E-Learning Updates: May 29, 2020
Jefferson Elementary School
Stevens Point Area School District Summer School Information
Here are the links to the lessons and activities prepared for you by our Music, Art, Physical Education and Library Science (MAPELS) teachers. Check out the fun and exciting activities as well as opportunities to connect with your teachers.
- Jefferson Art Access Code: MPTX-FDPW Sign up for a virtual drawing meet-up with Ms. K here: Lights, Webcam, Draw!
- Jefferson PE Sign up to meet with Mrs Gunderson online
- Jefferson Music
Student Services
Mrs. Henry, School Social Worker, jhenry@pointschools.net
Jefferson Family Support Form: Please complete this form if you would like me to contact you, or call 715-575-1217.
Project Fresh Start Application: Project Fresh Start, a program of the United Way Volunteer Center, provides children in grades 4K-12 with school supplies, free of charge. To qualify, children must attend a Portage County school and meet the program’s financial qualifications. Financial eligibility is based on the same guidelines as the free/reduced meal program.
Mrs. Janssen sjanssen@pointschools.net
Mrs. Hyman ahyman@pointschools.net
Mrs. Stewart mstewart@pointschools.net
Mrs. O’Connor doconnor@pointschools.net
Mrs. Nola nfurmane@pointschools.net
Occupational Therapy: Mrs. Peterson + Mrs. O’Shasky copeters@pointschools.net
Complete the picture drawing: Cut a picture (from a magazine, cereal box, or a drawing) in half and tape or glue to a blank piece of paper, see if you can complete the other half, by drawing the other half of the picture and coloring it in.
Father’s Day Activity: Write out the top ten reasons you love dad (grandpa, uncle, family friend, teacher, or mom…..pick someone you feel close to celebrate!). Share your list with this person.
Yoga Activity: Cat/Cow –go slowly, not quickly! Repeat 5 times:
Start on your hands and knees in a "tabletop" position on the floor.
Breathe in, as you tip your head to look up towards the sky or ceiling (and your back sags like a cow).
Breathe out, as you tip your head to look towards your belly button (and arch your back like a hissing cat)