M 'n M
January 8, 2022
Our first advisory meeting will be at the end of this month. We appreciate your support and consideration and look forward to working with all of you.
Parking Lot Concerns
1. Prior to 7:40 entry for students, all cars should find a parking spot and wait for doors to open. NO CARS ARE TO PARK in the CURB LANE. Parents can park in the main lot, staff will be designated the south side of the parking lot in the horizontal parking spaces. Please refrain from these spots, and use the main lot to park and wait for student entry if needed.
2. When dropping off between 7:40-7:55a.m., please be sure to drive forward as close to the stop sign, along the curb lane , leaving no space between you and the front vehicle, prior to your student exiting from your vehicle.
*The curb lane should be constantly moving, and should not come to a standstill. Students should wait until cars are pulled as far forward as possible and then exit out of the car.
3. As much as it is convenient to drop your student off at the bolus balls, or as near the front entrance doors as possible, please pull forward and exit your student out of your car as close to the stop sign. We have opened both the side door (near the south side staircase, and the main entrance to help the flow of student entry)
4. Students that exit from a parked car, please be sure to use the crosswalk, rather than walk through parked or stopped cars. This is located near the stop sign and the side door.
5. We have seen an increase of parent drop off at local businesses near SMS and do request that parents eliminate the use of these lots. This is not safe for our students, it is dark in the morning and too often do we see students walking through the lots while cars are moving. To ensure student safety, please refrain from this and use our drop off procedures.
We are hoping to see improved traffic using this system, but do need all to apply this to their morning drop off routine. We do not have staff to monitor this daily, but ask that we can work together to attempt this strategy. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
National Chess Winner- Aswath Madhan, 7
Aswath Madhan - 7th grade 2021 National K-12 Grades Championship Organized by
The United States Chess Federation Junior grand prix, National championship event in Orlando on Dec 3-5
Aswath's overall results under 800 - 3rd place! Well Done!
Mustang of the Month Ice Cream Celebration
Quarter 2 Grades
Media Center/MakerSpace Updates
Shoutouts of the Week
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
SMS Dungeons and Dragons Club
The SMS Dungeons & Dragons Club held its inaugural "Winter's Crest" Holiday Party on Friday! Participants collected digital badges for attendance, early sign-ins, and other activities throughout the semester. Then, they earned a raffle ticket for every badge achievement and entered to win a variety of game items, including an Essentials Kit and a set of mystery dice! We also recognized our six outstanding Dungeon Masters, who spent extra time and effort preparing and running games. Merriment and fun were had by all, and we can't wait to return for more adventurers next semester!
Announcements & Reminders
HERE is the link to our Daily/Weekly announcement slides!
Do masks for students have to be worn all day?
Unless an approved mask exemption form is on file, masks must be worn at all times excluding lunch. This includes wearing a mask during recess (PreK-5) and physical education classes.
Who and what does the mask mandate cover?
The mandate will cover any student and adult that enters our buildings during any time of the day. Meaning, visitors attending athletic events during this time period must wear a mask.
Do athletes need to wear masks during practice / games?
Coaches will explain to players the times in which masks must be worn when not actively participating in a practice /game.
My child has a mask exemption on file. Will they ever be required to wear a mask?
Students with a mask exemption on file would only be required to wear a mask if they are identified as a direct contact and have elected to enter the Mask to Stay protocol or they are returning from isolation without symptoms on Day 6 - see Updated Guidance FAQs below.
Should my elementary child bring extra masks to school?
Yes. Elementary students will still be going out to recess, participating in Physical Education classes, etc. It would be a good idea to have extra masks placed in their book bag just in case they need a new one during the school day.
What if my child does not have a mask exemption on file and refuses to wear a mask?
Per Board Policy 8450.01, I have the authority to require mandatory masking during times of elevated spread. The policy also states that, “If face masks/coverings are required, and no exception is applicable, students shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code, and in accordance with policies of the Board.” What this means in practice is that students that refuse to wear a mask will be reminded to wear their mask. If the student continues to refuse, an administrator will work with the student and the parent(s) to resolve the issue. If the student continues to refuse, they will be placed in Corrective Learning until such time as the student either elects to wear a mask or the student can be picked up by a parent. The student will be allowed to return to class / school when they are able to adhere to the mask mandate.
Follow Mrs. Boytim and School News @MrsBoytim and @TheSMSMustangs on Twitter!
Strongsville Middle School
Mrs. Boytim: jboytim@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Peters: jpeters@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Bailey: jbailey@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Ray (6): eray@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Gerber (7): kgerber@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Pietrocini (8): spietrocini@scsmustangs.org
Website: https://www.strongnet.org/Domain/411
Location: 13200 Pearl Road, Strongsville, OH, USA
Phone: 440-572-7090
Twitter: @mrsboytim