January 2024 Hawk Talk
Hello Maple Hill Hawk Families,
Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope this message finds you refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready for the exciting journey that awaits us in 2024. As we step into this new chapter, I want to extend a warm welcome to our amazing students, dedicated staff, and supportive parents.
Winter break is a special time that allows us to recharge and spend precious moments with loved ones. It's also a time for reflection and setting positive intentions for the year ahead. As we reunite, let's bring with us the warmth of these holiday memories and channel that energy into creating an environment of kindness, support, and learning.
This month students will be learning about the character trait of Empathy. Empathy is a powerful force that can bring about positive change in our school community. In 2024, let's make a collective commitment to understanding and supporting one another. Each person in our school family brings a unique perspective, and by embracing empathy, we strengthen the bonds that make us a true community.
Here are a few ways we can be empathetic to others in 2024:
Listen with an Open Heart: Take the time to truly listen to others without judgment. Everyone's experiences and feelings are valid, and by being attentive, we create a culture of understanding.
Walk in Each Other's Shoes: Empathy comes from trying to understand another person's perspective. Encourage our students and staff to see things from different points of view, fostering a sense of unity and compassion.
Extend a Helping Hand: Small gestures of kindness can make a big difference. Whether it's helping a classmate, supporting a colleague, or reaching out to a parent, let's be proactive in showing kindness and support.
As we embark on the new year, safety remains a top priority. Our responsibility to one another extends to creating a secure and caring environment. I encourage all adults to model exemplary safety choices in front of the school, both for our students and the broader community. Below you will find some safety reminders. Please read through these reminders carefully and take the time to model these safe practices with your children during drop off and pick up each day. By following safety guidelines, we not only protect ourselves but also demonstrate the importance of collective responsibility. Let's lead by example, showing our students the power of making choices that prioritize the well-being of others.
I am truly excited about the incredible year ahead and the potential for growth and success that lies within each and every one of us. Together, we will make 2024 a year of compassion, achievement, and unity.
Welcome back, Hawks! Let's make this year extraordinary!
Warm Regards,
Ms. McNeil
Principal at Maple Hill
Important Dates in the Month of January
January 8th- School Resumes after Winter Break
January 10th- Recycling before school
January 11th- BMX Bike Assembly- Fall Enrichment Fundraiser School-wide Assembly
January 11th- Early out day TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st-5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
January 15th- No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 17th- Recycling before school
January 18th- Early out day TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st-5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
January 19th- Lock Down Drill
January 23rd- Virtual MHCC Meeting (see below)
January 24th- Recycling before school
January 24th- Fire Drill
January 25th- Early out day TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st-5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
January 30th- TK/K Testing Minimum Day ONLY for TK/K - Dismissal at 11:30 am
January 30th- School Site Council Meeting (see below)
January 31st- Recycling before school
Virtual MHCC Meeting
Join the Maple Hill Community Club Exec Board, Ms. McNeil, and Mrs. Rovira as we discuss the great things happening at Maple Hill in 2024.
MHCC Virtual Meeting
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 · 8:30 – 9:30am
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/eyv-ouem-cui
Virtual School Site Council Meeting
Join Ms. McNeil and our School Site Council to review our school plan and discuss our goals for the school year.
SSC Meeting
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 · 3:00 – 4:00pm
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/tya-wvvs-bfr
January's Hawk Character Trait: Empathy
Our SEL enrichment lesson this month will be on Empathy. We will be learning about social awareness and what it means to look at things from others perspectives. The lessons will include engaging activities and thoughtful discussion such as tone of voice, understanding others feelings, and compassion. My hope is that your child will develop a better understanding of why it is important to think about and include others. I would love for you to discuss with your child what empathy is and why it is important to consider others.
Here are some strategies you can try at home to support your child’s social awareness development:
Discuss what it means to be empathetic
Discuss ways to be inclusive and how they can make other feel welcome
Discuss what it means to be compassionate and understanding of others
Family Book Guide:
TK/K- I am Human: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9RxO3HG9bM
1st-3rd- The Invisible Boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDMFX1__K2U&t=11s
4th-5th- Empathy Is Your Superpower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9TCpbqohcI
Family Empathy Activities:
Create a chart called “Ways to be a Buddy” and brainstorm things buddies say and do on the chart.
Create a chart called “How to Include Others” and brainstorm things we can say and do to include others at school, in class, and on the playground.
Create an “Appreciation Box” and can use it to write down positive messages, thank you notes, or messages of appreciation or encouragement to their family, friends, neighbor, teacher, or any person in their life.
Front of School Safety Reminders
Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, I want to take a moment to highlight some crucial safety reminders for our school community. Your cooperation and mindfulness play a key role in ensuring a safe environment for everyone.
1. Traffic Safety:
- Plan Ahead: Be mindful of traffic patterns during drop-off and pick-up times. Planning ahead can help alleviate congestion and ensure a smoother flow.
- Stay Calm and Alert: Keep a calm and alert mindset when driving through school zones. This helps create a safer environment for our students and staff.
2. Parking Lot Protocol:
- Limited Access: Our parking lot is reserved for staff, school buses, and handicapped cars. Please enter from the lower driveway and exit from the top driveway only.
- Handicap Parking: If you have a handicap placard, please park only in designated spots. Avoid parking along the red fire lane to ensure safe bus entry and exit.
3. Loading and Unloading Zones:
- Red Curbs: Be aware of the red curbs next to driveways. These are designated for bus maneuvering and staff visibility. Avoid blocking these areas during loading and unloading.
4. Staff Identification:
- Safety Vests: Staff members on duty will be wearing safety vests for easy identification. Please follow their guidance for a smooth and safe drop-off/pick-up experience.
5. PBIS Rules Reminder:
- Front of the School: Remind students about our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) rules when they are in front of the school. (see picture below)
- Morning Announcements: I will reinforce these rules during our morning announcements in January.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and commitment to the safety of our school community. By working together, we can ensure that our school remains a secure and welcoming place for everyone.
Here's to a fantastic and safe year ahead!
2022-2023 School Year- Free Brunch and Lunch
Please visit our nutrition service website link below to find out more information. Families may also fill out a meal benefit application form to determine eligibility for school funding, computer network access, discounted fees on college applications, and discounted fees on standardized tests.
Important Information Linked Below
Ms. McNeil- Principal at Maple Hill
Email: kmcneil@wvusd.org
Website: www.maplehillschool.org
Location: 1350 Maple Hill Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: 909-861-6224