Yellow Jacket Gazette
May/ June 2022 Edition
A Message from the Principal
Hello Wonderful Jenkins Families,
It is so hard to believe that we only have a short time left in our 2021-2022 school year. We have many end of year activities that are planned, so please be on the lookout for information from your child’s teacher in the upcoming weeks.
We have started our SOL and Spring testing season. Please remember that it is important that your child come to school each day on time and ready to learn. Please also remember to review behavior expectations with your child.
As the weather is changing to become warmer, please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Layers are always best because sometimes the school temperature can vary from very warm to chilly.
Please know that the safety and well-being of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. We value your partnership in ensuring that we help to keep each other safe. We are still looking for parent volunteers to help in various ways around the building. Please check with your child’s teacher, or the front office, to see how you can support us. As a reminder, volunteers must present their identification, will be screeded through our RAPTOR program, in order to receive a visitor’s pass which indicates exactly where you would go in the building. Volunteers work under the supervision of school staff members. Any person who volunteers for 15 hours or more per week would need to submit a Volunteer application with PWCS for a full background check.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we strive to make Jenkins Elementary the best place to be.
Xanthe McFadden, Principal
Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessments
SOL Testing Schedule
3rd Grade:
Thur. May 12 - 3rd Grade Reading
Thur. May 19- 3rd Grade Math
4th Grade:
Fri. May 13 - 4th Grade Reading
Fri. May 20 -4th Grade Math
5th Grade:
Wed. May 11 - 5th Grade Reading
Wed. May 18- 5th Grade Science
Tues. May 24 - 5th Grade Math
Use immunization toolkit to alert parents of requirements and timeline for submitting proof of immunization
Student Health Services has created the Parent Communication Toolkit for Required Immunizations page on the intranet to assist you with reminding parents of the importance of getting their children vaccinated as soon as possible and submitting the vaccines to their school. School nurses will assist with this messaging. Updated student records should be provided by August 1, 2022, for reviewing immunization compliance. Parents may continue to submit records until Friday, August 18, 2022, by noon. Students who remain non-compliant will not begin school on August 22, 2022.
The Virginia Department of Health updated school and day care minimum immunization requirements. See details about this legislation and these requirements on this Student Health Services page.
Please contact Teresa Polk, supervisor, Student Services Department, at for questions regarding these important immunization requirements.
Early Dismissal Pick Up Procedures
The front office gets very busy around our dismissal time. We ask that if you plan to pick up your child from school for early dismissal to please do so by 3:30 p.m. If you plan to pick up your child but are unable to get to the school by 3:30 p.m., please call the front office to notify us of your arrival time. If you pick up your child from school on a consistent basis, please consider completing a car rider application, which can be picked up from the front office. Also, please remember to bring your valid photo ID and to sign your student out when picking them up. As a reminder, the front office closes at 4:00 p.m.
Summer School
This summer, PWCS will hold a three-week summer school program for elementary students. This will be offered in-person, Monday- Friday from 9 a.m. - 12: 30 p.m. between July 11- July 29, 2022. Parents/ Guardian must register their child for summer school by Wednesday, June 15, 2022.
Summer school is offered free of charge for K-12 students from PWCS who qualify. However, the enrichment programs do come with a cost and parents would have to choose if their student would attend either the academic summer school or one enrichment program. Students cannot do both.
Students in KG - 4th grade will attend summer school at the Elementary level. Students in 5th grade will attend the Middle School Summer School Program.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must complete the summer school registration in ParentVUE. Below you will find the summer school registration link with instructions on how to register.
Leader in Me – Habit 4: Think Win-Win – Everyone Can Win
In an effort to ensure that we are building a home to school connection with the Leader In Me 7 Habits of a Happy Kid, we are sharing each habit with you through our school newsletter and events. Habit 4 is Think Win-Win – Everyone Can Win. In order for your child to show this leadership trait, they would need to balance courage for getting what they want with consideration for what others want. They would make deposits in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, they would look for Third Alternatives.
To practice Habit 4: Think Win-Win at home, you can:
- Ask your child what they think is important about making others happy as well as themselves.
- Have your child ask an older person what the golden rule is. After they find out the golden rule, they can try to use the golden rule on someone.
- Challenge your child to go one whole day without sulking, pouting, or feeling sorry for themselves.
- Ask your child to think about the next time they want to argue or fight with someone about who should get the best toy, ask the other person, “How can I make you happy too?”
- Have your child make a “wish poster.” Have them start by drawing a line down the middle. On one side, cut and paste magazine pictures of things that they want (like a new skateboard). On the other side, cut and paste pictures of things that a parent or guardian wants (like a clean room). Together, look at your “wish poster.” See how you can work with each other to make both your wishes and your child’s wishes come true.
From the Desk of The Student and Family Support Team
We are delighted to express our appreciation to the Jenkins Elementary School’s parents for their continued dedication and support during 2021 2022 school year.
