LCS Virtual Academy Newsletter
Edition #27
Updates and Information
Next week, elementary student (K-5th graders) are to report at 8 AM on:
- Tuesday, May 23rd for NWEA
- Wednesday, May 24th for NWEA
- Read through the instructions in the "All about State testing" section for more information.
- A reminder that the VA-Learning Lab will be closed for regular use due to testing.
- Summer school forms and info is linked below.
- 2022-23 LHS Credit Recovery is available via Summer Course Registration with the VA See registration link below. VA High School 9-12 Registration Form
- Yearbook Pics- We need pictures of our HIGH SCHOOL students engaged in virtual learning for the yearbook.
- LEXIA Literacy Program was purchased for ALL K-8th grade students. Lexia enables educators to provide differentiated literacy instruction for students of all abilities; Lexia's research-proven program helps substantially reduce students' risk of not meeting grade-level standards while still being able to give accelerated and on-track students the instruction they need to thrive. YOUR STUDENT SHOULD BE LOGGING IN DAILY! ACCESS the program at so your student can meet their weekly minute goal.
- Menus are listed on the district website. Visit the food service tab or your building page for both breakfast and lunch menus. You can also download the Nutrislice App at, search for your school building (LHS)!
- The store link contains apparel to support our various athletic programs - Use the tabs at the top to switch between the different teams. - The stores are open NOW and will close at varying dates and times that are listed on the store. Items will be delivered to the athletic office for pickup. We appreciate your support of Lincoln Athletics and hope to see you at events this spring supporting our students! Store Link:
All About State Testing
Testing season is here !! Please read below for things you can do to set your scholars up for success.
- CHARGE YOUR STUDENT'S CHROMEBOOK! Students take NWEA on their school issued chromebooks. Please charge your student's chromebook each night before testing.
- Send your child with headphones. Students will have listening portions on the test and will need wired headphones. If your child wishes to use a mouse, they will need to bring one. The mouse will help students navigate tools embedded in the test. If you do not have these tools, please reach out to your child’s teacher ahead of time.
- Healthy breakfast! Having a healthy breakfast will be crucial! The school offers breakfast as well.
- Healthy snacks! You may want to pack a couple extra snacks as test taking takes a ton of energy.
- Write an encouraging card for them to open before testing. Everyone loves encouragement, write a positive note encouraging your student to take their time and do their best.
If your student receives services with Ms. Andrea Jurk or Ms. Lynn Ball, please follow the instructions of time and dates they have been sending their students
- The test will take approximately 3-4 hours depending on the test you are taking.
- Please enter through the Virtual Academy Doors – DO NOT enter through the High School or MS school doors. The VA is located a the back of LHS, across from the football field.
- Cell phones or any device with WIFI capability ISN’T allowed. Please leave your devices at home; otherwise, they are to be turned in, locked in the VA Office, and powered off upon entry to the VA
- Students can call home to be picked up once test is completed.
- Fill out the transportation request form if you need bus service ASAP- This needs to be completed by TODAY.
NWEA...............................................6th, 7th and 8th grade..................Tuesday, May 16th
NWEA...............................................6th, 7th and 8th grade..................Wednesday, May 17th
NWEA...............................................3rd, 4th, 5th grade........................Tuesday, May 23rd
NWEA................................................3rd, 4th, 5th grade........................Wednesday, May 24th
**** VA-LEARNING LAB will be open ONLY by appointment for the rest of the school year ****
Summer School/ SAT Prep/Bridge Program
If interested in summer school, please complete the Google registration form ASAP. Also, continue to check the weekly newsletter and emails for the direct links below. Forms must be received no later than May 12, 2023
VA High School 9-12 Registration Form
VA Elementary & Middle School K-8 Registration Form
The Virtual Academy Summer Program is online, however, we do have 3 in-person days;
June 19th, June 29th and July 20th
Are you interested in raising your PSAT/SAT scores or building a foundation for AP and Honors courses? If so this is the opportunity for you! SAT Prep/ Bridge Program is:
Length: Six weeks- Monday through Thursday
Start Date: June 19, 2023 (Monday). End Date: July 27, 2023 (Thursday)
No School July 3 and 4, 2023. Traditional Setting Only
Restrictions: 9th, 10th, 11th graders who are not eligible for Learning Summit (Summer School 2023)
Due Date: May 12, 2022.
