MWES Week 22 Update: 1/22-26/2024
Encouraging EXCELLENCE in our Diverse Panther Cub Community!
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This Week in the Panther Cub Den...
- Encore Day 4
- Spanish Club - 4:15 - 5:15
- Encore Day 5
- 5th Grade Math Tutoring - 8:15
- VGA Make-up
- Principal’s Advisory Council- 5:30 p.m.; Parents of Excellence (PTO) Meeting 6:00pm
- Encore Day 1
- Multicultural Club - 4:15 - 5:15
- Spanish Club - 4:15 - 5:15
- Encore Day 2
- Science Club - 8:15
- Mary Williams Boosterthon Fundraiser Kickoff
Friday, January 26, 2024:
- Encore Day 3
- Spelling Bee Club - 8:00
- Math Club - 8:15
- Elementary Schools 1/2 Day (Dismissal at 12:40) – Parent/Teacher Conferences; End of the Second Marking Period
Mary Williams Fun Run
Don’t Miss Out!
Register today!
Mary Williams Panther Cubs Families!
Our Boosterthon fundraiser is kicking off on Thursday January 25, 2025! Please remember to register for our Mary Williams Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $15,000 to fund PTA events throughout the year.
Registering is easy and free! We're looking forward to having fun and building community together.
⭐️ Register Now On MYBOOSTER.COM ⭐️
Be sure to check out the easy sharing functions on MYBOOSTER.COM to let others know how they can help support our school.
Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!
Thank you so much for sending your children to school when they are feeling well. Your commitment to attendance is crucial in our mission to reduce chronic absenteeism and ensure that we achieve full accreditation this year. With your support, we can make it happen!
Here are the chronic absence numbers for each grade level. Chronic absence refers to students who have been absent for at least 10% of the school year. Understanding these numbers helps us address attendance challenges effectively. Together, we can create a positive school environment for all our students.
PK - 30%
(Ms. Tyler - 33%; Ms. Smith - 37%; Ms. Sasz - 30%; Ms. Morris - 10%)
Kindergarten - 26%
(Ms. Chamblin (K/1) - 18%; Ms. Smith - 12%; Ms. Cracknell - 17%; Ms. Riley - 19%)
First Grade - 32%
(Bunch - 8%; Harvey - 12%; Johnson - 18%; Maxfield - 5%)
Second Grade -16%
Third Grade - 10%
Fourth Grade -10%
Fifth Grade - 9%
PK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grades - your help is crucial! Please make sure your children are at school every day, unless they are sick! If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our parent liaison, Ms. Hernandez, or one of our school counselors, Ms. Young or Ms. Simmons.
Thank you sincerely for your invaluable support!
Click here to view the PWCS 2023-2024 School Calendar.
Click here to read more about PWCS Attendance Guidelines.
The Prince William School Board recently made a change to the 2023-24 school calendar. On March 5, 2024, schools in the Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) district will be closed, and it will be a student holiday and staff workday. This change was made in response to a request from the Prince William County Office of Elections, which asked for schools to be closed on that day due to the expected high number of voters. This decision was made for safety and logistical reasons, as many PWCS schools serve as polling sites. As a result of this change, the teacher workday originally scheduled for June 12, 2024, has been removed. The last day for teachers will now be June 11, 2024. At the high school level, there may still be afterschool activities on March 5, depending on the available space. However, all afterschool activities at the middle and elementary school levels have been canceled for that day.
Congratulations! The students listed below have skyrocketed their reading levels on the reading program LEXIA from January 15th to January 20th! Keep up the great work!
Outstanding Educator Awards recognize teachers, principals, support employees: We are excited to announce nominations for the PWCS Teacher and Support Employee of the year are now open. These awards are an opportunity to recognize the hard work and commitment of our staff. To nominate a teacher and/or support employee who goes above and beyond and excels in their profession, please complete the Microsoft Form.
Award Categories
Teacher of the Year (Elementary and Secondary) - PWCS will award an Elementary and Secondary Teacher of the Year. To be eligible for this award, teachers must have at least three full years of teaching experience.
Novice Teacher of the Year (Elementary and Secondary) - PWCS will award an Elementary and Secondary Novice Teacher of the Year. To be eligible for this award, teachers must have less than three full years of teaching experience.
Principal of the Year (Elementary and Secondary) - PWCS will award an Elementary and Secondary Principal of the Year. To be eligible for this award, principals must have at least three full years of administrative experience (assistant principal, central office administrator, or above).
NEW! Support Employee of the Year - PWCS will award a Support Employee of the Year. To be eligible for this award, support employees must have successfully completed their 12-month probationary period in their current position and serve in a classified (non-exempt) role (grade 11 and below).
January 23, 2024: Principal’s Advisory Council- 5:30 p.m.; Parents of Excellence (PTO) Meeting 6:00pm
January 24, 2024: Gifted Family Night - 5:00 P.M-6:30 P.M
January 25, 2024: Panther Cub Reading Pajama Party 6:00 pm.-7:30pm.
January 25, 2024: Mary Williams Boosterthon Fundraiser Kickoff
January 26, 2024: Elementary Schools 1/2 Day (Dismissal at 12:40) – Parent/Teacher Conferences; End of the Second Marking Period
January 29, 2024: Teacher Professional Development Day - No school for students
January 30, 2024: WIDA assessment begins; 5th Grade Math Tutoring
February 5, 2024: Mary Williams Boosterthon Fun Run
Family Resource Center
Read about what literacy skills develop up to age 5 and what to do at home in A Child Becomes a Reader: Proven Ideas from research for parents; the preschool version.
The Shining Stars booklets (kindergarten, first grade, second &third grade) have ideas for helping your child build reading skills and a checklist to help you think about your child’s reading skills.
FCRR has a wealth of free printable activities for all ages and literacy topics. View the activities here and the videos that demonstrate the activities here.
Do you see a lost coat/hat/lunchbox??
Our Lost and Found is currently overflowing with misplaced items. To ensure that our students don't lose any belongings permanently, could you kindly remind your students to check the Lost and Found area for any items they may have misplaced at school? Alternatively, parents can come to the school to reclaim any lost items. The Lost and Found items will be displayed at Literacy Night on January 25, 2024.
The Scoop!
Enjoy reading the latest issue of The SCOOP!
This newsletter is from PWCS and entails essential updates.
Remember to subscribe! Just click on The SCOOP! Link~
Weekly message from Dr. McDade, PWCS Superintendent
Email: johnsdb@pwcs.edu
Website: williamses.pwcs.edu
Location: 3100 Panther Pride Drive, Dumfries, VA 22026
Phone: 703-445-8376
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marywilliamses/
Twitter: @MaryWilliamsES
#5Dens1Pride #MWESExcellentTogether