January 26th, 2024
In This Update -read carefully as there is a lot of information in this one!
- Registration Information Meetings: mark your calendar!
- Process for schedule changes (2nd semester)
- Enroll your student for a Dental visit!
- After School Reminder
- Drop off/Pick up areas to be followed
- Classroom News
- Washington DC: news on both 2024 trip and 2025 trip
- Athletic news
- Don't forget to order your YEARBOOK!
- Freshman Formal
- Create your own video or board game
- BF Staff Spotlight - meet a teacher/staff person each week!
Registration Information Meetings for Parents
Incoming 7th grade 1/15 @ 6:30 PM (please see the BF website for the recorded meeting)
Incoming 8th grade 1/29 @ 6:15-6:45 PM
Incoming 9th grade 1/29 @ 7-7:30 PM......*we have noted that last week's newsletter had the INCORRECT Date. 1/29 is correct for both incoming 8th and 9th grade, but at different times.
Freshman/9th grade students going into 10th grade at SPASH (class of 2027):
Sophomore Elective Showcase will be held on 1/31/24 from 4:30-6PM plus Sophomore Parent Night from 6:00-7PM in the SPASH Auditorium.
If you have any questions, please direct them to:
Sharon Loken
School Counselor
715-345-5413 ext: 70304
Process for schedule changes
If you would like to make a schedule change for the second semester please see the process below. Note: Class numbers are still being balanced so some schedule changes may take place prior to 1/24/24.
-Schedule Change request forms will be accepted now through January 31st.
-Requests are not guaranteed to occur/be approved.
Reasons why a student may need to make a change (must check at least one):
1. Graduation requirements need to be met (9th grade only)
2. Class failure/credit recovery (9th grade only)
3. I have an ECCP class and need to fit that into my schedule (9th grade only)
4. My college requires a certain class for acceptance (9th grade only)
5. I am taking an online class and have been approved/submitted my contract (enrolling in an online class does not guarantee schedule changes for other courses)
6. I have a full schedule and need a Study Center
7. Course level change at semester (examples: English 7 to Advanced English 7 or AP Government to Civics)
Please stop by STUDENT SERVICES and pick up a pink drop/add slip if you would like to make a change for 2nd semester. All changes must be requested by January 31, 2024.
Bridging Brighter Smiles
Enroll your student(s) for an upcoming Dental visit!
After School Reminder
Students should be in their designated area no later than 3:05 and are not to be wandering the hallways. Designated areas are the front of the building, the cafeteria, and the bus line. If you walk home, you should be out of the building by 3:05 and on your way home. If you get picked up you should be out front or in the vestibule. If you ride a bus you should be in the cafeteria/bus line. Students will be released from the cafeteria at 3:05 unless the weather is cold it will be 3:10.
Please review the Drop off/Pick up map below. Be reminded that the areas shaded in the peach color are NOT drop off/pick up areas.
UWSP offering MATH TUTORING - see flyer
Please join us for our Winter Concerts!
Orchestra: Tuesday, January 30 at 7:30pm
Band: Tuesday, February 6 at 7:30pm
Student members of BFJH Junior Advocates for Equity and Change (JACE) Club participated in the Real Talk student panel at SPASH. Write- up here
2024 (9th graders) Washington DC Trip News
1.Save the date! Pre-Travel MANDATORY Meeting
When: Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 6 pm (during conferences)
Where: Ben Franklin auditorium
Why: Go over all pre-trip expectations, luggage info, meet chaperones, etc.
2. An optional MADA clothing form was emailed to travelers and families. Orders must be placed by February 7th on MADA’s website. Clothing will be delivered to school.
2025 (CURRENT 8th graders) Washington DC Trip informational meeting
Note: This is NOT for 9th graders going to DC in March 2024
Your student is invited to join us on our 2025 educational travel experience to explore Washington, D.C.! When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and I would love to have your student join us on this next adventure. Come hear all the details, including the itinerary, activities, and flexible payment options at our upcoming info session.
Please click here for the meeting details and to register for the session:
Hope to see you there,
Mrs. Radke
Spring Sports Meeting coming up!
The Ben Franklin Grade 7 / Grade 8 Spring Sports Meeting will take place on Monday, March 4 at 6:30 in the Ben Franklin Auditorium. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. to sign-up or ask questions. At 7:00 p.m. we will break off into individual sport meetings to meet your coaches and gather more information (practice schedules, game schedules, etc.) about your individual sport.
Please go to our Spring Sports Sign Up Link to sign up for your Spring sport.
Please view our Spring Sports Newsletter.
This document has the locations of your sports meeting - Some are at Ben Franklin, some are at PJ Jacobs
Also included will be start dates, physical / alternate year card expectations along with paperwork that will need to be included to compete in practice
Skyward access is now available to fill out forms. Only the primary parent or guardian has access to complete these forms. If you need to fill out hard copy forms they are available in the Ben Franklin Main Office, on our website, will be available Wednesday August 9, and also are included in the Athletic Code link below.
Our Ben Franklin Athletics Page has been updated to include start dates and coaching contacts for fall sports if you have specific questions for coaches. Please email coaches with questions.
Please view the Athletic Code.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Derek Kirklewski
Ben Franklin Athletic Director
Don't forget to order your YEARBOOK!
The Ben Franklin Jr. High Yearbook is a full color, hardcover book. Yearbooks are $35.00 (after Nov 6th). To order, follow this link: or scan the QR code:
Create your own video or board game (click below for details)
Please meet teacher Dylan Koss!
My name is Dylan Koss and I've been teaching 7th and 8th grade science at Ben Franklin for the past 8 years. My favorite part of teaching is the positive student interactions that I get to see every day. Watching something like a student learn something new in a science lab or making a new friend in class is something that will never get old. I've also served as a coach for our school district for the past 8 years. I'm currently an assistant coach for the SPASH Hockey team and the coordinator of Ben Franklin's Track and Field team. Outside of school my hobbies are bowhunting, shooting archery, open water/ice fishing, snowboarding, camping, and spending time in the woods scouting with my golden retriever, Midge. Ben Franklin has been a wonderful place to work and I look forward to many more years here.
Frequently used Forms
Pre-Arranged Absence Form (3 or more school days)
Student Release form (Appointment/personal/non-Athletic)
Over the Counter Medication (Parent Permission needed)