Questions? Please feel free to contact the counseling office for answers.
Please see the LHS SAT Prep/Bridge Program Interest/Registration Form 2023 for more info!
Summer Reading Programs
Here is information about 2 Summer Programs LCS is offering!
Summer Reading on the Move Program
Reading in the Park information
Senior Information
All questions regarding cap and gown and graduation announcements can be answered by Doug Drake at Jostens. He can be reached via email at or via phone at 586 -781-5878.
Senior Cap and Gown Order Form
Further information regarding graduation and senior activities can be found here:
If you are interested in attending LHS/LCSVA Commencement Week Activities, please fill out this form and return it to LHS Counseling office by May 12th.
Once the form is submitted, you may attend the LHS/LCSVA Commencement Week Activities
- Honors Commencement is on May 31st at 7 PM, students need to arrive at 6 PM
- Commencement will be on June 2nd at 7 PM, students need to arrive at 6 PM
- Honors cords may be given for the following:
- Athletes
- Foreign Language throughout high school
- College Credit earners
- 3.0 and above receive Gold Cords
- 3.5 & above - Presidents Award and Proficiency on SAT
We would like to remind you that the last day to finish any work in Pearson is Tuesday, May 23rd. To avoid any fees, you must return any school-issued devices, including headphones, hotspots, and or Chromebooks, to us starting May 23rd. Let us know when you plan to stop by so we can mark off your returns.
May/June Calendar
NWEA.......................6th, 7th and 8th grade.......Tuesday, May 16th
NWEA.......................6th, 7th and 8th grade.......Wednesday, May 17th
NWEA......................3rd, 4th, 5th grade..............Tuesday, May 23rd
NWEA......................3rd, 4th, 5th grade..............Wednesday, May 24th
Last day for seniors............................................Wednesday, May 24th
Honors Commencement....................................Wednesday, May 31st
High School Commencement............................Friday, June 2nd
Last day for K-11.................................................Friday, June 9th
School Closing Procedure
Any time there is inclement weather in the forecast, our Transportation Director checks road conditions between 3:30 and 4:30 am . Once the decision is made to close school, families and staff are notified using a number of media channels including: Local TV Broadcast Channels 2, 4, 7, Local Radio Stations WWJ/WJR,, Facebook, Twitter, School Robocall, Email Blast, and Text.
LCS-VA in the News!!
We are so excited to share an MLive news feature on the Virtual Academy. A special thanks to all the families who offered to be interviewed.
Sports at LCS
VA students are allowed to participate in any sports offered by Lincoln Consolidated Schools
Athletic Registration
2023/2024 School Year
**A prospective athlete is required to see a physician and receive a physical exam and clearance in order to be eligible for athletic teams in the 2023/2024 school year.
Here are a few options if you are unable to see your physician:
- schedule an appointment with the onsite RAHS Health Clinic at (734) 714-9509 or (734) 714-9600
- visit an Urgent Care/Walk-in clinic in the area
Some reminders as we get started with middle school sports.
- 2023-2024 physicals must be dated after April 15, 2023.
- Full details on physical requirements are here!
- Update your Athletic Registration through Planet HS.
- All athletic registration is now managed online - no more trips to the athletic office.
- Make sure your registration is fully completed in order to start official practices and/or tryouts.
- All registration info is here! Visit:
- Help us grow football & cheerleading in our community, together. Registration is open now at!
VA Daily Reminders
- Complete your SEL & Attendance Form Daily
- Login to Pearson & Complete your TO-DO Lists Daily
- Login to Google Classroom & check your GMAIL Daily
- Respond to questions sent from your teachers - *very important for attendance purposes*
- Attend your Mandatory Weekly Virtual Meetings
- Sign-up to Attend the In-person Labs on your grade level specific day
- We provide in-district transportation for the LCS Virtual Academy Students that request it in-order to attend the Learning Lab days. The form to request transportation is linked below.
- VA students are expected to complete the same calendar year as the LCS in-person students. A copy of the calendar is linked below
- If you are exhibiting signs of COVID, Flu or any similar symptoms, please inform us to cancel if you were planning on coming to the virtual lab. This is especially important since some families choose to have their child attend a Virtual school because of a weak immune system or other health complications. We want to ensure that sick people stay out of the building for the safety of both students and staff.