Will Rogers Roundup
For the week of November 27, 2023
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Mon. 11/27 First Day return after Thanksgiving Break
Thurs. 11/30 ELAC meeting @8:30 a.m.
Thurs. 11/30 School Site Council Meeting @ 3:10 p.m
Fri. 12/1 School-wide BMX Assembly for anti-bullying @ 9:45 a.m.
Sun. 12/3 Family Farming Day 10am-2pm
Wed. 12/6 PTA Executive Board Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
Thurs. 12/7 4th grade VAPA Music Winter Informances at 1:45 p.m. for parents. in classrooms.
Fri. 12/8 Groundbreaking Ceremony and School-wide Assembly @9:45 a.m. Parents and community are invited!
Fri. 12/8 Earthquake Drill @1:00 p.m.
Thurs. 12/12 5th grade VAPA Music Winter Informances at 2:00 p.m. for parents in the auditorium.
Mon. 12/18 School Tour For Prospective new parents RSVP here @ 9:00 a.m.
Thurs. 12/21 Grade Level Winter Choral Concerts (in the auditorium)
- 8:30 a.m. TK/ Kindergarten
- 9:00 a.m. 1st Grade
- 9:30 a.m. 4th and 5th grades
10:30 a.m. 2nd and 3rd grades
12/25- 1/5 Winter Break
SMMUSD 2023-2024 Calendar
Join us for a School-Wide Assembly and Groundbreaking Ceremony on Dec. 8th @ 9:45 a.m. on the big yard! Parents and community members are invited.
PHASE 1 construction area: In preparation for Phase 1 of construction, which is set to begin during winter break, more temporary fencing was installed around the trailers to indicate the area is off limits. Students will be directed to play away from this area.
Shade structure update: We are progressing with installation of the shade structure on the 1st grade yard. Once it is completed we will have an outdoor eating area for our students.
Portable restroom installation: TBD. Sometime between now and winter break, I will keep you updated.
BIKE IT WALK IT! Amazing Growth and Participation
Keep it up ECO defenders! We are inching closer to the GOLDEN SNEAKER! We went from 8th place to 3rd place! Last Spring we had 56% participation, and this Fall we increased to 73%. So proud of our community!
International Baccalaureate (IB) Program of Inquiry Units of Study
Most grade levels are working on either their 2nd or 3rd unit. Here's what each grade level worked on this past week.
Kindergarten - The students learned about severe vs. regular weather. The students also had their Holiday Festival.
First Grade - The students learned about sound sources. They had a STEM Lab where they observed sound sources (see pictures below).
Second Grade - The students observed mystery glue. They also introduced to the Engineering Cycle.
Third Grade - The students participated in a live discussion with a National Geographic Wildlife Biologist. These weekly discussions tie into their Sharing the Planet unit where students will learn about endangered animals.
Fourth Grade - The students came to the STEM Lab to create a second layer for their sedimentary rock layer (see pictures below).
Fifth Grade - The students learned about healthy and unhealthy soil at the farm and created their final project where they shared what they learned about decomposers, producers, and consumers in our farm ecosystem.
California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
Every year, our district asks our staff and families to complete the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), an anonymous, confidential survey of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency. Your input is very important to us. Please go to this link for more information. Use this link to complete the survey. We really appreciate your time and input on this.
Cada año, nuestro distrito les pide a nuestro personal y familias que completen la Encuesta de Niños Saludables de California (CHKS), una encuesta anónima y confidencial sobre el entorno y la seguridad escolares, el bienestar de los estudiantes y la capacidad de recuperación de los jóvenes. Su opinión es muy importante para nosotros. Por favor haga clic en este enlace para más información. Haga clic en este enlace para realizar la encuesta. Agradecemos su tiempo y aportes en esto. Por favor, háganos saber si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡Muchisimas Gracias!
Support the SAMOHI JV and Varsity Girls Basketball Team
Friday, December 15 our JV and Varsity Girls will be hosting a HOME game vs. Venice High. We will be planning a Family Night and want to invite students from the elementary & middle schools to come cheer for the "big kids!" My daughter is a Kindergartner at Will Rogers and she loves being around the "big kids" at practice with me. So we think this would be a good time to introduce all the littles in the district to our team and hopefully a big WIN against Venice!
Our ticket sales are usually $8/$5, but we are going to sell discounted tickets for everyone at $3/person. I will be sharing more information, flyer, and QR code to purchase digital tickets by the end of the week. I would love it if you would help spread the word to your students when the information comes. We would love to see all of you at a game this year if you can make it out! Here is our season schedule if you want to come check us out! Here is our roster, too. You may find some familiar names to cheer for!
Go Vikings!
Coach Radford
Will Rogers Learning Community is dedicated to creating a cooperative community where students can learn the value of conflict, strategies for managing conflict, and problem solving skills for win-win solutions to conflict. Near the close of last school year students in 3rd and 4th grades, nominated peers to be trained as a Peacemaker. We encouraged students to apply based on their desire to help others and their school. Peacemakers are current 4th and 5th grade peer mediators who are trained in mediation and negotiation skills in order to assist other students in resolving conflicts peacefully.
We are very proud of our Peacemakers for their dedication and support of the community at Will Rogers. They are easy to spot on the yard proudly wearing their Peacemaker jackets ready for service!
If you have any questions about this valuable program you can reach out to our school counselor Khatija Dadabhoy kdadabhoy@smmk12.org who helps facilitate this NEW program!
"Oops, I forgot!" table
Mornings are busy and sometimes students leave for school without their water bottle, instrument or homework. In an effort to reduce classroom interruptions and to support students with developing responsibility, please use our "Oops, I forgot" table. It is located outside the main office.
Make a plan with your child that if they leave something at home, a parent may drop it off in the office. We will place their labeled item on the "Oops, I forgot table." During their recess or on their way to lunch, they may check the table for a forgotten item.
Please communicate this plan with your child, so they know there is place for parents to drop-off items they may have left at home!
If you would like to help us with art cart during Tuesday lunchtime, please volunteer using the link below:
Looking for parent volunteers at LUNCHTIME!
We could use your support at recess lunchtime! If you would like to volunteer your time to support our students during recess or lunch, please complete this Google Form. We can really use your help and it can be a lot of fun! You can facilitate an organized game and just be there to support students as they play with each other. If you have already been cleared as a volunteer, you’ll meet with our assistant principal, Ms. González, to review yard expectations before starting. If you have not been cleared, you’ll need to complete the process to be a volunteer. Yard expectations will now be included as part of the volunteer training. Our volunteer training dates are listed on our school calendar.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Gabriela González, M. Ed, NBCT
Assistant Principal
We are looking for volunteers!
If you are looking for a way to volunteer or want more information please fill out our volunteer form. If you have any questions please email our Volunteer VP Jessica Lew at
volunteers@willrogerspta.com. https://forms.gle/CRHSPjfZymg2c846A
Yearbook Preorder!
Don't miss out on your chance to save 10% on the Will Rogers Community Yearbook! Order yours before October 31st to save! You'll get two free custom pages to customize by April 15th. Any questions, please reach out to wrlcyearbook@gmail.com
Salvation Army Angel Tree Program
Contact Us
Email: ldaruty@smmusd.org
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/rogers
Location: 2401 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90406
Phone: 310-452-2364
Twitter: @WillRogersSTEM