CTE and CCMR News
A publication of ESC Region 11 • July 2021 edition
ESC Region 11 CTE
A Note from Lisa
Happy July, and welcome to the 2021-2022 school year. For some of you, July is a time of rest and recuperation. For others, you are in the office ramping up for a new year. Many are busy with last-minute hiring, preparing August professional learning events, and attending summer conferences.
Summer conferences are a great way to learn and network with your peers. For me, they serve as a means to "fill my bucket" as I enjoy time with colleagues. This year, face-to-face conferences will be especially fulfilling after 18 months of virtual collaboration. Personally, I will have a greater appreciation for time spent with my education friends!
Here are a few items to have on your July to-do list:
- Track IBC summer completions and enter in PEIMS. IBCs earned from 6/1/21-8/31/2021 will be extracted to TEA in the Fall PEIMS submission.
- Use the new CTE FTE Calculator for 2021-2022 Budgeting (Based on Tiered Funding).
- Attend summer professional learning.
- Review the CCMR Tracker that releases this month.
- Ensure new and returning teachers have all necessary certifications and trainings (WBL/CTE Science/CTE Math).
I sincerely hope that you had the opportunity to celebrate our star-spangled country over the 4th of July. It is an honor to serve all of you in our little piece of the USA.
CTE and CCMR Leadership Meetings 2021-2022 Dates
CTE Coffee & Conversation will return in the fall!
CTAT Created An Awesome
CTE FTE Calculator
FTE Estimator by Course
- Make your own copy to use the Google sheet.
- Tab 1 includes instructions.
- Tab 2 is the worksheet.
- Formulas are set at 95% attendance.
This document assumes you are meeting the requirement for minutes to earn the appropriate V Code. If you are unsure on this, read the SAAH.
Thank you, Mark Bosher, for sharing this with everyone!
Helpful Information Straight from TEA!
CTE Indicator Code auto-calculation is complete!
The Career and Technical Indicator Code auto-calculation process is complete. LEAs may view their data using the following reports:
PDM3-404-002 Career and Technical Education Student Roster
PDM3-404-003 Student Counts by Career and Technical Education Indicator Code and Grade
CTE Auto-Coding by TEA
PEIMS Updates
The Career and Technical Indicator Code auto-calculation process is being performed this week. TEA will send notification through the PEIMS application when the following reports are populated with the data:
PDM3-404-002 Career and Technical Education Student Roster
PDM3-404-003 Student Counts by Career and Technical Education Indicator Code and Grade
The CTE auto-calculation documentation is located https://www.texasstudentdatasystem.org/tsds/education-data-warehouse/peims-calculations-tech-tips
Released 6/23/2021
Gateway Platform migrated to new TEALearn Platform
TEALearn courses do provide certificates upon successful completion!
- Introduction to Integrating Math into CTE Classrooms, Part 1
- Introduction to Integrating Math into CTE Classrooms, Part 2
Integrating Science into the CTE Classroom Parts 1 and 2 are available on TEALearn.
- Introduction to Integrating Science into CTE Classrooms, Part 1
- Introduction to Integrating Science into CTE Classrooms, Part 2
The Canvas TEALearn courses DO produce a certificate, and there are instructions on Canvas that walk teachers through the process for receiving the certificate. Keep in mind that they have to go through every module and complete the quizzes. So, if they aren’t able to see their certificate, it is probably because they aren’t finished with the course.
Once you have completed your course and have met the requirements for receiving credit, you will need to access your certificate.
Follow these steps to access your certificate:
- Go to register.tealearn.com (Links to an external site.)
- Click on Login in the top right corner of the screen and log into your account using your TEALearn credentials.
- Once you are signed in, click on your name in the upper right corner and select Student Dashboard from the menu.
- Your Dashboard will show you a list of all the courses you are registered for and their status. To access your certificate, click Completed and find the course.
- Click on View to view your certificate or on Download to download a copy to your computer.
Don't see your certificate?
Check the course to make sure you have completed all the requirements.
A Guide to Early Transitions in Texas
The Student-Centered Transitions Network (SCTN) recently posted A Guide to Early Transitions In Texas intended for use by educators and other school professionals in Texas to support implementation of services for students with, or suspected of having, disabilities. Our hope is that this guide will provide access to reliable information that contributes to improved outcomes for students with disabilities.
Texas Autism Resource Guide for Effective Teaching (TARGET)
2018-2019 Perkins V Indicator Data Statewide Report
The Perkins V Indicator Data Statewide report provides summary data on the performance of Texas secondary career and technical education (CTE) programs for the 2018-2019 school year as required by Sec. 113(C),(D), and (E) of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (PL 115-224, Enacted July 31, 2018), Perkins V.
