Ottawa Area Center Parent Link
October 2, 2023 Vol. 10
OAC Administrators
Julia Plaggemeyer
Assistant Director
Chelsea Dykstra
Assistant Director
Ottawa Area Staff
Important Upcoming Dates at OAC
- October 4 - Count Day
- October 6 - No School - All Staff PD
- October 10 - Picture Day
- October 11 - Picture Day
- October 18 - Community Mental Health Service at OAC
- October 23-27 - No School - October Break
- October 31 - Trick or Treat and Spooky Dance
OAC News
Covid Cases on the Rise
Tests kits have been sent home and we have tests at school for nurses to administer. Please let your teacher or a nurse know if you would like your student tested.
Student will be excluded from school
Unexplained fever greater than 100.4°F oral/tympanic, or 99.4°F axillary. Low grade fevers not related to an infectious process may be allowed as determined by nursing staff and administration.
Open skin sores with excessive or uncontrolled drainage.
Unexplained rash
Diarrhea – more than 3 stools in a 24 hour period, or 2 stools occurring at school.
Vomiting – 1 episode occurring at school or 2 episodes in 24 hours.
Persistent cough that disturbs a student's normal activity.
Other contagious conditions such as but not limited to: chicken pox, pink eye, head lice, impetigo, strep throat, and COVID-19.
Thank you for your help in keeping our students and staff healthy!
Attendance Count Day
Count Day is Wednesday, October 4, 2023.
It is very important to have all students in attendance on count day because it directly impacts the allocation of funding and resources in the education system, which, in turn, affects the quality of education and support services available to students. Accurate attendance records help ensure fairness, accountability, and effective planning within the education system.
We appreciate if parents and guardians make every effort to have their students at school on Wednesday October 4, 2023.
Picture Day
Your teacher will let you know which day their class will be taking pictures. If your student is absent on their scheduled day, they can get their picture taken on the other day.
OAC Social Work/OCSN Parent Resources
This is your one stop location for parents/guardians to go for community supports and resources. Please check out this resource at Social Work/OCSN Resource Warehouse. Bookmark this resource on your computer and refer back often. It will be continually updated with fresh and new information.
Community Mental Health
CMH will be here the 3rd Wednesday of the month going forward.
**CMH services are for residents of Ottawa County***
Community Involvement Opportunities
2023-2024 School Hours
Full Day – 8:37am-3:03pm
½ Day – 8:37am-11:50am
Early Dismissal – 8:37am-1:35pm
Student AM Bussing begins at 8:27am
Student PM Bussing begins at 2:53pm
About Us
Email: bseymour@oaisd.org
Website: www.oaisd.org/schools/ottawa-area-center
Location: 10160 96th Avenue, Allendale, MI, USA
Phone: (616)738-8960
Facebook: facebook.com/OttawaAreaCenter/