Moore Street School
Week of August 14, 2023
Moore Street School Lead Learner's Address:
Greetings To Each Of You:
We had a great first full week of school. I hope this is an indication of what this year will bring. We are kicking off our Mentoring Mondays this week. This is an in-house mentoring initiative that ensures all students have a trusted adult in the building if/when needed. It is also a great way to teach kids invaluable skills such as conflict resolution, interviewing skills, and time management.
We will administer the Reading and Math Inventory Assessments this week. This administration will serve as our baseline data for the 23-24 school year. Please encourage your child to do his/her best. Refer to the Local Assessment guide for more information.
Our Family Engagement Coordinator will host the first family engagement activity this week. This activity is Parent PLP Training. This is a great way to track your child's progress. Don't miss out!!! See Flyer below
We have filled one of the two parent positions on our Local School Governance Team.
If you are looking for a chance to partner with Moore Street School (MSS) we have the perfect opportunity for you. We still have one parent position available. This is a great way to be directly involved with what is going on at MSS. Your voice matters. If your are interested please contact the school 478-353-8400.
Our Evening School Program (ESP) is up and running. ESP is great for remediation, enrichment, and attendance recovery. Evening School hours are Monday and Friday Asynchronous (virtual) and Tuesday-Thursday in person from 2:30-6:00.
Parents, if you haven't returned the student information packets please do so as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out. Again the phone number is 478-353-8400. We are here to serve. Thank you for being a valuable part of our Dublin City School (DCS) family.
Important Dates
August 1: Open House 2:00-4:00 pm
August 3: First Day of School
August 10: Fire Drill
August 14 Mentoring Monday
August 14: CIP Meeting
August 14-18: RI/MI Testing Window
August 15: Parent Portal Training @10:00 AM
August 21: 1st 45 Day Action Plan due 8:00 am
August 21-August 25: BEACON-1
August 28: Mentoring Monday
CIP Meeting
LSGT Meeting
Moore Street School
Location: 1405 West Moore Street, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: (478)353-8400