SHMS Family Newsletter
August 1, 2021
Principal's Message
Greetings Stuart-Hobson community,
I hope everyone has been enjoying a safe and rejuvenating summer break. I want to give a huge thank you to the SHMS families, students, and staff who have been involved in our various summer learning and enrichment opportunities. It has been great to reconnect, smile (through masks), and practice our routines and procedures for the upcoming school year. We only have a few programs left before the school year is upon us.
As August begins, I know that many students, staff, and families have questions about the upcoming school year and return to in-person learning. While the rapidly shifting and emerging health conditions may impact our plans, much of what we shared in June is still guiding our plans for next year. In addition to the updates and information shared below, we will be sharing some pre-recorded informational videos for you to watch on your own time and hosting virtual Q & A sessions for everyone in the coming weeks. To help us prepare for the Q&A sessions, we invite you to share any questions ahead of time so we can make sure that the content meets your needs and gives you everything you need to know to plan for the coming school year.
In just over a week we will welcome our rising 6th graders for our annual Panther Pride Academy and our 7th graders for a day of orientation. We will share a virtual orientation video for families, host a question and answer session, and open some in-person tour options for any families who would like to come by the building. If you have not previously registered for either program, please contact AP Turner (katherine.turner@k12.dc.gov) to get on the waitlist for any remaining seats.
Again, please note that the newsletter will not resume weekly distribution until the middle of August but you can expect some intermittent memos, updates, and targeted communications about summer programs between now and then.
Warm regards,
Eric Fraser
Subscribe/Unsubscribe from Newsletter
If you are new to the SHMS or would like to update your preferred email address(es), please complete this form so we can update our distribution list. Thank you!
Upcoming Dates
- August 9-12, Panther Pride Academy (6th Grade Summer Bridge), 9:00-12:00
- August 13, 7th Grade Orientation, 9:00-12:00
- August 16, School Opening Info Session w/Families, 12:00-1:00 PM (virtual)
- August 17, School Opening Info Session w/Families, 5:00-6:00 PM (virtual)
- August 30, First Day of School for Students!
- September 6, Labor Day Observed, no school for staff or students
DCPS Calendar
Shout Outs and Celebrations
Thank you to the students, staff, and teachers who have joined us for our different summer programs so far this year!
Enjoy the second half of your summer break!
Action Items & Announcements
Mayor Bowser Announces New Incentives for DC Youth Who Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19
The incentives are only for youth who receive the COVID-19 vaccine, which is highly recommended but not currently considered a required vaccine. Currently, approximately about 25% of all eligible DC youth, or about 8,100 young people, are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
The District is also making it easier for families to get children their required pediatric immunizations before the start of the school year. Beginning Monday, August 2, families will be able to use vaccinate.dc.gov to make an appointment to get their child’s required immunizations at 37 sites across DC. Families will be able to schedule their children ages 3-18 years-old for their routine childhood vaccinations that are needed to go back to school. Additionally, families will have the option to add on a COVID-19 vaccine at the time of scheduling.
Families are reminded that District law and regulations require all schools in the District, including private, parochial, and independent schools, to verify student compliance with immunization requirements as part of enrollment and attendance. Families are also encouraged to call their child’s doctor now to schedule an appointment for their annual physicals and well child visits.
On-Site Youth COVID-19 Vaccine Prizes
Beginning Saturday, August 7, on-site prizes will be available to youth and their parents at three DC Public Schools: Brookland Middle School, Sousa Middle School, and Johnson Middle School*. All DC youth can claim their free COVID-19 vaccine at these sites regardless of which school they attend. At these three schools, youth who receive their first dose can receive a $51 VISA gift card. Additionally, the first 400 youth to get vaccinated at each site will have the option to forgo their gift card and instead receive a pair of AirPods. The AirPods will be available to District youth ages 12 to 17 as well as students ages 18 to 21 and currently enrolled in a DC school seeking a high school diploma.
Parents or guardians who bring their children to one of these three sites are also eligible to receive one $51 VISA gift card per child who gets vaccinated. These sites will operate four days a week from August 7 to September 30.
