Alto All Star Gazette
October 27th, 2023
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
Please take note!
Tuesday, October 31st will be a half day for students. Our half day dismissal time is 12:00 PM. During the afternoon hours, our dedicated teaching staff will be participating in district professional development.
We will be celebrating Halloween on Tuesday, October 31st. The school parade will start at
11:00 AM. Parents are encouraged to join us! The parent viewing area will be outside unless we have inclement weather that day. If we have inclement weather, the parent viewing areas will be moved inside. The plans for class parties and activities will be communicated by your child’s teacher. The teachers will also reach out regarding volunteer opportunities. We ask that parents do not “drop in” at parties unless they are signed up to volunteer or prior arrangements are made with the teacher. We hope that this relieves some pressure parents often feel to attend class parties because they think it is expected that every parent attends. We encourage students to bring costumes to wear for the parties and parade. Please note: Toy weapons, blood, gore, etc. are not allowed with costumes at school. Teachers will be communicating their requests for donated treats or other items. Our Alto staff has decided that we will continue to require that all treats be store-bought (no homemade treats please). This will also continue to apply to birthday treats as well. We’re looking forward to this fun event!
Thank you to parents and families for supporting Alto Elementary's Media Center by purchasing books at our book fair. We raised just over $2,000 to purchase new books for our library. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!
Art Update!
Color and mixing paints continued…..
Kindergarten: Primary colors are the focus right now. As we trace, cut, and glue using the primary colors, we are also learning about an artist named Mondrian.
1st grade: Purple has been our focus lately, as we work through mixing each of the secondary colors. We have been mixing red and blue paint, gradually adding more and more blue in order to make red-violet, violet, and blue-violet.
2nd grade: The joy and celebration of completing a HUGE project is filling the second grade classrooms as they put all their color mixing together. These kids have worked so hard mixing each of the secondary colors separately and now finally, their projects are complete!
3rd grade and 4th grade: These students have been using numerous line and shape patterns as well as painting with paint colors they are mixing (3rd graders are mixing hot and cold colors and 4th graders muted fall colors).
5th grade: The last few weeks students have been working through each of the seven elements of art. The goal is that when they enter middle school, each student will be able to name, describe, and create examples of each of the elements of art. Just this week students worked through the last element and are now putting all that knowledge together as they represent each element on the sides of a paper cube.
Mrs. Graham
Alto Public KDL Library- Alto Elementary ART: Please continue to check out the artwork on display at the Alto Public KDL Library as new student artwork is displayed every 2-3 weeks.
It's that time of the year again and you’re just in time for some Holiday cheer! Join the LHS Drama Department as they present "Dear Mrs. Claus" December 7, 8 & 9.
Here’s the perfect opportunity to get your young thespian, kindergarten to 5th grade, on
stage for the holiday season! A little ahead of time, just so we can get t-shirts ordered and in
on time.
Sign up at the link provided:
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Mark Your Calendar!
10/31: 1/2 day-dismissal at noon
11/08: Gold Ticket Store
11/10: Popcorn Friday
11/17: 1/2 day-dismissal at noon
11/21: Gold Ticket Store
11/21: 2nd and 3rd grade music concert @ 10A.M.
🦃11/22-11/24: Thanksgiving Break 🦃