Thompson Friday Forecast
December 17, 2021
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
Winter Break
Winter break begins at the end of the day today and will run through Friday, December 31, 2021. Teachers will return to school on Monday, January 3, 2022, but that is a non-attendance day for students. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. Enjoy your winter break! The main office will be open on December 20th - 22nd and December 27th - 29th.
Fall Sports
As our second set of fall sports comes to an end, I would like to thank the athletes, parents, and coaches for their dedication and flexibility during this season. Our wrestling season ends tomorrow as Thompson will be hosting the DeKoyer Classic beginning at 9:00 am. Congratulations to all of our student athletes on a successful season!
Third Quarter
The third quarter begins when we return from winter break. Winter break provides a great opportunity for family discussions about academic progress and encouraging your student to start the next quarter strong. Please contact your child’s teachers or guidance counselor if you have any questions. Please have your child check Home Access Center to verify their third quarter classes on January 4th!
Thompson PTO
Thank you to all of the Thompson families who provided cookies for our staff this week. We appreciate all of the time you spent baking for us! Our sincerest thanks goes out to the entire PTO for their continued support and partnership.
The Gift of Time!
During this winter break, please be sure to connect with your middle schooler. Listen to what your children are saying and enjoy their company during this family time. School breaks provide the great gift of TIME and the opportunity for parents to catch up with kids and assess how things are going. I wish each and every one of you a safe and restful winter break! See you on January 4th!
January PTO Meeting
Please join us for a Thompson PTO meeting on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 from 9:00 - 10:00 am. Meetings are virtual and all are welcome! If you would like to attend, please email Shannon Puri or Kim Walters for a link to the virtual meeting.
From the PTO…Stock the Staff Lounge
The PTO would like to stock the staff lounge to help welcome back our Thompson faculty in the new year! We are looking for drink and snack donations. All food and drinks must be wrapped in individual servings. Donations should be dropped off at the Thompson office between Monday, January 3, 2022 and Friday, January 7, 2022.
Thank you for helping us support the amazing staff a Thompson Middle School!
PTO Thank You Message
Important Safety Reminder for TMS Parents
When it comes to issues that concern students and/or school safety, “If you see something, say something - immediately”. On a school day during staffed hours (7:30 am - 4:00 pm), the student, parent, or community member should call the school and/or seek an administrator ASAP for prompt action. If this information emerges outside of the school day, please call 911 immediately. The safety and wellbeing of our Thompson community is always our top priority!
Thompson Yearbooks
Every year, Thompson students publish a Thompson yearbook. Students who decide to purchase a yearbook are given this keepsake at the end of the school year. Buying a yearbook is optional and not all students choose to own one. The price of the yearbook is $25.
The Peer Leadership Program for Incoming St. Charles East Freshmen
Dear Parents of 8th Graders Attending East,
Peer Leadership is an extracurricular program that matches selected incoming freshmen with juniors and seniors who make the transition into high school fun and easy and mentor them throughout the year. Because this program meets during the school day, it has to be put into a student’s schedule when registering for next year’s classes. Although we would like to be able to offer this to all interested incoming freshmen, our numbers are limited by available classroom space and our budget. Therefore, in order to start the selection process, interested students should apply using the application found at the bottom of the Friday Forecast.
If your child is interested in the program, please fill out the application and e-mail it to Jim Reed, the Peer Leadership Coordinator ( Completed applications must be received no later than Tuesday, January 11, 2022. For more information about Peer Leadership, please attend Future Saints Night in January.
We hope to hear from you!
E-Learning Plan and Emergency Days
The School Board has approved an E-Learning plan that gives the district the option to offer remote learning in place of emergency days. Currently, our last day of school is Tuesday, May 24, which is the week before Memorial Day. As we move into the winter months, we want to update you on the plan for how the district will manage emergency days and e-learning days.
If we experience inclement weather, the first three days will be “snow days” that will be made up at the end of the school year on May 25, 26, and 27 as needed.
Subsequent emergency days will be remote days so the last attendance day will still be before Memorial Day.
If there is a long stretch of inclement weather (blizzard, polar vortex, etc.), we may split the days into “snow days” and e-learning days so as to not have too many non-attendance days in a row.
Dates to Remember
Monday, December 21 - Friday, December 31 - Winter Break
Monday, January 3 - No School for Students (Teacher Work Day)
Tuesday, January 4 - Start of the 3rd Quarter
Wednesday, January 5 - PTO Meeting (Virtual) - 9:00 -10:00 am
Wednesday, January 5 - Future Saints Night - St. Charles East 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Wednesday, January 5 - Future North Star Night - St. Charles North
Monday, January 17 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Tuesday, January 18 - School Improvement Day (No school for students)
Wednesday, January 26 - MS Early Release Day
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Ms. Lindsay Mortensen - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100