Families of ELLs
A Guide to ACES
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Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 School Year!
Why am I receiving this newsletter?
What is an ELL?
What does being an ELL mean for my child?
1. Flexible Seating - ELLs and recently exited ELLs may be offered the opportunity to be tested in a separate room with the ESOL teacher serving as the test administrator.
2. Flexible Scheduling - ELLs and recently exited ELLs may be provided additional time to complete a test session; however each test session must be completed within one school day.
3. Assistance in Heritage Language - ELLs and recently exited ELLs may be provided limited assistance using the student's heritage language for directions, items, and answer choices. This does not mean oral presentation of items and answer choices in English or the student's heritage language.
4. Approved Dictionary and Glossary - ELLs and recently exited ELLs should have access to an English-to-heritage language translation and/or heritage language-to-English translation dictionary or glossary or both.
How Long will my child be in the ESOL Program?
Terms to Know
ELL - English Language Learner (the student)
ELL Committee - A committee composed of the student's ESOL teacher, general education teacher, administrator, guidance counselor, social worker, school psychologist, or other educators appropriate for the situation. Parents must be invited to attend the meeting, but are not required to attend for the meeting to take place.
ACCESS Testing - Educators use this information to make decisions about students' education. ACCESS measures what students know and can do in English in the domains of Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Students do not need to study for the test, but rather, focus on demonstrating their language abilities.
CELLA Testing - CELLA, the Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment, is a test for Florida students classified as English Language Learners (ELLs). CELLA measures the progress in listening, speaking, reading, and writing English language skills.
OLPS-R - Miami-Dade County Oral Language Proficiency Scale –Administered to ELLs to determine student’s oral language proficiency. **This assessment is only used for Kindergarten.
People to Know
Ms. Joy Manhart
ESOL Coordinator and Parent Volunteer Coordinator
Ms. Eileen Fernandez
Ms. Ana Melhuish
Ms. Charlotte Fread
Ms. Stacy Mogull
Mr. Jorge Paz
Ms. Nilda Mitchell
Ms. Shawn Simmons
Ms. Nicole Jacinthe
Ms. Kristine Griffin
ESE Coordinator
Reporting Student Absences
Send an email to attendance@aventuracharter.org.
Please to include your child’s name, grade, date(s) of absence, reason for absence.
Upload a copy of a doctor's note if a child is absent for more than 2 consecutive days.
For pre-Planned absences, please complete a Notification of Absence form.
Important Forms and Documents
Getting involved in your child's school benefits everyone... including your child. According to the National PTA, children of involved parents generally achieve more with higher grades, greater motivation and better self esteem.
Parents at ACES are required to complete 20 volunteer hours each school year for 1 child at the school, or 30 volunteer hours if you have 2 or more children attending ACES.
Ways to Volunteer
Daily volunteer help is needed; Tasks include, but may not be limited to: general office help, data entry, provide event or other related information to the Communications Office and event leaders, assist with weekly events (assist event attendees, event set-up).
Upcoming planned events require various tasks to be completed including decorating, marketing and selling tickets.
Potential future events require extensive planning. Volunteers are needed to contribute ideas, chair an event committee and/or identify sponsors.
Long term planning volunteers assist with the following season of events. For example fall events are pre-planned in the spring.
Use the link below to access our Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter. This is where you will find all of the volunteer opportunities happening on-campus at ACES.
Required CSUSA Online Volunteer Training Modules
Before registering, please download the parent letter and registration instructions. Charter Schools USA requires completion of five (5) online training modules in order to volunteer at ACES. This certification can be used to volunteer at ACES or any Charter Schools USA campus.
You will receive 2 volunteer hours for the completion of all 5 modules.
How to Submit Volunteer Hours
To receive credit for the hours you serve, you will be required to:
- Sign-in and out when volunteering as proof of the time you were in attendance.
- Make sure the volunteer slip is completed by an ACES staff member. The white copy (signed) stays at the school front desk.
- Retain the yellow copy for your records as it will serve as proof of the volunteer hours served.
Please allow us time to update volunteer hours in our system. We will send updates on hours every 4-6 weeks.
Dadeschools Portal and Gradebook
Google Classroom
Would you like a tool to help you stay up to date with what’s happening in each of your student’s classes? As part of Google Classroom, scheduled email updates can be automatically sent out for each student using Google Classroom on a daily or weekly basis. These emails will include:
- Missing work
- Upcoming work
- Announcements posted by the teacher
Sign Up
Those interested in receiving these notification emails must complete the ONLINE FORM for each Kindergarten-8th grade school student currently enrolled at ACES.
Please note, you will continue to receive emails if you previously signed up.
Guardians who should register:
- All Kinder-8th grade parents
- Kinder - 8th grade parents new to ACES
- Kinder - 8th grade parents who have never received the notifications
You can reach out to your student's teacher(s) with have any questions regarding the Guardian Notifications.
ACES follows the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Anti Bullying Policy. Miami Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students. To this end, M-DCPS is dedicated to eradicating bullying and harassment in its schools by providing awareness, prevention and education in promoting a school atmosphere in which bullying, harassment, and intimidation will not be tolerated by students, school board employees, visitors, or volunteers. ACES also maintains a Zero Tolerance Policy on school violence, crime, and the use of weapons.
Any student who feels that they have been a victim of bullying or have witnessed an act of bullying can report the incident anonymously using the Bullying Form found below.
ACES Family Updates
EXTRA Activities
ESOL Power Hour
Please note: this is not a structured class where we are learning English by reading and writing in a traditional sense. If your child does not want to come, please do not send them.
Fee-Based Enrichment Programs
Let's Connect!
Email: jmanhart@aventuracharter.org
Website: https://www.aventuracharter.org/
Location: 3333 Northeast 188th Street, Miami, FL, USA
Phone: 305-466-1499