KES Family Newsletter
May 1 (Eleventh Edition), 2022
Mission: The mission of Kewaskum Elementary School is to develop the whole child by providing a motivating, stimulating, and nurturing environment to build a better future together.
Vision: The vision of the Kewaskum Elementary School is to guide our students to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible individuals who recognize and value their educational journey.
Message from the Principal
Check out the pictures of the all-school Color War!
Ronald McDonald House Fundraiser
This message was sent via Skyward. If you happened to miss it, please read below. Our fundraiser begins on Monday!
Kewaskum Elementary School understands the importance of supporting the community through many avenues. To continue our efforts in supporting the Ronald McDonald House, we will have a school-wide pop-top drive from Monday, May 2nd through Friday, May 13th. We encourage kids to bring in as many as they can to either their teacher or the office. We challenge KES students to fill as many large containers as possible. On Friday, May 13th, students will hear their reward based on how many containers they fill.
PTO updates
May 12 - PTO Fun Run
This event will be our last fundraiser for the school year. We are excited for students to collect pledges and run laps around the school course. The event will take place during the school day. Detailed information and volunteer opportunities were sent in student folders and Skyward emails. Packets are due April 25, lap pledges are due May 23 (after the race).
Mental Health Clinic for Children
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin recently opened the Craig Yabuki Mental Health Walk-in-Clinic for children ages 5-18 at their main campus. The clinic runs seven days a week from 3:00 PM- 9:30 PM. More specific information can be found here. If you know of someone in need, please share this information with them.
Spring Drive in Movie-May 6th
YMCA Summer Care
Check out some summer opportunities at the YMCA: LINK to our camp website.
Jump to Middle School
Hello 5th Grade Parents!
My name is Ms. Kelly. I am a teacher at Kewaskum Middle School. I am here to inform you about the summer school class we offer for incoming 6th graders! My class is called, "Jump Into 6th Grade." During this class, we will jump into the basics of middle school and get your child ready for a successful 6th-grade year. We will explore organizational methods, study skills, team building, as well as learning basic skills needed for middle school. Last year's students thought this class was very beneficial- here is what they had to say:
"This class was beneficial to me because it helped my confidence and made me less nervous and showed me around the school." -Penelope
"After this class, I knew how to open a lock before school started, I knew how to properly write an email, and I knew how to control my time." -Beckett
"You should take it because it helps you stay organized and clean. If you take it you learn how to take notes." -Joel
"I relearned how to use google classroom, met some new people, and learned how to plan for myself." - Sophia
"One I met new friends. Two it helped us open locks. Three we learned our way around the school." -Eli
I hope to see your incoming 6th grade there!
**This is different than Jump to the Middle. Jump to the Middle is a one-day event that is offered in August for incoming 6th graders. Attending both of these opportunities is the best way to prepare your child for middle school!
From Julie Skelton-KMS Principal
On May 16, KMS will be hosting a community night. Community night is an opportunity for parents to come in and listen to guest speakers on a variety of topics. These topics include: talking to your kids about drugs and alcohol, vaping, trafficking, AP/CAPP courses at KHS, Career Pathways, and many others.
This year we would like to invite all incoming 6th-grade families to attend this evening. We will be hosting a session called, Taking The Mystery Out Of Middle School. During this session, we will answer questions parents have about transitioning their child to middle school.
To help us prepare for the event, please submit questions you would like answered that evening. We look forward to connecting with you on the evening of May 16. More information about the time and location will be coming soon!
Submit questions here.
Elementary Transition Update
- The elementary schools and elementary PTOs continue to develop and plan transition activities this year and over the summer for both i4Learning students moving to KES and KES students moving to FES next year. We are encouraging any i4L families that would like to attend the PTO meetings to please consider participating on May 3rd at 6:15 in the LGI/Cafeteria.
- April 29 is the last day for anyone to submit a closed offer for the i4Learning building. At the May Board meeting, there will be a presentation outlining the building sale process. Also, there will be a closed session where the Board and their legal counsel will review the offers and have the option to act on an offer, if desired.
- Skyward message to KES families moving to FES: On Thursday, April 7, 2022, you received a survey regarding your preference in transition activities for families moving from KES to FES. We had a great response rate, so thank you very much for filling that out. An overwhelming number of parents (87%) were interested in participating in a transition activity. Based on the responses, we will be planning an event in July to welcome families to Farmington Elementary. We are working with the Farmington Elementary School PTO to secure a date for this event and will have more information to share soon. Participating in PTO meetings and events is a great way to get to know other families and learn more about FES. The next Farmington Elementary PTO meeting will be held on May 3rd at the FES library beginning at 6:30 pm. We would love to see you there! Some families have already reached out and received a personal tour of Farmington Elementary. The kids and parents have enjoyed taking a peek at their new lunchroom, art room, learning spaces, and more! We still have time to give tours this school year and into the summer, so please don’t hesitate to contact the FES office staff at 262-626-3102 to set up an appointment. Tours could take place before school, after school, during the school day, or whatever works best for your family. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey. We are looking forward to getting all of our new and current families together this summer.
Upcoming Dates
May 2-5: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 3: 6:15 PTO Meeting in the LGI
May 5: 4th grade to The Farm, 1:45 KES Talent Show
May 6: No School-Professional Development Day
May 10: Last day of girls Intramurals
May 11: Last day of boys intramurals, 2nd grade to Discovery World
May 12: PTO Fun Run
May 16: 5th grade Dare Graduation
May 19: 1st grade to Bookworm Gardens, 6:00 KES 4th/5th grade musical at KHS
May 23: Captial presentation at KHS auditorium
May 26: 4K graduation at KHS
May 27: 3rd grade to Milwaukee Public Museum, 9:15-11:00 5th grade to KMS, 2:30 HGD 5th grade
May 31: 12:15 5th grade Leaders to the park
June 2: KES field day
June 3: Last day of school
Resources Links
Shelley Hyde
Email: shyde@kewaskumschools.org
Location: 1415 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3101