The Student and Family Support Team, which includes the professional school counselors, school psychologist, and school social worker would like to share some practical activities to help your child manage emotions and navigate social situations. Below you will find a few Mental Health Tips for your child to continue building their Social Emotional Learning Skills (SEL).
Additionally, help us celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month and Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
We are honored to celebrate community organizations and individuals who are showing up for whole-family health in Asian, Pacific, and Native Hawaiian communities this month and beyond.
Have a great rest of the school year!
Your Student and Family Support Team
From the Desk of Your School Counselor
First, we say, “Thank You” for allowing us to be your child’s counselor. It has been a wonderful and rewarding year for us.
Topics Covered by Classroom Guidance include but are not limited to the following:
- Managing my Emotions
- Honoring and Celebrating Others
- Safe at Home Safe Alone, 4th Grade
- Safety (Safe Side Adults)
- Review of the 7 Habits
- Peer Mediators (Grade 3rd-5th) – Students have been training to help other students with exploring options when making decisions. The Peer Mediators have begun to support students in grades KG-2nd in developing their friendship skills during their recess period.
- Virginia Wizard – Helping students to build their “Dream Career”
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) – We will continue developing skills to learn how to: focus attention, listen, be assertive, and use self-talk.
Essential Standardized Test Taking Tips for Parents
Helpful Summer Tips for Parents
Webinar: Executive-Function Skills: Building Brains for Success
Prince William Summer Camps & Activities
Children's Programs (
Children don’t say, “I had a hard day. Can we talk?” They say,“Will you play with me?” - Lawrence Cohen
Ms. Jacquelyn Scott-Bell | 3rd Grade – 5th Grade
Ms. Beverly McNairy | KGN-2nd Grade
Math Corner
We are approaching the end of the school year, so we all know what that means… spring testing has begun in our building. We are excited for all our students to show how much they truly know. As we mentioned during our Spring Assessment Night in March, each grade level will have some form of spring test and it is important that students do their very best on all their tests.
Here are six reminders to help your child prepare for tests:
#1 - Take your time
(You will have all the time you need to be successful)
#2 - Read all questions thoroughly
(It is very easy to interpret a question incorrectly, especially when reading quickly)
#3 - Eliminate Answers
(We call this, slash the trash)
#4 - Use your scratch paper/grid paper and other tools to help you answer the question (On math tests, students should use several pieces of scratch paper)
#5 - Use the calculator when allowed to help you solve the problems
(If they provide it, use it!)
#6 - Don’t stress!
(You’ve got this!)
Do these things and you will be prepared for any test you take!
Yours Mathematically,
Mrs. Angela Savage
Title I Math Teacher
Literacy Corner
We love to read and write at Jenkins ES! Good readers and writers make even better leaders.
This month students learn about various authors and the stories they write. They will dive into several books by an author. As they read each story, they learn about the author’s background and motivation for becoming a writer. Students love this unit because they get to immerse themselves in an author’s world of books.
This is a wonderful opportunity to read more books at home by that same author! Books can be checked out from the school library, public library, or even found online. Just search the author’s name and there you go! Your child can then bring home what they learned in school and apply it to your family’s learning/reading of books by the same author.
You can also encourage your child to become an author of their own books. They can use the books they’ve read at school/home as inspiration or come up with a completely new idea! It is so important for children to realize that every author was once a kid in a classroom, learning to read and write. We are all authors, no matter how young or old.
Towards the end of the year, some assessments take place. Students in grades 3-5 will be taking their Reading SOL in the month of May, along with an end of the year reading assessment and writing prompt. Grades K-2 will also have a reading assessment and writing prompt. Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest and comes to school every day. It is important for them to have a routine and be in school. A balanced day means better thinking.
Excited to help continue your child's learning at home? Check out some activities below to build the school-home connection!
- Research an author that your child is interested in. Many authors have websites that help children/families learn about the author's books and personal history.
- Take time to practice writing every day. A daily journal will help keep your child’s thoughts organized. You can also talk about the events of the day and help your child decide what to write about.
- Does your child enjoy graphic novels or comic books? That’s great! Not only are they filled with illustrations, but they also revolve around a storyline that can be accessible for multiple reading levels. They may even want to try to create their own!
- Is your child struggling to read chapter books on their own? Make it a family event! There are many books that can be found online or recorded. The public library is a great resource for finding books that are read aloud. Not only is it fun, but it allows your child to focus on understanding the story instead of getting stuck on sounding out the words.
- Do you have younger, non-elementary school children? Have them draw illustrations to go with the books you’ve read at home. They can also act out a part of the story. Make puppets out of paper bags or old socks and pretend to be the characters in the story.
Enjoy connecting with your child through literature. The best readers are also the best writers!
