The River Hawk
Rio Norte News - August 18, 2023
A Note From the Principal
Good Morning River Hawk Families,
We hope it was a great second week for all of our River Hawk students! I am really enjoying talking to students and am working on trying to learn as many names as I can. I appreciate their graciousness as I learn how to pronounce some of their names or try to remember the nicknames they go by. They have all been really wonderful about it!
Please take a moment to chat with your student about two things our entire staff have been working hard to warn students about before consequences are issued:
- Gum - our school has a No Gum policy. It was explained to students in the Class Talks that this means no gum on campus, not just no gum in class. We have a vast number of students, especially in 8th grade, that are being caught with gum in class, largely right after brunch or lunch. Even after reminders and warnings our teachers are continuing to see the gum in class. Staff is now starting the process of informing parents for repeat offenses and the next step, if it continues to be an issue, would be a referral to our 7th or 8th grade Assistant Principal - we want to avoid it getting to that point. On Monday I will speak to students about this on RioTV and am encouraging them to not have it in their backpack, so that the temptation isn't there.
- Personal Device Policy - our school policy is very clear that students are not to use devices on campus unless they have a staff member's permission and students were clearly warned we would begin taking devices away. The locker room is still a part of our campus and devices are not to be used there either. We know everyone is adjusting, but we will work with any student that has a need. They can go to the office, a teacher, or staff member and we can help for any challenge they are facing. Please take some time to remind your student to not check their device/s until they walk out of the school gates at dismissal. Once they've left the exterior gate, they can take a moment to turn the device on and look for messages from their parent or carpool. I will also talk to students about this on Monday and note that most students are doing a great job!
Please partner with us to ensure your student is complying with school rules and feel free to watch my address to our River Hawks on Monday after 8:30 a.m. on RioTV. We all thank you for your help and support!
Finally, Thursday, August 31st is Back to School Night. It is also a minimum day with school dismissing at 12:05 p.m., so teachers can make final preparations for parents. This is an evening where parents will follow your students' 6 period schedule and hear 10 minute presentations from each of their teachers. The opening program will begin at 6:15 p.m., with the first period class presentation starting at 6:35 p.m. Additionally, we will be hosting the Book Fair starting at 6:00 p.m. in our library. We look forward to seeing our families back on campus!
In this issue learn more about:
- Important Dates
- Back to School Luau Details
- Rio Robotics Club - 25 Score Cards
- Library News
- PTSA News
- SCV Community Health Fair
- SAFETY - Please Slow Down in our Neighborhoods
- Repeat of: Importance of Attendance, Parent Square, Care Text (and email), City Bus information, and Rio Merchandise Back to School Sale
Have a great weekend and stay safe and dry. Hard to believe I'm saying that in August!
Take care,
Mrs. Bennett
Important Dates
Now through Sept 7th:
- Back to School Rio Merchandise Sale (see flyer at the bottom of the newsletter)
August 24th:
- Book Fair Begins - in the library
August 25th:
- Back To School Luau 6-8 p.m. (see details below)
August 28th:
- School Fundraiser Assembly
August 31st:
- Back to School Night
September 1st:
- Club Rush Day at Lunch in the quad
September 4th:
- Labor Day Holiday - No School
- PTSA General Association Meeting 5-6 p.m. via Zoom - link to come later
September 8th:
- End of Quarter 1 Progress Reporting Period
CLICK HERE for a printable copy of the calendar pictured.
Back to School Luau
***Please note: the school dress code AND Personal Device Policy still apply at all school events. Once students exit the event they can use their devices for pick-up. If a student needs to call a parent prior, they should go to an adult and we will help them do so.
Help Rio Robotics!
Interested in joining? Rio Robotics meets after school from 2:45-4 p.m. Mon., Tue., Thur., and some Fridays. Contact Mr. St Peter at jstpeter@hartdistrict.org for any questions!
Library News
Save the Date!
Our Scholastic Book Fair will take place August 24th - September 1st. All students will visit the Fair with their English class (they can ask their teacher for their assigned date), and students are also invited to come browse during our regular open hours. Parents will also have an opportunity to visit at Back To School Night, so come on by the library from 6-8:15 p.m.!
Library Hours are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday = 7:45am - 3:30pm
Wednesday (early release) = 7:45am - 1:30pm
Need a new student ID? Go to the library. Replacements are $5 and all proceeds go to the library.
Parents we need your help to provide snacks and beverages to our ASB for the upcoming Back to School Luau. Please consider donating - see the Sign-up Genius Link below!
We still invite you to become a part of our PTSA family! Each student that signs up will also enjoy fantastic monthly incentives. Our first, a popsicle party, was held this past week. Simply visit JOIN PTSA and follow the steps to become a member today.
Please click this link to our PTSA Facebook page for updated information throughout the year.
Questions? Please email: rionorteptsa@gmail.com
Community Health Fair
Please note, Ms. McDaniel's email address is always at the bottom of every newsletter by the Rio Norte information.
Parent Square
Care Text
NOTE: Life-threatening and critically urgent issues should immediately be directed to the office during business hours or the appropriate agencies after hours, as texts and emails might not be seen until the next business day.
Thomas Flores, 8th grade Assistant Principal
Shonna August, 7th grade Assistant Principal
ATTENDANCE Needs: Email lmcdaniel@hartdistrict.org
Email: bjbennett@hartdistrict.org
Website: https://www.rionortejuniorhigh.org/
Location: 28771 Rio Norte Dr, Valencia, CA, USA
Phone: 661-295-3700
Nondiscrimination Statement / Declaración de no discriminación
The William S. Hart Union High School District prohibits unlawful discrimination against and/or harassment of any student, employee, or job applicant on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, military or veteran status, political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, or any other basis prohibited by state and federal nondiscrimination laws, respectively, at any District site and/or activity. The William S. Hart Union High School District also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. All inquiries regarding discrimination, civil rights, Title II, and/or Title IX should be directed to Mark Crawford, Director of Human Resources. Complaints regarding 504 plans should be directed to Erum Velek, Director of Student Services and Equity. Both can be reached at the William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, or by phone (661) 259-0033, or by email: UCP@hartdistrict.org.
El Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias William S. Hart Union prohíbe la discriminación ilegal y/o el acoso de cualquier estudiante, empleado o solicitante de empleo basado en raza actual o percibido, el color, el origen étnico, el origen nacional, el estado migratorio, la ascendencia, la religión, la edad, estado civil, embarazo, estado parental, discapacidad física o mental, condición médica, estado militar o de veterano, afiliación política, sexo, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, información genética, orientación sexual o cualquier otra base, prohibida por leyes estatales y federales. Leyes de no discriminación, respectivamente, en cualquier sitio y/o actividad del Distrito. El Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias William S. Hart Union también proporciona igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados. Todas las consultas sobre discriminación, derechos civiles, Título II y/o Título IX deben dirigirse a Mark Crawford, Director de Recursos Humanos. Las quejas relacionadas con los planes 504 deben dirigirse a Erum Velek, Director de Equidad y Servicios Estudiantiles. Se puede comunicar con ambos en William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Center Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, o por teléfono (661) 259-0033, o por correo electrónico: UCP@hartdistrict.org.