Troy Adventist Academy
Educating for this world and the next.
Thank you for your interest in Troy Adventist Academy. Our hope is to lead as many students to Jesus as possible.
This is an information newsletter with many links and PDF files for you to get the information and forms you need, all in one place.
Be sure to check the TAA Handbook, below, for all of our policies and much more.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Denise Moore, Principal.
Included you will find:
- God's Word to Encourage
- TAA Philosophy
- TAA Handbook 2023-2024
- 2023-2024 School Calendar
- Registration Forms (PDF Links)
- Parent Volunteer Forms
- Guest Student Form
- 3 Keys to Adventist Education
Dates to remember:
- Registration Night is August 2, 2023 from 4-6, but call NOW and save your seat!
- First Day of School 2023-2024 - August 21, 2023
Don't forget:
- Check out our website TAA.education
- Be sure to like & follow our Facebook Page @TroyAdventistAcademy
- Mrs Moore's email dmoore@misda.org
God's Word to Encourage
TAA Philosophy
At Troy Adventist Academy (TAA) our philosophy is very simple – we want every student who passes through our doors to have the best of both worlds.
We provide an education unsurpassed in its academic excellence, one that will prepare each student to step unashamed into any academic circle after he/she leaves. We desire that each student will learn to think his/her own thoughts rather than merely mirror the ideas of others. We will make it part of our curriculum to show each student how to get along with others, how to keep his/her body and mind healthy, how to work hard, and how to make good decisions about life. We will teach our students how to be good citizens of the world they live in today.
We seek to help our students fulfill what we feel is the ultimate goal of education – to recreate in each person the image of God who created him. We want each child to grow spiritually, as well as physically, mentally, and socially. We will try by word and example to show each child how to love God best of all, and to show his/her love in a life of service to others. We will teach our students how to be good citizens of the world to come.
TAA 2023-2024 Handbook
2023-2024 School Calendar
Student Supply List 2023-2024
Student Enrollment Forms BELOW
Student Enrollment Form & Behavior Contract
Note: Student's Social Security Number need NOT to be filled in.
Technology & Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Nonmedical Waiver Rules for Immunizations Info Sheet
Student Birth Certificate Verification Form
Permission to Administer Over-the-Counter Medications
Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan - Download Form below
Parent Volunteer Forms Below
Driver Information Form (for Field Trips)
Sterling Volunteers
Click to go to their website Sterling Volunteers.
All volunteers who work with or drive students must complete a background check. This ensures the safety of our students. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer.
Guest Student Form 2023-2024
Guest Student Application 2023-2024
Adventist Education
The Message Drives the Mission
1. Bring students to the foot of the cross.
2. Quality at all levels.
3. Train students in the message and mission of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
from the Michigan Conference
Troy Adventist Academy
Email: dmoore@misda.org
Website: TAA.education
Location: 2777 Crooks Road, Troy, MI, USA
Phone: 248-563-2214
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TroyAdventistAcademy/?ref=bookmarks