Jen VanZetta, Title I Reading
Nanette Wilson, Reading Specialist
Jenkins Elementary School
Physical Education
As we begin the 4th quarter and come closer to summer break, physical education will be continuing the rotation of 2 weeks inside the gym and two weeks outdoors. The weather has still been up and down with some days being warm and some days being cooler. We ask that students still bring a jacket until the weather stays on the warmer side.
Outdoors students are going to be learning the game of kickball. Third, fourth, and fifth grade students are going to learn the basic rules of the game. They will learn how to take turns kicking the ball while rolling to them, how to field the ball as a team, and running the bases.
Indoors students will learn how to play scooter hockey, scooter soccer, and relays. Students will learn how to use their scooter safely while participating in the activities. Students in KG-5th will participate in various relays both with the scooter and without and play scooter soccer. Students in 2nd-5th will play the game of scooter hockey tying in the similarities between hockey and soccer.
The year is quickly ending and that means that FIELD DAY IS COMING! Please be on the lookout for further information on field day. Students will participate in relays, soccer, volleyball, and other fun activities.
Robert Thomas and Lindsay Bowman
Physical Education Teachers
John D. Jenkins Elementary School
The end of April brings the PWCS All-County Art Show which is virtual this year. If you haven't checked out our talented artists representing Jenkins ES, please visit your Canvas page for the link or click here:
Congratulations to ALL of our students who always work hard in art class!
Kindergarten through second graders are working on self-portraits in art class currently. Second and first grade classes looked at work by contemporary artist Kehinde Wiley and are filling their portrait backgrounds with bright and decorative floral patterns like the artist. Kindergarten is working with pattern and design around their faces and learned the parts of a face while drawing their self-portraits. We are using color pencils, color sticks, and watercolors for this mixed media project!
Third through fifth grade got back their ceramics. Fifth grade created portrait vessels, fourth grade worked with nature-themed vessels, and third grade used texture plates to create organic bowls. We switched to paper weaving and then basket weaving, working with pattern and texture. Fifth grade is trying a double Op-Art design using sharpies, oil pastels, and markers currently. Fourth and third grade will begin perspective drawings when finished with weavings and catch-up projects.
I am collecting empty cereal boxes if anyone has empty boxes for next year.
Many thanks!
Mrs. Weldner
The library continues to have many opportunities for students to check out books when they need new books to read. The library has checked out 22,781 books this school year to students. Soon it will be time to return all library books for the end of the year. The last day to check out books will be June 3rd. Please check at home to make sure all books are returned to school by June 10th. If you have any questions about your child’s library account, please reach out to me. Thank you for all your support in making the library a place for students to enjoy books this school year.
Kindergarten - Second grade have been learning about coding with Bee Bots in the library. We have enjoyed reading non-fiction and fiction books about insects, feelings, and fairy tales. Students then use the Bee Bots to code to show their knowledge of sequence and facts from our readings.
Third - Fifth grade have been learning about a website, Error! Hyperlink reference not valid, where they can read an article about a wonder of the day or search for their own wonder. This website has over 2000 wonders and gives information to students in written and video form. We have also learned how to use the tools needed on TestNav for their upcoming SOLs (Standards of Learning). Third grade has been using our makerspace materials to learn about bridges and how to create a suspension bridge in small groups. Fourth grade students have had a unit on community gardens, lifecycles of plants, and have planted their own seeds and have watched these seeds grow over the past weeks. Students will be transferring the plants to the outside community garden. The hope is that the garden will be ready for students to taste some of our plants before the end of the school year. Fifth grade has been learning about energy types, closed and open circuits and using snap circuits to build several types of energy components.
Remind students to read daily books they love, to build comprehension and fluency. Reading activities can always be found on their library canvas pages.
If you need support with book suggestions or resource needs, please reach out to me.
Ms. Youngblood
Jenkins ES Librarian
Our May Concert is just around the corner. Please look at the information below regarding concert details and RSVP information.
When: Thursday, May 26th, 2022, at 6:30pm (students should arrive at 6:00pm)
Where: Jenkins Elementary School Cafeteria, Woodbridge, VA
Dress Code: Please follow the PWCS Dress Code. Students should try to dress nicer than they do on a regular school day, but there are no specific requirements. It’s more important that your students are there!
RSVP: Please follow the link below to let us know how many people are able to make it to the concert. If the link is not working for you, please email your responses to the following questions to my email on or before Wednesday May 25th, 2022. There is a maximum of 9 seats for each family due to COVID-19 restrictions and mitigation strategies including wearing a face mask and maintaining social distancing.
1. What is your student's name?
2. How many people will be in attendance? (Maximum 9)
3. I understand that while in attendance at the concert, I will need to follow PWCS COVID-19 mitigation procedures such as wearing a face mask and social distancing.
a. Yes
Please follow PWCS guidelines for COVID-19. A Livestream on Zoom will be set up for families who are unable to attend.
Please see the attached documents for the survey link.
Mr. Anthony Carlton