hse.k12.in.us
Rachel Hochstetler - Band rhochstetler@hse.k12.in.us
Andy Wirtz – Orchestra awirtz@hse.k12.in.us
SEL lessons
In each Falcon Flyer, we will preview upcoming Social and Emotional Learning lessons that your child & their team will focus on for the next two weeks. Of course, the skills and strategies are interwoven throughout all we do.
6th Grade
February 7
Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions (SS)
Lesson 15: Emotions and Your Brain
Students will be able to describe what happens in their brains when they feel a strong emotion.
February 14
Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions (SS)
Lesson 15: How Emotions Affect Your Decisions
Students will be able to describe how strong emotions can influence the decisions they make
5th Grade
February 7
Empathy and Kindness (SS)
Lesson 12: What’s the Problem?
Students will be able to use empathy to identify problems in their community and the people affected.
February 14
Empathy and Kindness (SS)
Lesson 13: A Different Point of View
Students will be able to describe different points of view to build empathy for the people affected by a community problem.
Don't Miss Out on the Memories!
Yearbook order forms were sent home with students at the start of the semester. Extra paper forms are available to pick up in the front office. Return the paper form with $15 to the office, or you can go online to order this school year's book!
yearbook ID code: 14521424
It is important that you use your child's name that is listed in Skyward along with their SOAR Teacher to facilitate distribution of the yearbooks.
Food Florist Fundraiser - Feb 6
The Food Florist is coming to FCI again on Tuesday, February 6. Stop by the Main Parking Lot between 3:30-5:45 p.m. to place, pay for, and pickup your order. (Cash and credit card accepted.) See the attached Menu to plan in advance!
The Food Florist is a local business featuring prepares comfort food using local, organic and all natural ingredients. All items are frozen and cooks right from the freezer in the pans provided. So easy and delicious! These meals are perfect for busy families, gifts for friends, someone having surgery or a new baby, or for gatherings!
If you have any questions, reach out to Jen White at secretary@ptofci.org.
On Friday, February 9, the FCI PTO is treating the staff to a SOUPer Bowl Lunch. We're planning to provide soups, salads, and desserts for the staff (around 90 people). We're asking for families to sign-up to contribute soups, salads, desserts, and partyware utensils. All items should be dropped off at school by 9:00 a.m. on Friday, February 9. Please label any items you would like returned to you. Items will be available for pick-up at 3:30 p.m. You can sign-up at the link below.
Please contact staffappreciation@ptofci.org if you have any questions.
SOUPer Bowl donation sign-up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45AEA62BA0FEC07-47695005-fcistaff
Sandstone Neighborhood - we thank you for stocking our staff lounge!
Get Involved at FCI with the PTO
FCI will be celebrating Falcon Fridays (Spirit Day) once a month. On Falcon Fridays students and staff are encouraged to show their Falcon pride by wearing FCI gear or school colors.
Falcon Fridays will be the first Friday of each month starting in September, unless the first Friday falls during an HSE scheduled break.
We look forward to seeing your Falcon Pride each month!
Help us treat the FCI Staff! We are looking for neighborhoods, or groups of families, willing to stock the lounge each month with pre-packaged snacks and drinks.
Questions should be directed to snacks@ptofci.org
The PTO is planning for the 2023-24 school year! We are asking all Falcon families to please complete a short survey to help us in these efforts.
Please click this link to access the survey, committee descriptions/responsibilities, and additional information throughout the year.
Link to survey: https://forms.gle/PD2KRzLKFAMGLY7M8
Find more information from the PTO here: @ptofci | Linktree
YMCA 2024 World Fair Event
Attached is a flyer for the YMCA 18th annual World Fair for 2024. This is a free community event hosted at Fishers High School by our Before and After School care team. We would love for you to join us for this wonderful event! The date is March 9, 2024!
Thank you,
Alexandria Reel
Cell: 317.420.9358
The Y: We're for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
Lost & Found
Many items have once again accumulated in our hallways and in the lost & found area at FCI. Check in with your child to see if they have all of their items like lunch boxes, water bottles, sweatshirts, and jackets. There is also an assortment of smaller lost items in the main office such as headphones and jewelry.
Snack Attack Sign Up
Fishers Youth Assistance Program (FYAP) is offering a free weekend snack program for youth attending one of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools who qualify for the reduced lunch program or have increased need during this time.
To be part of this free program, you must sign up your family online. https://forms.gle/ZDZ4mtJ2sXoaRRRx6
If you have any questions about the registration, please email fyapfood@gmail.com
What's Happening @ the Creek
LEARNING REPORTS come home this week!! (2/5-9) Please look for this from your child to engage in a reflective conversation of their current academic and social progress.
