Byron Area Schools
High School and Middle School News
1st quarter is complete
Thank you to everyone for a good first quarter of our school year. We are always going to have things to celebrate and things to work on, but hopefully we all realize we are on the same team and continue to work towards an acceptable solution.
Another thanks to all that were able to join us at parent teacher conferences. I know there were a number of activities in and around the schools, so we do we appreciate the effort to come in and discuss your student's progress. October 27th marked the end of the 1st quarter and that does have an impact on semester grades. A portion of the students semester grade is done but they still have plenty of opportunities to work on that until the semester is done in January. If you have any specific questions on a class or a grade in a class, please contact the teacher. If it is a bigger issue, please contact me at the school.
Fall sports are done. It has been great watching our students put in so much time into things they enjoy outside of the classroom. There are life lessons in everything we do and sports are a big part of the growth process. That being said, some Winter sports for middle school have started and will start for high school in the next few weeks. There have been sign ups at the high school. Just a reminder that a student must have a physical on file to participate.
Check the school calendar below for vacation days at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Middle School Shiawassee Scholars are taking the test Dec 2nd – Good Luck! – we are having work sessions during SPARC for those students signed up on November 28th, 29th and 30th.
Keep an eye out for updates on the new sign at the High School/Middle School entrance.
Girls Volleyball
League and District Champs!!
State Qualifiers in Cross Country
Winter Sports Information
Prestigious Eagle Winners First Quarter
On behalf of the Byron Middle School teachers and support staff we would like to congratulate the following Students on being selected as our First Quarter Prestigious Eagle Award Winners:
6th Kaitlyn Hajduk
7th Izak Echlin
8th Jayden Kinaitis
They have consistently demonstrated the following qualities: On task during class, prepared and on time for class, courteous, helpful, respectful, proper behavior in the halls, good attitude and a hard worker. These character strength are the foundation of The Positivity Project’s model and best exemplify the qualities we would like to see In all of our students. Congratulations!
On Thursday, November 2, tenth graders attended a Career Expo at the Shiawassee County College & Career Readiness Center in Vernon. There students rotated through stations where they learned about Electrical, Health Science Academy, Heavy Equipment, Public Safety, Teaching Cadet and Welding programs. They also attended sessions on dual enrollment and early college. Applications are open for those programs and do require a 2.0 minimum GPA. Go to https://www.sresd.org/career-college/enrollment-information/ for more information as well as the application link. Ms. Smith is also available if you'd like to have a meeting specifically about your student and how the next two years of school might look.
Did you know that Byron High School is partnered with FOUR area colleges to offer high school students the opportunity to earn direct college credit? Byron was one of the first schools in the area to partner with the University of Michigan Flint! This semester, students are set to earn 214 college credits at Mott Community College, Lansing Community College, Baker College of Owosso as well as UM Flint. Five of these students are 5th year Early College students and are currently taking between 12 and 15 college credits. All this in just this semester! Students will be enrolled in different classes second semester earning even more credits.
Positivity Project
Byron High School and Middle School will continue to use the Positivity Project this year. This is a valuable resource for us that is used in a variety of ways. Please look at the link provided and explore the program. https://posproject.org/
We had a lot of positive referrals on student behavior from teachers in October. When I look at the students pictures, I like to see the positive impact on the school with their actions and am proud of all of them for being recognized by different teachers. When I look at the traits they were recognized for, I appreciate that also because these are things we all can work on more and to have an impact on the school and much more.
MIddle School Leadership
Love of Learning
High School Leadership
Social Intelligence
As we get to this point in the year, it might be a good time to review attendance policies for absences and tardies. The numbers are increasing and this has an impact in many areas, like grades, discipline, truancy, and credit for classes.
Please consider helping the Athletic Boosters in any way that you can. It is very good to see them active again. Their efforts make a huge difference in Byron Athletics.
- Contact-Don McLennan mclennan@byron.k12.mi.us
- 810-266-4620
The mission of Byron Area Schools is to educate all students
to become productive members of society.