Action of the School Board 09.25.23

September 25, 2023
National School Bus Poster Contest Winner
Avrie Siedschlag, a seventh grade student at Coon Rapids Middle School, was selected as the overall winner of the 2022-23 National School Bus Safety Poster Contest, an initiative sponsored by the National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT). Posters were submitted from 22 states and Avrie’s poster will be showcased during this year’s National School Bus Safety Week, October 16 -20, 2023.
Minnesota Bus Paraeducator of the Year for 2023
Louise Sivanch, school bus paraeducator, was recognized for receiving the Minnesota Special Education Transportation Award for 2023 from the Minnesota Association for Pupil Transportation (MAPT). Amy Tiedens, MAPT board member presented the award on behalf of the organization. Sivanach served Anoka-Hennepin Schools for 23 years.
Appointment of election judges resolution
Michelle Trelstad, executive director community education and government relations presented a resolution appointing election judges for the upcoming election to the School Board which was approved with an unanimous vote.
Morris Leatherman community survey results
Anoka-Hennepin Schools has conducted an annual community survey with Morris Leatherman for over 20 years. This level of commitment for feedback allows the School Board to track data over time, monitor trends in the community, and adjust district operations to meet community expectations. Peter Leatherman presented findings and analysis from the 2023 community survey in which 500 randomly selected residents from all areas of the district were contacted via phone during the month of May 2023.
Mental health supports update
Becky Brodeur, associate superintendent for middle schools and student services and Julia Messenger, assistant director of mental health and emotional wellness, provided an update on mental health services available to support district students.
Preliminary tax certification for taxes payable 2024
Michelle Vargas, chief financial officer, presented the preliminary tax certification for board approval. The action sets the maximum tax levy payable in 2024, an amount that will be reviewed and authorized at the December 11 School Board meeting following a public hearing. Vargas explained that the levy amounts are mainly guided through state funding formulas and voter approved levies. The recommended maximum tax levy amounts to a 3% increase. It will be forwarded to Anoka County and Hennepin County to establish draft tax statements which will be mailed to property owners in November. The resolution was approved on a unanimous vote by the School Board.
- Minutes from August 21, 2023 School Board work session.
- Retirements, resignations, terminations, layoffs and recalls, leaves and modified leaves of absence, and appointments.
- Cash disbursements report.
- Cash balance report.
- Donations and scholarships report.
- Monthly revenue and expenditures.
- Homework starts with home proposal
School Board work session, October 9 at 5:30 p.m. at the Anoka-Hennepin Educational Services Center, 2727 N. Ferry St., Anoka.
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