The $51 VISA gift cards will continue to be available to all DC residents 12 and older who get vaccinated at Anacostia High School or the Dorothy Height/Benning Library.
*When these three sites are open, families can walk-up, no appointment needed to claim their child’s free COVID-19 vaccine. If a family would also like their child to get their required pediatric immunizations at these sites, they will be able to make an appointment through vaccinate.dc.gov. Appointments are needed for required immunizations so that providers have time to access a child’s immunization history.
Youth COVID-19 Vaccine Raffle
All students in DC who are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine will also be eligible to win an iPad or a $25,000 college scholarship. Each week, for four weeks, 10 names will be drawn from a database of students between the ages of 12 and 17. Eight names will be drawn to win an iPad and two names will be drawn for a $25,000 college scholarship that can be used at any college. Once student names are drawn, a District representative will reach out to the family to confirm the student’s vaccination status. If the student is already vaccinated, they will be able to claim their prize. More information about the rules and eligibility will be announced shortly.
Microgrants for Schools
In addition to the on-site prizes and raffle, all 135 public schools that serve students between the ages of 12 and 17 will also receive microgrants to fund their own events and prizes for students who get vaccinated. The microgrants will be distributed based on how many vaccine-eligible students are enrolled at the school – $750 for schools with 1-99 eligible students; $1,500 for schools with 100-250 eligible students; and $3,000 for schools with 250+ eligible students. Schools will be able to use the funding to create their own incentive events or programs.
Panther Pride Academy & 7th Grade Orientation
SY 2021-22 Health & Safety Planning
1. Cohorts - We are working to build student schedules to provide students with the courses they need (including accelerated Math and ELA) and to minimize the amount of mixing that happens during their school day. We currently believe that most students will spend their day with 1-3 unique cohorts of students.
2. Meals - We do not have final plans yet here, but are exploring opportunities for students to eat meals in their classrooms, with one of their school day cohorts, in outdoor spaces, in less crowded indoor spaces, and/or in shifts. We are working to guarantee that adequate supervision, cohort maintenance, and maximized social distancing are possible for all students and meal times.
3. Masks & Vaccination Status - As of right now, we do not plan on having access to or sharing information about the vaccination status of students, staff, or others in our school community. However, per the current orders from the Mayor and DC Health, anyone on school grounds will be expected to wear a mask at all times (other than meals or other special health circumstances).
We know that families may have other questions in advance of the school year and hope to continue providing clarity in newsletters and virtual information sessions. If there is anything you would like to know more about, please share any questions ahead of time so we can include answers or current thinking in future communications. Thank you!
After School All-Stars for SY 2021-22 - Registration Opens Wednesday!
Registration is first-come, first-served for the upcoming school year and will open on Wednesday, August 4 at 9:00 AM. Look out for the registration link to arrive in your email at that time.
Virtual School Option for SY 2021-22
While we expect the overwhelming majority of our students will return to full-time in-person learning, we know there are a few who have a documented medical condition who need to continue virtual learning. To support these students, DC Public Schools will offer virtual instruction for those who meet medical eligibility requirements.
The only way to access remote learning is by submitting a completed medical eligibility form signed by your child's doctor. You can review the form and read a FAQ for families at https://dcpsreopenstrong.com/sy21-22/virtual.
If you are interested in virtual learning for a student with a medical need, families should complete by registration process as soon as poosible, by following these steps:
- Complete student enrollment for SY21-22. You may submit enrollment forms electronically online or complete them at the school you will attend next year.
- Download the COVID-19 Medical Consent and Certification for Distance Learning prepared by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) or pick up a copy from your school.
- Contact your child’s medical provider so they may complete and sign the medical consent form for virtual learning. Forms must be signed by a physician or nurse practitioner, or they will not be accepted.
- Complete the virtual learning registration process by uploading your student’s medical consent form signed by their doctor by July 6. You can just take a picture of the signed form if you do not have an electronic copy. The form will ask for your student’s ID number. If you do not have the ID number, please contact your school.
- Our Student Health Services team will follow up with you if your form is incomplete, or to notify you if your form has been accepted.
