The Latest TTUSD Snow Day Info
January 26, 2021
A storm is coming - what parents need to know!
Dear TTUSD Community,
As you may have heard, a storm is coming - the first significant one all winter! The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning in effect from 7:00 p.m. tonight, Tuesday, January 26, through 4:00 a.m. on Friday, January 29.
To limit the loss of instruction time for students, we have modified our snow day procedures for this school year. For the 2020-2021 school year only, we are implementing two distinct scenarios in response to inclement weather. We wanted to make sure you are aware of these scenarios as we reopen our schools next week. (Note: Because we are currently in distance learning, the weather should not affect instruction this week, and distance learning will continue as usual. If there are large power outages or connectivity issues, the district will call a normal snow day and cancel school.) Once we are back in hybrid, the following snow day scenarios will apply:
Scenario #1: Distance Learning in Lieu of a Snow Day
In this scenario, weather conditions or impending storms may impact travel and students and staff's ability to arrive safely and timely at their school site. However, power and internet connectivity are still readily available to the majority of neighborhoods in our community. In this circumstance, the District would call a distance learning day in lieu of a snow day. Students and staff would conduct the instructional day virtually through the regularly established distance learning platforms. Parents and staff would be notified of a distance learning day in lieu of a snow day by 6:00 a.m. via a robocall and/or postings on the District website at Our snow phone, (530) 582-2510 and (530) 581-7020, would also be updated.
The message that parents and staff would receive:
Today is a distance learning day in lieu of a snow day due to inclement weather. All instruction will take place virtually today.
Scenario #2: A Snow Day
In circumstances where weather conditions impact safe travel, access to power and connectivity (i.e., major power outages), building operations, snow removal, and site access, and general safety of students and staff, the District will call a traditional snow day. In this scenario, the instructional day will be canceled and will be made up at the end of the school calendar. Parents would be notified via a robocall and a posting on the District website. Our snow phone would also be updated.
The message that parents and staff would receive:
Today is a snow day, all schools are closed; no instruction will take place today.
Click here to view our 2020-2021 Snow Day Policies and Procedures document. You can also find this information on our website at
Note: If storms continue into next week, there is always the possibility of a snow day or a distance learning day.
Carmen Ghysels
Superintendent Chief Learning Officer