Cardinal Connections
September 21, 2020
Weekly Announcements with Allen Harris & Noah Hawkins
Student Material Pickup
African American Parent Network (AAPN) Calendar of Events
Join Us for the Next AAPN Meeting
African American Network Parent Network
NWEA Assessment information
Please see the attached district letter regarding the NWEA-MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) assessment that all K-5 students will need to take beginning Monday, September 28th. The NWEA- MAP assessment is an online assessment, and this assessment fulfills various requirements required by the state each year. This test is NOT TO BE taken before the teacher instructs.
This year, we will begin the fall assessment season by taking the NWEA-MAP assessment remotely while at home.
Your child will be taking one of the two following assessments
(Your teacher will send you one of the two helpful documents)
- K-2 Test Guidance
- 2+ Test Guidance (Higher scoring 2nd graders through 5th grade)
Please let us know if you have any questions at all. We realize that not all of our families have laptops yet, and we also understand that there have been challenges with technology. We will work through everything together to make this a successful fall testing experience.
Home & School Connections
Positivity Project Quotes for the Week
Morley Candy Fundraiser
Unfortunately, as of right now, PTO will not be able to hold many of the events that they did last year. I can tell you that we had already begun some of the planning work over the summer. The goal was to give our Clinton Valley students some of the opportunities that other schools have, and just because we are in shutdown mode with not being able to host the many events that we had, doesn't mean we can't find other ways to make things happen for our students.
This year we found another way to raise funds for our kids, and it sounds like a pretty great way to raise funds. Dan Morley from Morley Candy came in a couple of weeks ago to go over this new touchless fundraiser. We are asking our families to participate in selling Otis Spunkmeyer and Winter Wishes (Morley Candy). I have included the Fundraiser letter below. Please click on the image, and it will open it up to a PDF. Once it opens into a PDF, the clickable links will work. Please register and share the fundraisers with five or more supports. Everyone who sells five or more items will receive a candy bar with either $1, $5, or $10 attached. There is a video embedded in the letter that goes over how the fundraiser work. Please review it, and let's get excited about what this fundraiser can do.
Click on the image to access the document and then download to access the embedded links
Half Days 2020-2021
Our Half Days begin and end this year from 9:00 - 11:53 am
October 21, 2020
October 22, 2020
October 23, 2020
October 30, 2020
February 12, 2021
March 24, 2021
March 26, 2021
April 1, 2021
June 14, 2021
June 15, 2021