If you have more questions about virtual learning, please let us know. For general questions on virtual learning in SY21-22, you can reach out to the Office of Integrity at dcps.cio@k12.dc.gov or call 202-442- 5885 (Option 2). If you have questions about medical eligibility for virtual learning, or the medical consent and certification form, please contact the Student Health team at medicalconsent@k12.dc.gov.
Online registration form (SPANISH)
DCPS Device Return
DCPS Summer Meals
Lastly, additional food resources can be found here.
Summer Reading
SHMS School Uniforms
School uniforms are required while on school property, field trips (before or after school day hours), while attending After-school All Stars and school-approved activities after 3:15 pm, unless athletic, dance or other specific apparel is required by the coach/leader.
Uniforms include:
- School swag including Cluster gear, SHMS t-shirts/sweatshirts or other Stuart-Hobson apparel
- Long or short-sleeved solid red polo shirt/t-shirt
- Plain black cotton sweatshirts (front zip or pullover) and knit vests
- Khaki pants, skirts/shorts worn at waist level
- Comfortable closed-toed shoes or sneakers covering the entire foot
- Any non-SHMS logo on uniform shirts or sweatshirts must be the size of a $1 bill (1 dollar) or smaller
- Small purses or fanny packs
- Hoods over student heads while inside school
- Metal studs on headbands and other accessories
- Outerwear (vests or jackets made of fleece or other coat-like materials) in the building
- Khaki colored leggings/ tights (worn in place of Khaki pants).
An SHMS logo is not required for any uniform attire. School uniforms may be purchased via Lands End, Target, Old Navy and other retailers. More information regarding our school uniform policy will be shared via our school handbook.
School Supply List
The following general school supply list will support your student in a successful start to the school year.
General School Supplies
- Headphones with microphone
- Black or Blue Pens
- Pencils and Pencil Sharpener
- 2-4 Composition Books
- 2-4 Spiral Bound Notebooks
- Crayons, Color Markers, and Color Pencils
- Black Sharpie Marker
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
*Please contact school leadership or a member of the student support team for support with procuring school supplies*
Additional supplies may be required based on individual courses. These supply lists will be provided by teachers directly to their students/class.
Kids Ride Free Cards
Here are a few reminders about KRF Cards and public transit:
- SY20-21 cards will remain valid through September 30th
- Face coverings are required at school and on all modes of public transit
- Tap the KRF card, always
- Don’t leave home without the KRF card
- DC Student Ride Guide is available online with safe rider tips
- There is no fee for replacement cards
Questions? Students, families, and school staff can visit KidsRideFree.dc.gov or call (202) 673-1740.
If any SHMS students or families need a card or have questions, please reach out to Ms. Hargrove, clara.hargrove@k12.dc.gov
Return to Play Update – June 16
DCPS Athletics Community:
The following are key updates regarding the operations of DCPS Athletics programs, which align with the declaration and guidance on the return of all sports outlined by the District of Columbia State Athletic Association (DCSAA) and Mayor’s Emergency Health Order 2021-069. Updates and guidance on summer athletics preparation and fall sports is included below.
Indoor Athletic Space – Gymnasiums and Weight Rooms
Skill development, conditioning activities, and workouts in indoor spaces (gyms and weight rooms) may begin immediately. Athletic Directors and coaches must review and implement all protocols and guidance outlined in the DCPS Athletics Return to Play Plan.
Fall Sports Season Update
DCPS Athletics is planning for a full return to in-person athletic operations for the fall season of SY2021-2022. Tryouts and practices for fall sports teams start on August 2, 2021; details will be outlined through each school and team(s). Completed student-athlete participation forms are currently being accepted in preparation for the fall sports season.
COVID-19 Vaccination
As we prepare for the full return to sports this fall, everyone should do their part to lessen their risk of acquiring or spreading COVID-19. The safest way to resume play is to get vaccinated. We encourage everyone to get the vaccine. Get in the game and take your shot!
Communication and Resources
DCPS Athletics will continue to evaluate and implement the latest safety measures. Updates and guidance will continue to be provided and are available in the DCPS Athletics Return to Play Plan.
Calling All Athletes!
