Let's Talk TPS
District Communication - May 11, 2022
TPS Families -
It finally feels like spring has sprung!
Testing is in full swing throughout our schools, both AP and NJSLA, and we hope that you find your students confident and comfortable as they work their way through the next week. Soon, testing will be done, May will be more than halfway over, and we will be heading into our final month of the school year. It truly seems impossible to believe.
We hope that all of you can take advantage of the wonderful concerts, art shows, and other school events that fill our May calendar. We know that we love to show and the students love to share their accomplishments with all of you. For details on the events in your school, please be sure to check the district calendar on the TPS website.
Enjoy the weather and have a wonderful week.
Yours in Education,
Shauna C. DeMarco
Superintendent Tenafly Public Schools
May 23rd - Regular Public Meeting
First Annual Art and Essay Contest “A Celebration of Diversity”
One Book, One Community
In conjunction with a spring-time Celebration of Diversity, we would like to do a District-Wide Read Aloud, One Book, One Community (K-12, all staff, and families). We have selected the title, Wishtree, by Katherine Applegate, a story about overcoming diversity and hate in one small community.
Tenafly students, parents, teachers, and staff will come together to discuss the themes and messages in the text including diversity, empathy, inclusion, acceptance and community. Author Katherine Applegate is excited for Tenafly to be highlighted as an “All Are Welcome Here” community and hopes to participate in our celebration launching on June 7th! Stay tuned for more details!
Celebrate AAPI Month with Virtual Tours and an Interactive Classroom
Learn about Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and the countries represented through our interactive classroom and virtual tours. Tours of new countries will be added throughout the month. This week, visit Korea, India, or Thailand!
Reminder - Schools Closed May 26th - 30th
Each year, our district builds several snow days into the school calendar. At the April 25th BOE Meeting, the Board voted to approve changing the 2021-2022 school district calendar to give back an unused snow day, making Thursday, May 26th a Schools Closed day and Friday, May 27th a District Closed day. The website calendar has been updated.
The competition is fierce! TEF 5K Run, Dog Walk, and Fun Run
Have You Seen These Awesome Summer Enrichment Classes?
Looking for something fun and exciting to do this summer? Consider the exciting options at the TPS Summer Enrichment Program! From Adventures in Science to Energy Investigators, Digital Photography and Video to Spanish Culture in Movies, Advanced Public Speaking to the History of Inventions - there is truly something for everyone! See the Summer Enrichment catalog for Summer 2022 for a complete description of the classes offered. Don't let your favorite class fill up, register now!
Toutes nos Félicitations à Nos Gagnants du Concours National de Français
TMS students Michael Middlezong and Eric Yuan are Platinum winners in the 2022 National French Contest! The highest award in the Le Grand Concours competition, these students earned the top score in the nation in their level/division. The award includes a platinum medal, a plaque for the student, and a Lauréat national certificate. Toutes nos félicitations à eux deux!
Sari Kaito Earns Honorable Mention for Stigma Free Sticker Contest Entry
Congratulations to THS freshman Sari Kaito who earned an Honorable Mention for her entry in the Stigma Free Sticker Contest - “What being proud to be stigma free looks like.” Sari is being honored with an award on May 17th by the Bergen County Division of Mental Health & Addiction Services. Bravo Sari!
THS Green Team Visits Mackay Elementary School to Discuss Composting
Let's Talk Gen Z
Tenafly Junior Gia Shin, co-president of the THS Mental Health Stigma Free Club, has self-published a book on mental health in teens. "According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, one in three adolescents will meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder by 18 years old. These numbers are only skyrocketing as we’re living through a global pandemic. I hope that this book will provide parents insight into our generation’s struggles—from insecurities to peer pressure—and let teens know that they are not alone." To learn more, view the book overview. Bravo Gia!
Lime Out with Us this Friday!
Tenafly Stigma Free and THS Stigma Free Club announce the 3rd annual LIME OUT!
Where: Tenafly High School Baseball AND Softball Fields
When: Friday, May 13th at 4:15pm during the Varsity Baseball and Softball games
What: Wear LIME, representing flourishing health, for mental health and mental health awareness.
Tenafly Stigma Free is all about promoting emotional wellness while eliminating the stigma that has traditionally surrounded mental illness.
Tenafly Recreation Junior Football-Volunteer Coaches Wanted for Fall 2022!
Tenafly Recreation Tigers Junior Football teams are looking for volunteer coaches for the Fall 2022 football season for grades 3rd-8th. Join our Football Coaches Clinic on Monday, May 23rd at 6pm-Tenafly High School hosted by THS Head Coach Peter Toale. Please share this with anyone you think would be interested! Thank you.
Memorial Day Parade Invite from Tenafly Elk's Lodge #2271
To All Our Friends in the Tenafly Community,
The members of the Tenafly Elk's Lodge invite any organized groups in Tenafly to join them in this year's Memorial Day Parade, Monday, May 30th. They ask that everyone assembles on George St. facing south towards Westervelt Ave. at 9:30AM with kick-off at 10:00AM. If possible, carry a banner or sign identifying your group. Please advise them if your group can participate by e-mailing Maureen Quinn at mquinn@co.bergen.nj.us or mquinny2@gmail.com or call 201-803- 9430. Participants are invited to join them after the parade ceremonies for refreshments and hot dogs at the Lodge located at 20 Franklin St.
Moving? Don't forget to let us know!
Moved or plan to move within Tenafly? Please remember to share your new address with us! Contact registrar@tenafly.k12.nj.us with updates or questions.
Registration - 2022-2023 School Year
2022-2023 School year registration forms can be found on the TPS website's Student Registration page.
Need Technology Support? Visit our Help Desk.
For instructions on how to enter a ticket, visit the TPS website.