Knightly News: EXCEL
Week of September 19th
Creating a Culture of Excellence
THE 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR!
Note all students should:
- arrive on time-8:20 start time
- Have a one card to scan on the bus, at arrival to school, and at lunch-Lost card replacement is $5
- Have an agenda to transition in the building, to write assignments and to be signed weekly by parents--LOST AGENDAS- PURCHASE NEW ONE FOR $2
- exhibit the attributes of EXCEL
X- eXpress Respect--treat others and self with Kind words and actions
C-Commit to Learn-engage in class discussions and activities, complete assignments, ask quesitons...
E-Exercise Responsibility-be prepared with all materials
L-Lead with Courage
- Leave all distractions at home or put away in bookbag (ex. phone)
- be picked up by 3:35 pm if a car rider (3:20 pm dismissal)
Dressed for Success
- no hats or hoods in the building
- no holes above the knee unless something is worn underneath
- no crop tops or spaghetti straps
- straps around the back of the foot for all shoes with straps
Positive Dojo Points begin this week!!--ARE YOU CONNECTED!!
Shout out this week to Ms. Hunters classes!!! We have 140 total parents connected let's double this number this week!! Reach out if you need assistance on how to connect.
immunizations and Health Assessments--Does this apply to you?
Shout out to the SGMS athletes who have exemplified EXCEL at our first games/matches. Keep up the good work.
Volleyball/Soccer games at HPAC for soccer and Ferndale for Volleyball on 9/22 @ 4:45 pm
Football @ Western 9/21 @ 5 pm
FALL FAMILY FUN!! Mark your calendar!
Calendar Communication
- Looking ahead:
- MAP Testing 9/27 and 9/28
- Title 1 Night 9/29
Our administrative team is available to assist with any and all SGMS questions or concerns. You may reach us at 336-674-4266 or by email. We love your partnership please reach out if you have suggestions or shout outs for our amazing staff.
Lorie Rainey, Assistant (students with last names G-O)
James Moore, Assistant (students with last names A-F)
Immunization Press Release
Offering Final Back-To-School Immunization Clinics For Children Facing Exclusion
The Guilford County Division of Public Health (GCDPH) is offering parents a final round of back-toschool-immunization clinics for children facing exclusion from school.
Please see immunization clinic schedule below:
Greensboro Health Department 1100 E. Wendover Ave, 27405 4:30 – 6:30 PM
High Point Health Department 501 E Green Dr, 27260 4:30 – 6:30 PM
Monday, Sept. 19 – Thursday, Sept. 22
Monday, Sept. 26 – Thursday, Sept. 29
Appointments are strongly encouraged and can be scheduled by calling 336-641-3245. Please also remember to bring your child’s immunization/ vaccination record and proof of insurance or Medicaid coverage (if available) to your appointment.
Please call 336-641-4801 for questions about immunization fees. Regular clinic appointments are also available from 8 AM – 5 PM (Monday – Friday). Appointments are required.