If you are interested in participating in any of the following sports at Stuart-Hobson during SY 2021- 2022 please fill out the interest form for that sport. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Strong, SHMS Athletic Director, at richard.strong@k12.dc.gov
Coaching Opportunities
Mr. Strong, the SHMS Athletic Director, is seeking interested candidates to coach some of our sports teams for the upcoming school year. The following sports are most in need of interested and qualified candidates, please spread the word!
Girls Head Basketball Coach (winter sport) --$2,000.00 stipend (approx.)
Boys Assistant Basketball Coach (winter sport)- $1,000.00 stipend (approx.)
Head Lacrosse Coach (Spring sport) -- $800.00 stipend (approx.)
Qualifications: CPR Certified, DCIAA Coaches Certifications, Cleared Criminal Background Check
Interested candidates should send a letter of interest to Richard.Strong@k12.dc.gov.
Analyzing maps in geography!
Stuart-Hobson Panthers
6th Graders Speaking for Social Justice!
Previous Announcements & Resources
***Everything below this section of the newsletter has been announced in previous editions***
Summer & SY 2021-22 Updates
A few important action items and points of reference mentioned in the info session are summarized below:
- Enroll for the upcoming school year so your student is eligible for summer programs.
- Complete and submit health forms with your enrollment application or before the start of summer programs / SY 2021-22.
- Bookmark the DCPS SY 2021-22 Reopen Strong website to stay current on plans and policies about the upcoming school year.
- If your student will attend virtual school in the Fall semester, a doctor or registered nurse must complete the Medical Consent and Certification for Distance Learning form and submit it online or in-person by July 6th. information about eligibility and the form can be found on the DCPS Reopen Strong website.
- We strongly recommend that everyone who is eligible gets vaccinated to help stop the spread of Covid-19. You can find information about vaccination sites across the district here.
- If you are new to our school community, join the Capitol Hill Cluster PTA and/or sign-up for the listserv to keep current on the goings-on in our school community and to connect with other parents.
Information and guidance are still in development for the following items:
- After-school programming and athletics sign-up,
- Course preference survey for student schedule building, and,
- Device return procedures.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to any member of our leadership team:
Mr. Howard (DSL), devin.howard2@k12.dc.gov - Building operations and access, front office communications, and technical assistance.
AP Rennie Taylor, rennie.taylor@k12.dc.gov - 7th grade, Special Education, English learners, 504 plans, and Science.
AP Katherine Turner, katherine.turner@k12.dc.gov - 8th grade, programming and schedules, enrollment, Social Studies, electives, and summer programs.
Principal Fraser, eric.fraser@k12.dc.gov, 6th grade, ELA and Math, all things SHMS!
Immunizations: No Shots, No School
All immunization records and Universal Health Certificates must be up to date in order for your child to return to in-person school virtual-only learning concludes. Students who have not submitted the appropriate documentation will be removed from in-person learning until their document submission is completed successfully.
Records can be submitted via email to Tiffany Mcilvaine and Janice Myles (Senior School Nurse). If you are unable to email, you can schedule an appointment to drop off records at the school. Appointments and email submission should be submitted to: tiffany.mcilvaine@k12.dc.gov and/or JMyles@childrensnational.org
Policies & Daily Operations
DCPS Roadmap to #RecoverStrong - May Update
Dear DCPS Community,
A month ago, we announced DC Public Schools will fully reopen for the 2021-2022 School Year with in-person learning for every student every day. This is an incredibly critical milestone to ensure our students remain on the path for success in college, career, and life.
Enrollment for SY21-22 is now open online at enrolldcps.dc.gov. We want to thank our families who are helping their school better prepare for welcoming back students next year by enrolling early. Our Enrollment Saturday and other in-person events from the past few weeks demonstrate there is eagerness and excitement to return to the classroom. We also want to thank our staff who are ensuring our students end the year strong — no matter if they are learning virtually or at school — and putting plans in place to be ready for day one of SY21-22 on August 30.
Updated Local and Federal COVID-19 Guidance and Impact to DCPS
This week, local and national leaders announced adjustments to COVID-19 safety protocols, and we want to provide an update on what they mean for DCPS.
