Timberwolves Bulletin
surrounded by Joy. ignited by Hope. grounded in Resilience.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Spruce Instagram
Spruce Online Learning Website
H Grady Spruce Campus Website
Principal Taylor Message
Thank you all for your patience and we are here! The start of 2020-2021 school year. We are so excited to begin our school year and we know that this year is special and that it is also one that will require us all to dig very deep.
WE are in this together and as a staff we have work tirelessly to create a virtual learning experience that engages our learners and promotes the skills needed to be successful virtual learners these first few weeks of school.
We ask that parents and families continue to create the opportunity and space for scholars to build strong learner routines and build confidence as an online learner. They have what it takes to be successful and the saying that "it takes a village" is important now more than ever.
Please read through the resources below and visit the links. If you have any questions please contact the campus early Tuesday morning, 972-892-5500.
Proudest Principal in DISD!
F. Taylor
Spruce: Important
WE need your feedback-
Important Links to Support Virtual Learning
Spruce Parent Meeting 9/4/20
Google Classroom Class Codes
Visit the Counselor Online Center
Spruce Virtual Open House 9/10
2020-2021 Bell Schedule
H Grady Spruce Grade Level Meetings
Spruce: Reminders
- complete a task,
- follow a certain protocol or expectations.
H. Grady Spruce High School
Located in the heart of the Pleasant Grove region of Dallas, Texas, H. Grady Spruce High School serves a diverse population of students and their families. Our neighborhood maintains a strong tradition of community, hard work, and pride. Families have made Pleasant Grove their home for generations, and many of our students can claim a legacy of Spruce alumnae that go back to the founding of the school.
H. Grady Spruce High School was built in 1963, replacing Rylie High School. The school is named for Henry Grady Spruce, a native of Omen, Texas, who earned degrees from Southern Methodist University and the University of Chicago. He devoted much of his 35-year YMCA career to youth, including 25 years as director of the Dallas YMCA's Camp Crockett near Granbury.
Email: frataylor@dallasisd.org
Website: https://www.dallasisd.org/spruce
Location: 9733 Old Seagoville Road, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: 972-892-5500