Monday, February 5, rot I
- 8:15-9:00am - Choir practice
- 2:00-3:00pm - PTO meeting
- 4:00-5:00pm - Girl Scout meeting (Troop 4921)
- 6:30pm - Orchestra Concert
Tuesday, February 6, rot I
- 3:30-5:45pm - Food Florist Fundraiser (main parking lot)
- 4:00-6:00pm - Boys' Basketball celebration (cafe)
- 5:30-7:30pm - Girls' basketball game home vs. HIJ (rescheduled from 1/22)
Wednesday, February 7, rot I
Global Play Day & World Read Aloud Day
- 4:00-6:00pm - Girls basketball practice
Thursday, February 8, rot I
- 9:30-10:00am - 6th grade Falcon Pulse (meet in 5th grade science lab)
- 10:15-10:45am - 5th grade Falcon Pulse (meet in 5th grade science lab)
- 4:30-6:30pm - Girls' basketball game @ SCI
Friday, February 9, rot I
- 7:30-9:00am - Girls' basketball practice
Monday, February 12, rot I
- 8:15-9:00am - Choir
- 4:00-5:30pm - Girls' Basketball practice
Tuesday, February 13, rot I
8:30-11:50 - Special Author visit
- 2:30-3:40 – FCJ counselor visit
- 5:30-7:30pm - Girls' basketball game @ FCI
Wednesday, February 14, rot I
- 8:15-9:05am - FCI Connect
- 8:15-9:05am - Student Council
- 8:15-9:00am - Math Bowl Try-outs
- 4:00-5:00pm - Girl Scout Meeting troop 4321
- 4:00-5:30pm - Girls' Basketball practice
Thursday, February 15, rot I
- 9:50-10:30am - Band/orchestra/FCJ student convocation
- 6:30pm - Band Concert
Friday, February 16, rot I
- 7:30-9am - Girls' basketball practice
- 8:15-9:00am - Math Bowl Try-outs
Monday, February 19
No School - President's Day
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Find directions to apply for Free or Reduced Lunch.
Want to make a difference for our schools? Join the Food Services Team!
Work when your kids are in school and be off when they are. Food service is looking for full and part-time employees to work a school year schedule. Positions are available at various schools and includes a free lunch.
Apply @ https://www.applitrack.com/hamiltonse/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Food+Service
Late Arrival Drop-Off
Early Dismissal
Transportation Changes
Drop-off and Pick-up
Morning Drop-off
- Students may enter the cafeteria beginning at 8:45am.
- If you arrive early to have your child enter at 8:45am, please do not park right in front of the cafe doors. Pull all the way to the end of the curb near the handicap parking spaces. Look for a cone to be added to the curb as a guide this week so you know where to pull up to.
- If you want to arrive early but NOT have your child enter the building before 9:05am, please do NOT park along the curb. This creates issues with traffic flow as well as safety issues. You may opt to park in the parking lot then join the line when you are ready to drop your child off for school.
- Students should exit the vehicle from the curb side for safety.
Afternoon Pick-up
- Pull all the way up to the end of the curb. Look for a cone to be added to the curb as a guide this week so you know where to pull up to.
- Do NOT stop early/mid-way on the curb as it slows down the pick-up line and keeps traffic flowing into the parking lot. Pull to the end of the curb nearest the handicap parking.
- Students are instructed to meet you at the end of the curb when your vehicle stops.
- Students should enter the vehicle from the curb side for safety.
We will continue to work with students to pay attention to look for your vehicles to move pick-up along in the afternoon.
FCI Drop-off/Pick-Up
Please ensure that you are staying within the cones during drop-off and pick-up. This means patiently waiting in the "zipper" lines as well as not going around the cones at the ends of the aisles regardless of time of day. Students should also exit & enter vehicles on the side nearest the curb.
Additionally, when entering and exiting our parking lot, please be extremely cautious. This is why it is suggested that all travel northbound to both enter and then when exiting our parking lot. Doing otherwise, makes it challenging to enter & exit across the traffic on Olio especially with the traffic into and out of Fall Creek Junior High.
All of our practices are constructed for the safety of our students & families! Let's remember that our children are watching! We can set the good example! Thank you, Falcon family!
Safety Reminders
- Buzzer protocol - When you ring the buzzer for entry, remember that the office staff will ask you your name, intent, child's name/homeroom to ensure those that enter FCI should enter.
- Photo ID - Whether picking up or dropping off, please have photo ID such as your driver's license ready for identification purposes.
- Door 1 entry - All visitors must enter via door 1 regardless of time of day. Please do not come in the cafeteria door with students before school.
- Bus lot - Do not enter the bus lot prior to bus arrival or while buses are in the lot.
- Drop-off - Please make all attempts possible to have your child exit your vehicle on the side of the curb. Exit the opposite side and walking in between cars is not safe.
Safe Visitor Badges
Per HSE Policy, visitors and volunteers must have their Safe Visitor Badge scanned by office staff to check-in to the building.
If you do not have a Safe Visitor Badge, please find the directions to apply for one listed here https://www.hseschools.org/departments/school-safety under Visiting and Volunteering.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tobi Fields at 317-594-4100.
Mental Health Concerns
If you or someone you know is at risk of self-harm, suicide, or harmful towards others, please contact one of the following (All lines are free, confidential, and available 24/7):
Community Health Network - Call 800-662-3445 or Text HELPNOW to 20121
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - Call 800-273-8255
LookUP - Call 800-284-8439 or Text LookUp to 494949
Mental Health Issues are common and treatable. Hamilton Southeastern Schools has a contract with Community Health Network and has a mental health therapist working with students in each of our schools. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your school’s school counselor for further information.
Non-Discrimination & Non-Harassment Information
All students in HSE Schools deserve to come to school free of fear and to feel safe to be their authentic selves. Discrimination of any type is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated at HSEHS Schools – this includes sexual harassment (Title IX) and discrimination based on disabilities or race (Titles II and VI).
If students ever experience any type of harassment, we ask that they report this immediately to an administrator, school counselor or trusted adult. Beyond reporting directly to building officials, HSE Schools has an entire support system in place for filing concerns and complaints, which can be located on our District website. https://www.hseschools.org/about/legal-notes
All About FCI
Assistant Principal - Mr. Marc Williams (mwilliams@hse.k12.in.us)
Email: FCI-General@hse.k12.in.us
Website: https://fci.hseschools.org/
Location: 12011 Olio Road Fishers, IN 46037
Phone: (317) 915-4220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fall-Creek-Intermediate-Falcons/536020973132615
Twitter: @FCI_Falcons