For the remainder of the school year, all current health, safety, and school operational policies will remain in effect for DCPS staff, students, and visitors. This means that our mitigation strategies to keep students and staff safe such as wearing masks, social distancing, student cohorting, and daily health screenings are staying in place. The last day of school for students is June 24 and the last day for staff is June 25. This also means that high school graduation and student promotion ceremonies will continue as planned.
The news that our city-wide health metrics are trending in the right direction makes us incredibly hopeful that we will meet our commitment to fully reopen in the fall. This kind of certainty is necessary, along with the strategic budget planning and classroom capacity analysis already underway, as we continue on our path to #RecoverStrong and build confidence around the return to in-person learning.
This week, we held the first of our #RecoverStrong town hall series and provided an update on DCPS’ road to recovery ahead of next school year. You can watch a replay of the event on YouTube or download the presentation slides. Next week on May 19 at 5:00 p.m., we will provide the same information in Spanish and take questions from families. You can RSVP here.
A few highlights from the conversation:
COVID-19 Vaccine
While the COVID-19 vaccine is currently not required for students to attend school next year, we encourage all students ages 12 and older and their parents and caregivers to get vaccinated. If you want to see students back in school, then it is our responsibility as a community for everyone to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when it’s available to them. We are collaborating with local health officials to host vaccination clinics at our schools. More details are forthcoming.
On Wednesday, DC Health announced that DC residents who are 12-15 years old can now get vaccinated at the free walk-up sites, hospitals, health centers, and pharmacies that administer the Pfizer vaccine. Visit coronavirus.dc.gov/vaccinatedc to see where the Pfizer vaccine is available for young people each day. People 18 and older can receive any approved vaccine to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.
Afterschool Programs
The return to in-person learning for students is also about the return to in-person work for adults and our commitment to meeting families’ childcare needs. DCPS is proud to announce that we will offer before and aftercare next school year. More information about how to register for DCPS Out of School Time Programs will be available this summer.
Commuting to School
We know our students and staff rely on public transportation to get to school every day. During the town hall, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) shared how they are protecting the public and their workforce against the spread of COVID-19. Did you know that Metrorail cars complete a full air change approximately every three minutes, and on buses, new air enters frequently as the doors open and close at each stop? Follow the link to learn about how Metro is ensuring health and safety precautions are in place. Stay tuned for information about the Kids Ride Free (KRF) program for next school year.
Recovery Investments Survey
As we shared earlier this week, we look forward to receiving your feedback on how DCPS should prioritize the use of our federal recovery funds under the American Rescue Plan. Visit bit.ly/dcps-recovery-survey to share your opinion on these investments as well as what you need to see or hear from our schools to feel safe returning to in-person learning this fall.
Lewis D. Ferebee, Ed.D.
DCPS Building Safety Hotline
As DCPS continues to reopen schools, the COVID-19 Building Safety Hotline has been created to ensure that students, parents, the community and staff members have a mechanism readily available for reporting safety concerns in school buildings. Safety concerns can be submitted via two methods: by emailing dcps.covidsafety@k12.dc.gov or calling (202) 442-5656. Typical operating hours for the phone line will be 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Voicemails and emails will be acknowledged within 48 hours of receipt.
This information is shared publicly for students and families on the Reopen Strong website here.
The Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) Risk Management team will monitor the intake of these concerns via the COVID Safety Concerns Hotline (phone and email). The concerns will then be directed to the relevant central office team for response, resolution, and closeout.
Supports for Students & Families
Mental Health Services for Stuart-Hobson Students
The Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) School Mental Health Program is hosted by Stuart-Hobson Middle School to support students’ mental and emotional well-being. Reach out to Ms. Harrington if you feel your student would benefit from support such as, individual therapy or group grief therapy.
These services are provided via telehealth during partial and full distance learning.
DBH's services are a public health model. Services are provided to families at no charge regardless of insurance. For more information or to enroll, please reach out to Ms. Harrington using the email or phone number below.
Kimberly Harrington, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker
School Mental Health Program, Department of Behavioral Health
kimberly.harrington@dc.gov, 202-557-6404
Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Email: eric.fraser@k12.dc.gov
Website: www.stuart-hobson.org
Location: 410 E Street Northeast, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-671-6010
Twitter: @StuartHobsonMS