Walking Together in the Word
Devotional guide for the week of July 5-July 10, 2021
Welcome to Walking Together in the Word!
These devotional materials guide you through the Bible readings for the July 11, 2021 Sunday worship service. We pray they are a blessing to you and your family!
Why study God's Word and pray together?
- Bible study and prayer strengthens faith and brings you closer to God and to one another.
- Study of readings and hymns for the weekend prepares you for worship.
- The way parents express and model their faith helps shape young people’s faith lives.
- God's Word gives life!---new life now and eternal life with Jesus in heaven. (John 20:31)
About this Devotional Study Guide
- Five Days of devotional material. Catch up or review on the 6th day, worship on Sunday!
- Bible Readings are the LCMS 3-year lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday.
- Talk about It and Dig Deeper guide discussion and meditation on the Bible passages.
- Kid Talk has questions and activities especially for kids and families.
- Prayer starters are given--add your own as well! Scroll to the bottom for the Lord's Prayer and Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Mark 6:14-29 from your Bible, or
Devotion on the Gospel
Talk about it
- What was it that prompted Herod to quiet John by arresting and imprisoning him? Why did he not right away give in to his wife’s desire to have John put to death?
- What were the three opinions about Jesus that King Herod was told? What was the fearful conclusion that was reached by the king?
Kid Talk
Read Mark 6:14-29.
John the Baptist was a messenger for God. He told people how God wanted them to live. He told them to be sorry for their sins. But most of all, he told them that Jesus, the Savior had come.
- You can be a messenger for God too! Who can you tell about Jesus this week?
Listen and Sing: This Little Light of Mine
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
In [Christ] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.
Ephesians 1:7
Closing and Prayer
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all (2 Corinthians 13:14).
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Amos 7:7-15 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
- Where did Amos prophecy and what person did he prophecy against? What risk was Amos taking by doing this?
- Amos was not born into a family of prophets. Why did he become a prophet?
Listen: Listen, God Is Calling
Kid Talk
Read Amos 7:7-15.
God chose Amos to be His prophet to warn His people to stop sinning. But they didn’t want to listen to him! They wanted to listen to a false prophet who told them it was ok to keep sinning against God.
- God gives us people to tell us what is right and what is wrong. Why should we listen to them?
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayers
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Read Ephesians 1:3-14 from your Bible, or
Talk about it
- Does Paul emphasize what we should do for God, or what God has done for us? What are some of the things he mentioned that God has done?
- Why did we become God’s children? Who took the initiative to bring this about? (see especially verses 4, 5, 11)
Kid Talk
It feels great to be chosen, doesn’t it? We like to be chosen for a team, or to be a friend, or to go first. Did you know God has chosen you? He chose you to be His very own child. Why? Because He loves you!
Download a coloring page on the Epistle
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
Talk about it
Christian liturgical usage has often employed this psalm in the Christmas season.
- What about this psalm makes this appropriate?
These verses of this psalm assure us that God will bless His people because of His steadfast love.
- As you re-read these verses, what comfort and peace do these words give to you?
Listen: Psalm 85
Kid Talk
Read Psalm 85:8-13.
We don't always feel peaceful, do we? Sometimes our houses seem really loud! Sometimes we argue with our brothers, sisters, parents, and friends. Sometimes we worry about what's going to happen. Where can we go to find peace? God says, "Come to Me, I will give you peace."
- Say a prayer to God, asking Him for the wonderful peace that only He can give.
Digging Deeper
- What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage?
- What is confusing or surprising about this passage?
- What does this passage teach you about God, His love for you, and His will for your life?
Then pray over the passage, talk about it with a friend or spiritual mentor, and explore further by reading the notes in a study Bible.
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
Opening and Prayer
Heavenly Father, bless our time together as we study Your Word. Amen.
If God Himself Be for Me -- LSB 724
If God Himself be for me,
I may a host defy;
For when I pray, before me
My foes, confounded, fly.
If Christ, my head and master,
Befriend me from above,
What foe or what disaster
Can drive me from His love?
I build on this foundation,
That Jesus and His blood
Alone are my salvation,
My true, eternal good.
Without Him all that pleases
Is valueless on earth;
The gifts I have from Jesus
Alone have priceless worth.
Christ Jesus is my splendor,
My sun, my light, alone;
Were He not my defender
Before God’s judgment throne,
I never should find favor
And mercy in His sight,
But be destroyed forever
As darkness by the light.
He canceled my offenses,
Delivered me from death;
He is the Lord who cleanses
My soul from sin through faith.
In Him I can be cheerful,
Courageous on my way;
In Him I am not fearful
Of God’s great Judgment Day.
For no one can condemn me
Or set my hope aside;
Now hell no more can claim me:
Its fury I deride.
No sentence now reproves me,
No guilt destroys my peace;
For Christ, my Savior, loves me
And shields me with His grace.
Who clings with resolution
To Him whom Satan hates
Must look for persecution;
For him the burden waits
Of mock’ry, shame, and losses
Heaped on his blameless head;
A thousand plagues and crosses
Will be his daily bread.
Public domain
Talk about it
Read Romans 8:31-39 (one of the texts this hymn is based on) as you meditate on the words of this hymn.
- How does the hymn writer, Paul Gerhardt, poetically reflect the truths found in that passage?
Listen and Sing
Closing and Prayer
Pray the Lord's Prayer, Luther's Morning or Evening Prayers, and/or add your own prayers.
The Lord's Prayer
Luther's Morning Prayer
I thank you my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
Luther's Evening Prayer
Chapel of the Cross--Lutheran
Our Core Values:
- Empowered by the cross of Christ
- People working together
- Opening the Word to all people
- Showing the love of Jesus
- Warm and supportive environment
Email: pastorlaesch@chapelofthecross.org
Website: http://www.chapelofthecross.org/
Location: 11645 Benham Rd, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 741-3737
Facebook: facebook.com/ChapelSTL