October 2023
The Cedarmere Scene Family Newsletter
No olvide consultar "The Cedarmere Scene", nuestro boletín mensual que se envía periódicamente. Contiene información vital y fechas importantes relacionadas con nuestra escuela. También puede acceder a este boletín en varios idiomas haciendo clic en el enlace de traducción de arriba. ¡Gracias por mantenerte informado!
All schools data is located on the MSDE website. Please click the link to review our school data. I have included a brief snapshot below.
BCPS District Data: Based on Proficiency
ELA: 42.4% (Grades 3-5)
Math: 30.1% (Grades 3-5)
Cedarmere ES Data: Based on Proficiency
ELA: 44.4% (Grades 3-5) - CES had a higher average than BCPS as a district in ELA
Math: 28% (Grades 3-5)
On October 12 - Parent MCAP/MAP Forum - @5:00pm at Cedarmere ES Let's talk about the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment and the Measures of Academic Progress) - Please join Ms. Matthews and Ms. Cagnolatti for an online open forum about these two important assessments—a chance to receive information and ask all of your questions. We will use Google Meet, and the link will be sent out via email next. We look forward to chatting with you! Please email me if you have any questions at rmatthews@bcps.org
The exciting part is that your child can not only use AMIRA at school to enhance reading fluency but can also continue practicing at home. Keep an eye out for information from your child's homeroom teacher, encouraging them to engage with AMIRA at home.
National Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin American countries. During this month we pause to learn about, the history, heritage, and accomplishments of Hispanic and Latino Americans of past and present. Hispanic students make up 31% of our student population at Cedarmere ES.
This month, we are promoting the opportunity for teachers to support students of this heritage in expressing their sense of pride and belonging at CES.
Cedarmere Elementary School embraces inclusivity and proudly celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with our community and families. We're grateful for the significant contributions made by individuals of Hispanic heritage to our country.
Bullying Prevention Month
New BusWhere app will allow parents/caregivers to track their children's school buses
The BCPS Office of Transportation has announced the county-wide implementation of BusWhere, a location tracking software that allows subscribers to see bus locations in real time on a mobile phone or computer. On or about October 2, parents/caregivers of children who ride school buses should receive an email invitation to create an account directly from BusWhere. Watch this video to learn more: https://youtu.be/eGotAExBerw. Questions? Contact the BCPS Office of Transportation at 443-809-4321.
BCPS Parent University
Upcoming Parent University events
This year, BCPS Parent University is presenting a variety of virtual programs. More information is available on the Parent University schedule.
Upcoming programming includes:
· "The Power of Play: Fun Activities for Parents and Children"
Friday, October 20, at 12:30 p.m.
· "Can you say 'Mama?": How Young Children Develop Language"
Friday, November 17, at 12:30 p.m.
Please click the link below, for more information about the BCPS Magnet School Info and deadline!
October 2 - National Custodial Day
October 19 - General PTA Meeting @6:30 pm
October 27 - PTA Trunk or Treat! @6:30 pm
BCPS October observances
• Czech Heritage Month
• Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month
• Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
• National Bullying Prevention Month
• National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 – Oct. 15)
• National Principals Month
• Polish American Heritage Month
PENNY WARS HOUSE WINNERS! - Thank you all for contributing to Penny Wars! Congrats to the GREEN HOUSE, who came in 1st Place!!!!
Green House: 6,385 points
Red House: 6,140 points
Blue House: 4,580 points
Yellow House: 735 points
Upcoming Fundraiser: Charleston Wrapping Paper!
Please use the code below to scan to become a member of the CES PTA! Thank you!
Parent/Family Volunteer Training
Please click links below for the application and training information.
BCPS Volunteer Application
Families please make sure to complete your volunteer training now. All training must be done 2 weeks prior to any event you would like to participate in with your child. Per BCPS policy this training must be completed and you must be an approved volunteer to partake in any school activities, including field trip, classroom support or helping out in the school for PTA events. Please do not delay do your training today! You can drop off your application or email it to sgrosscassell@bcps.org. Please click the above link to complete application.
Thank you.
From Nurse Turner
The single best way to protect against the Flu is to get vaccinated each season.
Students and Staff should stay home when sick until at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever or signs of a fever (chills, feeling very warm, flushed appearance, or sweating) without the use of a fever reducing medication.
Flu Facts
Frequently wash your hands with soap and water
Always get an annual flu shot
Cover coughs and sneezes
Take time off if you have symptoms
Seek care if your symptoms get worse
A few other quick reminders
Send in a change of clothes if you have not already done so for your students in case of spills, accidents, or falls outside.
Send in a filled water bottle every day with student to stay healthy and maintain hydration.
· For the Safety of our students, please make sure your child is wearing proper shoes for school so that they can safely participate in Gym and Recess.
Please click the form below for IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT MEDICAID
Please download the FOCUS APP and create a PARENT FOCUS ACCOUNT
Early Dismissal for Students
Parents please be advised that early dismissal ends at 2:45! We need to ensure that our dismissal process is safe and uninterrupted. If you would like to pick up your child early please send a note to your child's teacher or call the office. If you arrive after the 2:45 time we kindly ask that you wait in your vehicle until 3:30 pm to pick up your child, and if you have sent a note or called the office we will have them waiting for you in the office.
Please remember when you are picking up your child you must show a picture identification to the office staff prior to receiving them.
Lunch Delivery Change
Parents, this year, ALL students receive a FREE school lunch. However, if you want to pack your child's lunch each day, you are welcome to send them with a packed lunch. We request you send your child to school with their lunch when they arrive. We ask that you DO NOT bring lunch to the office for your child each day to be delivered after school begins. Please understand if you miss the beginning of their lunchtime, the office staff may be unable to deliver the lunch to your child, as the office staff has other duties that must take priority. We thank you in advance for your understanding and your full cooperation. If you must bring lunch, please bring it before 10:45 a.m.
Parents, it is week one of our new school year, and we already have several lost items. Please see the picture below, and if any of the items belong to your child, please email your child's teacher. In addition, we ask that you please LABEL your child's belongings (clothing, water bottles, backpacks, and especially COATS, SWEATERS, AND JACKETS!!)
Cedarmere ES - "Achieving Greatness Together"
Location: 17 Nicodemus Road, Reisterstown, MD, USA
Phone: 443-809-1100