The state-level data is disaggregated by:
- Race, Gender, and Ethnicity
- Perkins V identified Special Populations
- Federal Career Clusters
- State Career Clusters
- In the 5S4 (CTE Completers) tab – Programs of Study
The disaggregated report will open to the specific page from the hyperlink below for each federally reported performance indicator:
- 1S1 – Four-Year Graduation Rate
- 1S2 – Extended Graduation Rate
- 2S1 – Academic Proficiency in Reading/Language/Arts
- 2S2 – Academic Proficiency in Mathematics
- 2S3 – Academic Proficiency in Science
- 3S1 – Post-Program Placement
- 4S1 – Non-traditional Program Concentration
- 5S1 – Program Quality – Attained Recognized Postsecondary Credential
- 5S4 – Program Quality – CTE Completer
The report is an accompaniment to the data available to local education agencies (LEAs) in Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) system through the career and technical education report (CTER) application. Requests for access to data in the CTER application must be submitted to LEA leadership, who will forward the request to the Texas Education Agency in the TEAL system.
TEA CTE Website has a new look!
Be sure to review the changes to the TEA CTE Website.
Improvements include:
- Added photos of CTE students in action
- Cards organized by categories
- Easier to locate information
- Update section available on the right side
What’s New in Performance Reporting
The College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Verifier is posted on the Performance Reporting tab within the TEA Login (TEAL) Accountability application. Districts should use the CCMR Verifier to verify the accuracy of their CCMR data and, if needed, submit official documentation to correct data by July 14, 2021. If no discrepancies are found, no action is required.
As a reminder, districts SHOULD NOT submit industry-based certification (IBC) documentation through the level I and level II certificates field; IBCs are not eligible for correction. Please see Understanding Credentials in Texas: Certificates and Certifications to learn more about the differences between certificates, certifications, licenses, and more.
As all districts and campuses receive a Not Rated label in 2021, CCMR data will only be reported. The 2021 CCMR Verifier One Pager provides additional information.
Performance Reporting Calendar
July: Second 2021 CCMR Tracker released in TEAL (Tracker is informational only)
Mid-August: Excel file released on TEA’s 2021 accountability page indicating that all districts and campuses are Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster for 2021
Late August: Unmasked accountability reports and confidential student listings released in TEAL
Late August: Masked accountability reports released on TXschools.gov and on TEA’s 2021 accountability page
Work Study Mentorship
Seats still available at this face-to-face session. Don't miss out!
Work-Based Learning Required Training
- Register for Work-Based Learning (WBL) Required Teacher Training - August 3, 2021
Why do we need this?
Teachers assigned to teach Career Preparation courses must complete the Texas Education Agency approved training as outlined in §231.271. Career Development, Grades 9-12. subsection (e):
- (e)The school district is responsible for ensuring that each teacher assigned to Career Preparation I, Career Preparation II, or Extended Career Preparation, Grades 9-12, has completed appropriate training in state and federal requirements regarding work-based learning and safety.
FREE Coding Training
Participants will all walk away with free resources!
Project-Based Learning Academy (Self-Paced, Online)
Project-Based Learning is an instructional approach in which students answer a driving question based on a real-world issue or challenge. During a PBL unit, students create a culminating product while uncovering content, investigating solutions, and developing 21st-century skills. In the PBL Academy, you will explore best practices of PBL design, including the essential components and phases of a PBL unit plan. By the end of this academy, you will have designed a PBL unit to be implemented with students. This academy is an independent, self-paced Canvas course with checkpoints, opportunities for collaboration, and optional Zoom meetings. All assignments in Canvas (online platform) must be completed to receive full credit.
July 1, 2021 - July 30, 2021
Register: https://registration.esc11.net/catalog/sessions/27991/52329 /27991/5232
CTAT Summer 2021
Leadership. Strategy. Results.
CTAT Summer is the premier event for those in career and technical education. This event showcases best practices and strategies, comprehensive CTE program management, college and career guidance, classroom management, business/industry partnerships, and more.
July 26-29, 2021
Who Attends:
CTE administrators
CTE teachers
School counselors
ESC personnel
Be sure to attend the TEA CTE Updates at CTAT Summer Conference
ESC Region 11 CTE Website
ESC Region 11 Resources
Other Resources
- CTAT Resources
- Connect CTAT Online Forum
- Resource Google Doc by pathway
- Texas CTE powered by TEA
ESC Region 11 CTE
Administrator Coach for CTE and CCMR
Email: lharrison@esc11.net
Website: https://www.esc11.net/domain/486
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 740-7527
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ESC11CTE/
Twitter: @ESC11CTE