Cougar News! October Updates
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible! 10/26/22
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Principal's Message
The Lorin Eden Halloween Parade will happen on Monday 10/31 from 10:45--11:15am. Parents are welcome to join us as we follow a route on the playground. Green gates will open around 10:35, and all classes will take two tours around the route. See below for costume guidance.
Altar for Dia de los Muertos
Lorin Eden is hosting a community altar and we encourage all families, not just ones who traditionally celebrate Dia de los Muertos, to leave a picture or other non-perishable item on the altar in our Cafeteria. These items, known as 'ofrendas', represent a gift to the deceased and can be their favorite items or foods.
Halloween/Dia de los Muertos celebrations - please no food
Thank you for your cooperation!
School Site Council (SSC) - Meeting October 27th
All are welcome to attend - please join! Meeting ID: 941 7020 3240 Passcode: 143943 One tap mobile +16694449171,,94170203240#,,,,*143943# US +16699006833,,94170203240#,,,,*143943# US (San Jose)
SSC Parent Representative Nominations Needed
It is very important to have 5 community members/parents part of this group. Lorin Eden will be holding elections to fill the vacant positions.
If you are interested please follow this link to the SSC Parent Interest Form.
Halloween Parade/Costume Guidelines
Our Halloween Parade will happen 10:45-11:15 on Monday October 31 and Parents are welcome to attend - access will be provided through the Green Gates at 10:35am. Send your student dressed in their costume - they will not have time to change before the parade.
Students who are planning to wear a costume should observe the following rules: any make-up, hair coloring spray, etc. must be applied prior to arriving at school. No special "blood" effects will be allowed. Masks that cover the entire face or costumes covering the entire face are not allowed. Weapons (plastic, real, or any items resembling a weapon) will not be allowed. Please keep in mind that any costumes must be appropriate for school, meaning they are respectful to yourself and to others. Remember we have Preschoolers and Kindergarteners in our community -- Save the very scary costumes and makeup to enjoy Halloween night.
Lorin Eden welcomes parent volunteers! Volunteers are needed for field trips and other school activities throughout the year. The success of your children depends on your participation. If you would like to volunteer, please download and fill out the online Volunteer Packet or come to the office for a Volunteer Packet.
HUSD Volunteer Procedure
- Complete a TB Test and return the results to the school Office Manager or Attendance Clerk
- Complete and turn in a Volunteer Application
- Make an appointment with the district office to be fingerprinted and cleared to volunteer (there is a one-time $61 fee for fingerprinting)
- Once your fingerprints have cleared, you can volunteer. NOTE: Additional steps are required for chaperoning on school field trips
- Parents should always communicate with teachers before going to classrooms to volunteer
LOST AND FOUND - Pick up by 10/31
COVID Testing in front of Lorin Eden - Thursdays 8-11:30
Saturday Math Academy for Grades 4-6 - FREE!
Saturday Math Academy fall session resumes from 1st Oct
When: Every Saturday - 9:50 AM
Where: Online on Zoom -
Location: 27790 Portsmouth Avenue, Hayward, CA, USA
Phone: 510-723-3855