Mather Memo
September Edition
School Starts on September 8th at 8:00 am!
How to get started!
Please ensure your child can log in successfully before the first day of school. If your child does not have a CPS username and password, you can help them set up their account using these instructions. If you have questions on how to complete this process, please contact your child’s school.Attendance will be taken daily. Attendance is taken daily in EVERY CLASS! On the first day of school, your child will need to log in to cps.edu/portal with their CPS username and password to access their virtual classroom and have their attendance taken. If you don’t know your child’s scheduled start time or which Google application (Classroom or Meet) to use to join the class, please contact your child’s school.
Connect your child’s device to your internet. If you do not have access to the internet, please visit cps.edu/getconnected to see if you’re eligible for up to four years of internet service at no cost through Chicago Connected or to explore affordable internet service options.
Mather is still a food distribution site. We are open from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at door 4 for food pick-up.
Mather Bell Schedule Week 1
Tuesday, September 8th - Thursday, September 10th Schedule
Friday, September 11th Schedule
Mather Parent Orientation - Recording
If you have questions, please reach out to: contactmather@cps.edu or check out the website: matherhs.org
This recording and slides are best viewed in Internet Explorer
Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CzfAt0KCvntaNlN82qbrLMZHh_kHIS40/view?ts=5f53ca4c
Does your student have a question about where to go to find their classes?
Learn more about how to use Google Classroom features to support your students
Check out this link for the calendar of dates and classes!
Student Attendance
Even though this year will begin with remote learning, students must follow the virtual attendance expectations given by the district. Even under the circumstances, student attendance is very important, and necessary for them to be successful.
Students must be signed on and participate in each classroom Google Meeting, on time, in order to get credit for attendance for that period. Teachers will then report student attendance as normal.
If students arrive to the Google Meeting late, they will be marked as tardy
If students do not participate in one or multiple of their daily Google Meets, their attendance will be marked as Absent/Half Day Absent for the school day. Parents will be notified.
The following are procedures for reporting your child's absence during remote learning. Emails or notes cannot be accepted to report your child’s absence.
Please call the attendance office at 773-534-2340. Know that only a parent or guardian can call in to report an absence. You can save this number in your phone for easy access.
Parents and Guardians must provide the following information:
The date of the absence
The student's full name
Your name, and your relationship to the student
Your call back number
Reason for the absence - below are acceptable reason for student absence according to the CPS and State of Illinois guidelines
Student Illness
Observance of a religious holiday
Death in the immediate family
Family emergency with an explanation
Circumstances which cause for a reasonable concern for your child's safety
Other situation beyond the control of the student
Oscar Urbina - Attendance Coordinator
Are you still in need of a Chromebook?
Athletics - There is still time to join a FALL sport!
Mather High School is excited to offer Fall Sports. Make your school year memorable by getting involved in athletics.
Sports offered at Mather include Boys/Girls Cross Country which meets at 3:30 behind the school off California Ave, starting September 7th. Questions contact Coach Sullivan jtsullivan3@cps.edu.
Girls Tennis, meet at the tennis courts at 3:45 Monday-Friday, questions contact Coach Ryan sjryan1@cps.edu.
Girls Swimming meets at door 4 starting at 3:30 PM, questions contact Coach Winberg ajwinberg@cps.edu.
No experience is needed to join a team, bring your enthusiasm. GO BLUE! GO WHITE! GO RANGERS!!
How does Mather Communicate with Parents and our Community?
We send a monthly newsletter (you are reading it right now!) Sometimes if there is more information we will send out two!
We update our website, instagram, facebook, and twitter often! We are also sending App alerts! Directions are below for getting signed up today!
App Alerts:
Parents and others can download the "School News by Edlio" app (available in app stores on your cell phone) and add Mather High School, you will see your message in the Alerts tab of the app and on your phone.
Once you have downloaded the app, click on "schools" in the lower right-hand corner, and click on "add schools", then search for "Mather High Schools".
Instagram: matherhsofficial
Facebook: Stephen T Mather High School
Twitter: @matherhs
Website: matherhs.org