Boone Meadow Friday Flyer
December 17th, 2021
Enjoy A Wonderful Winter Break - Students & Staff Return to School Jan. 3, 2022
Dear Boone Meadow Families
Here we are! We've made it to the finish line of semester one as we roll into Winter Break!
As I reflect over the first half of the school year, I'm impressed by the resilience of our Boone Meadow community to graciously and creatively move through another semester of school that doesn't look quite like it did a few years ago. We continue to be creative and diligent in our endeavors to keep school running smoothly. The struggle has been productive and our children are learning and growing. Thank you for your cooperation, encouragement, and support. In addition, hats off to Team Meadow! I am incredibly proud of them as they've navigated this adventure together.
A few items to note in this edition of our Friday Flyer:
Operation: Adopt Team Meadow - I cannot adequately express the gratitude we hold with your outpouring of generosity! You have loved on us well and more deeply that we expected. Thank you to every one of you that donated or coordinated this extravagant display of gifting. Each of us are humbled and grateful.
Thank you, PTO for coordinating and pulling it off so successfully once again!!
NWEA Testing wrapped up this week for all our students. This mid-year adaptive assessment provides us with formative data that informs many instructional decisions for our learners. Results will be available to families in January.
Student Progress Reports - Student reports (report cards) will be made available to families in PowerSchool on Tuesday, January 11th.
Science and Engineering Fair - Currently, we have approximately 50 families signed up to participate in BME Science/Engineering Fair which is on the calendar for January 26th-28th. Our next Help Session will be hosted in BME library/media center on Monday, January 10 from 3:30-5:00. We are excited to see these projects as they will be judged on 1/27 and shared with students on 1/28.
Winter Reading Event @ Hussey-Mayfield Library - December 1st - January 31st - Winter readers are encouraged to complete and log 21 days of reading for 20 minutes or more to receive their own prizes and "Maker Kits". See the flyer below to register for "Make It Happen!"
Enjoy your winter break, and we will see you on January 3rd, 2022!
Mr. Hundley
Clinic Update: News from Nurse AMY
Fighting the cold and flu season ...Oh and Covid, too!
First: Thank you so much to all the families that have donated masks…
We are truly grateful!
Second: Thank you to Mrs. Dobbins & Mrs. Esselburn for organizing the lost and found items… and all those who are keeping it organized.
I am available from 2:40-3:15 if you would like to come in and look for lost items.
***Optional: please send me (Amy) copies of your child/children’s Covid Vaccination record(s) if you would like for us to have it on file. This will allows us to quickly determine if they need to quarantine or not due to being a close contact.
Some friendly reminders on the subject of… “Is my child too sick for school?”
- Students must be fever- free, without meds, for 24hrs.(under 100.0 degrees F)
- Students must be vomit and diarrhea free, without meds or special diet for 24hrs.
- Students with red eyes that are “stuck shut” or have a yellow or green discharge must see a Dr. before returning to school.
- Parent/Guardians must deliver medications to be dispensed during school hours. (Students are not allowed to transport medications! This includes cough drops.)
- COVID, I know this is confusing at times to understand. Please visit Boone County Health Department for information OR our school website. I am also available to answer any questions.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call or email me.
Amy Deinlein 317-873-2226 ex 14104
Boone Meadow Elementary Science and Engineering Fair
Take on the challenge to participate in our school-wide
science and engineering competition to change the world!
We very excited to announce Boone Meadow's Science and Engineering Fair will be held on Thursday, January 27th, 2022! This is our first ever Science and Engineering Fair! Other schools host fairs and report huge successes. For example, at Eagle Elementary, they had over 50 projects submitted from 60+ student participants from all grade levels at their last fair. Four of those projects moved on to the Regional Science and Engineering fair to take 1st and 2nd place! Two of the Eagle projects made it to State where one was honored with an Award for Excellence in the Junior Division! We look forward to our achievements this first time of involvement!
If you like inquiry and STEM, consider participating in this year’s Science and Engineering Fair! All grade-levels are welcome and encouraged to enter and will be honored for their science and engineering projects! Fourth grade students, who compete in the BME Science and Engineering Fair, could possibly advance to the Central Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair (SEFI) at Marion University in March!
Interested, or want to know more?
- Students who are interested may pick up a participation permission slip and project packet in the front office or request a paper copy of our information packet here.
- Participation permission slips are due back to the front office NO LATER THAN Friday, December 17th.
- If you have questions, contact Mrs. Benson, our STEM Teacher, at
Science/Engineering Fair Timeline
Friday, December 17 - Participation Forms Due in front office
Monday, January 10 @ 3:30-5:00pm - Research/Help Session in Media Center – Optional session where parent/s and students can ask questions and develop a research plan with support
Wednesday, January 26 @ 2:45-4:00pm - Set-Up projects in Gym
Thursday, January 27 @ 8:00am-2:30pm - Closed Judging in Gym– Specific judging times will be communicated to students and teachers the day before/of fair.
- (TBD pending COVID protocols - Family Open House in Gym– Families and community members are invited to view projects. Participating students DO NOT have to attend or stay the entire time.)
Friday, January 28 @ 8:00am Winners Announced
- 8:00am-2:00pm - Classroom Open House in Gym– Classes will have an opportunity to view projects during the school day.
- 2:00-4:00pm - Pick-Up projects in Gym – Winning projects will be kept in the Media Center to be on display. ALL other projects MUST be picked up by 4:00pm.
