Estabrook BUZZ
News and Notes from Estabrook School | September 19, 2016
Principal's Message
It was great seeing so many of you at Friday evening's Pizza Night on the Estabrook Playground. My thanks to everyone who came, and to all our volunteers for their help in coordinating the event and making it such a huge success. Events like these further illustrate the strong community we have here at Estabrook.
As I crossed Lexington on one of my morning drives last week, I began to notice hints of color dotting the otherwise green trees. Coupled with a few early mornings that made me consider grabbing an extra layer before heading out the door, it's clear fall will soon be upon us once again. Other tell tale signs of fall can be seen throughout our school. Students are getting in the groove of school, once again or for the first time. Parents are coming and going from their volunteer roles in the library, art room or elsewhere. Students are sporting new Estabee bracelets. Throw in a couple field trips under our belt, and it's clear that we are back at it!
You'll have the opportunity to learn much more about the year ahead from your child's teachers this Thursday at Back to School Night. I look forward to seeing you then!
All the best,
Jeff LaBroad
Back to School Night Schedule:
5:50-6:00 Doors Open
6:00-6:45 Grades 3, 4 and 5 present in classrooms
6:30-7:15 Specialists present in the library (note change in location)
7:00-7:45 Grades K, 1 and 2 present in classrooms
Please note, parking will be EXTREMELY LIMITED. Plan to give yourself plenty of time so that you can arrive in time for the start of your teacher's presentation. You can also park off site. See the parking map here.
Recently the Lexington Parent Portal was updated. In the update the "HOME PHONE" field was updated to read "PRIMARY" phone. Please be sure this field is filled in with the number at which you would like us to reach you. THIS FIELD MUST BE COMPLETED to receive any automatic/emergency notifications from us. You can access the Parent Portal here.
In addition to email, we will continue to send more timely text alerts with information that is urgent (labeled "ESTABROOK ALERT") as well as reminders for families (labeled "ESTABROOK REMINDER").
Grade 5 Reaches New Heights at Project Adventure
(Photo courtesy of Mr. Richardson.)
Visits from the Lexington Police Department
Again this year, the Lexington Public Schools and Lexington Police Department will partner through the "Park, Lock, Walk" program. A PLW is used by a uniformed patrol officer during a regular shift to stop, exit their cruiser, and walk about a business area, recreational area, or local neighborhood. This program emphasizes the importance of officers interacting with the community as well as gaining a more intimate familiarization of their patrol sectors. The Chief of Police and School Superintendent have expanded the PLW program to include elementary and middle schools. During school days, a uniformed patrol officer will stop for 15-30 minutes and check-in at the office. The officer will then walk about the school, share a lunch, visit a class, or otherwise be available as a resource to the school. The officer, as a “community helper,” will have the opportunity in a non-emergency, informal way to build important bonds with students and faculty. Mrs. O'Hare Gibson, Mrs. Beaulac or I will accompany the officer on these walks. When we can, students will have the chance to say hello or ask questions of the officer.
(From Ms. Durrell, Art Teacher)
It is time for fun in the art rooms. Your child will be using messy art supplies. Please send an art smock to school with your child. A large T-shirt works well. It should be stored in your child’s locker. Thank you!
Each Fall and Spring, parents and teachers meet to discuss student progress and set goals for the next part of the school year. Fall conferences begin at the end of October and last into the early weeks of November.
Next Monday morning I will email a link to sign up for a conference with your child(ren)'s teacher(s). If you have any difficulty signing up with the links we provide, please contact your child's teacher or call our office for assistance at 781-861-2520.
Please note, school will dismiss early (12:15 p.m.) on all four conference days, October 26, 27, November 2 and 3.
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What's Ahead
Click here for the complete Estabrook School Calendar
Click here for the complete 2016-2017 Academic Calendar
SCHOOL COUNCIL | Monday, September 19, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
METCO FAMILY FRIENDS | Thursday, September 22
Lexington residents serve as host to their friends from Boston after school.
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT | Thursday, September 22, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Join our faculty and staff to learn more about your child's year ahead, meet our specialists and learn more about what it's like to be a student at Estabrook School. This event is open to parents only; children should not attend.
PICTURE DAY | Friday, September 30
Details and order forms are coming home shortly. Each class will take a group photograph, and students will be photographed individually, with an option for parents to buy photo packages if interested.
ROSH HASHANAH | Monday, October 3
Schools and School Offices are CLOSED
COLUMBUS DAY | Monday, October 10
Schools and School Offices are CLOSED
YOM KIPPUR | Wednesday, October 12
Schools and School Offices are CLOSED
Estabrook BUZZ
Location: 117 Grove Street, Lexington, MA, United States
Phone: 781-861-2520