*Monday, February 28 - Registration Deadline – Central Indiana Regional Science Fair!
*Saturday, March 19 - TBD - Central Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair at Mrian University
The School Directory App Is Updated
Our Student directory is now updated! Many thanks to the PTO for organizing this helpful resource! If you have never used our student directory, just follow these easy steps:
- Go to or download the “Directory Spot” app on a smart phone. Click “Login”.
- Enter your email address as your Username, and click on “Reset Password”. An email will be sent to you with a link to set your password.
- Click on the link in the email to set your password and to log in.
If you have trouble logging in, please contact PTO volunteer Eileen Adam at
Also note that if your information has changed, you can update it by logging in on a computer (not available through the app).
Upcoming Dates:
December 17 - Classroom parties; End of Quarter 2/Semester 1; Science/Engineering Fair Participation forms due
December 20-31 - Winter Break (no school)
January 3 - Staff & Students return from break; 1st day of second semester
January 5 - Dine for Dollars - Lou Malnati's (All 3 Indy locations)
January 10 - Research Help Session for Science Engineering Fair (media center 3:30-5)
January 11 - Student Progress Reports released in PowerSchool
January 17 - MLK Jr. Day (no school)
January 18 - Teacher professional development day (no school for students)
January 19 - Dine for Dollars- Qdoba (tentative)
January 26 - Set-Up for Science/Engineering Fair (2:45-4:00 - in Gym)
January 27 - Science/Engineering project judging and open house for families (tentative)
January 28 - Science/Engineering Fair concludes w/ winners announced, class viewings & pick up
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 21-25 - Presidents' Day & Mid-Winter Break (no school)
March 15 - End of Quarter 3
April 1-8 - Spring Break (no school)
May 25 - Last day of school
May 26- June 3 - Make up days (if needed)
May 30 - Memorial Day (no school)
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How does the new Executive Order from Gov. Holcombe (8/31) impact school contact tracing?
A: IF individuals are wearing masks with fidelity in the classroom & on the bus, people who are contact traced will not need to quarantine unless they are exhibiting symptoms. We will still need to notify and document the contact tracing, but if no symptoms exist and the individuals were properly wearing masks, they would not need to quarantine.
Lunchtime is when contact tracing/quarantine does apply and the 6' rule will apply as well. Quarantined individuals can still return on day 8 if they receive a negative test (rapid in lab or PCR) on day 5, 6, or 7 after exposure - or stay out for the full 14 days.
Q: What about symptoms? What symptoms must we watch and keep our child from school?
A: Every morning, families should take note of if their child is showing symptoms of illness. We know this can be complicated, frustrating, and inconvenient as we strive to keep our learning environments as healthy as possible. Fevers, sore throats, new onset of intense headache, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, coughing or shortness of breath, or new loss of taste or smell are the common symptoms and students will be required (per health department mandates) to quarantine for ten days from the start of symptoms. Student may return to school/activities sooner with a physician document stating they may return OR a negative PCR CoVID test. (This is regardless of vaccination status)
Q: If one child is home with symptoms, must my other children stay home as well?
A: Siblings of ill students will need to be picked up if at school. Siblings will need to follow quarantine guidelines.
More information regarding COVID protocols is located here on the ZCS website.
Volunteers and Visitor Background Checks
At this time, due to CoVID 19 restraints, we are "pausing" on volunteers and visitors. When volunteers are needed and approved, appropriate staff members will reach out to you in effort to welcome your support and assistance.
If you plan to volunteer of visit in the future, please note the following information.
We value partnerships with our families and welcome parents and guardians to serve as volunteers in our schools. Each ZCS building typically offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.
Examples include:
- Field Trip Chaperones
- Out of Town/Overnight Chaperones
- Tutors
- Volunteer Coaches
- Classroom Helpers (PTO parties/room parents)
- Library Helpers
- After Prom Workers
- Field Day/Jog-A-Thon Volunteers
- Book Fair Sales/Athletic Ticket Sales
During the school day, all volunteers are expected to sign in at the front office. Prior to the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must sign a Non-disclosure Acknowledgement Form and have successfully completed a Full Criminal History Background Check. Necessary background check paperwork is available on the ZCS website at the Volunteers/BRAVO link and should be submitted at least 10 days prior to the intended volunteer date. Volunteers must also view the state mandated confidentiality/bullying video, provided on the Volunteer/BRAVO website. The volunteer will pay the fee* for the full background check which will expire after 5 years. The link to apply for the full background check can be accessed on the Volunteers/BRAVO link on the ZCS main webpage. For more information, contact the Volunteer/BRAVO Coordinator.
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front door and sign-in at the front office. Visitors need to be prepared to present a government issued photo ID which will be scanned against the National Sex Offender Registry. All visitors will be issued a visitor badge/tag to be worn inside the building at all times.
Examples Include:
- Lunch Guests
- Classroom Guest Speakers
- Classroom Special Events (Grandparent Day/Famous Hoosiers/etc.)
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
We ask that all visitors schedule an appointment to meet with teachers, counselors, administrators and all other staff members so that we may best serve everyone. Visitors other than parents/guardians must be prearranged and organized through the main office.
*ZCS thanks all volunteers for generous support of our youth and schools. Thank you, too, for supporting assurance of student and staff safety by completing and paying for a volunteer background check.
Contact Us
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow