Distance Learning
SVDP Distance Learning resumes - April 20th
School resumes on Monday, April 20th. The Archdiocese has recently communicated to school leaders that we will remain in our current distance learning protocol through the end of the school year (a letter from the Superintendent will be distributed next week with more information). At SVDP, we are planning instruction through May 29th. The final week of school, June 1st through the 5th, will include celebratory events and end of the year activities.
Before Easter break, the faculty and staff worked diligently with this potential outcome in mind. We analyzed the responses to the parent and student feedback surveys, individual parent emails, and teacher observations. This additional effort was completed with the goal to improve instruction and learning.
Each grade level planned for the remaining six weeks, April 20th - May 29th, by identifying:
- Non-negotiables -- what do students need to learn to successfully conclude the school year and prepare for the coming school year (based on grade level standards)
- Instruction and teaching resources -- how will students learn in each curricular area (including types of groupings -- whole group, small group, or individual support)
- Assessment -- how will students know when they have successfully understood the content in each curricular area
We then assessed the classroom schedules for each grade level and made modifications to improve the online experience for students. Each grade band also created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list for their students and, as a staff, we reviewed the distance learning expectations for students. Please review these with your student before Monday to reset and prepare to return to learning.
The current situation is unprecedented and the "new normal" calls us to work together to provide predictable structures and put learning expectations in place for our students to maintain a sense of normalcy and to feel grounded in purpose. We can not ignore the fact that this could be challenging for some students and families. We each have our own barometer that mitigates how we process our current challenges and influences our motivation to participate at our best. Parents, in partnership with teachers, must promote a growth mindset that is essential to transitioning back to school successfully.
Thank you for your continued support.
School Material Pick up -- Saturday
For grades K through 4, the school will be providing additional learning materials for pick up on Saturday, April 18th between 11:00am and 2:00pm.
This pick up opportunity is provided for your convenience, but not mandatory. This is the only scheduled pick up window, but all materials will still be made available online for printing at home.
Please adhere to the shelter in place guidelines and the following:
- Only one parent per family should arrive at school and enter the courtyard
- Anyone on campus should be wearing a mask
- Remain six feet from other people on site
- Follow the posted directions when entering the courtyard
- Parking is not permitted in the courtyard
Expectations for Distance Learning
Please review the expectations for distance learning with your student before Monday, April 20th. We understand that every household is unique, and this list is designed to guide you to the ideal home learning environment.
- Students will assume a readiness (in attire, sitting posture and general engagement) for the class meetings of the school day.
- Students will be in a distraction-free environment including distracting behaviors.
- Students will refrain from snacking and use of other devices during online class meetings.
- Students will access their class meetings by clicking a Zoom meeting link found on the class page on Beehively. Click on the Zoom link at the time of your class period.
- Students will join their class meeting on time, at the beginning of the period, for attendance purposes and remain in class until dismissed.
- Students will complete the assigned work and submit it by the due date. If student cannot submit on time, they will contact their teacher to make other arrangements.
Also please remember the following pointers to build up your student's success as an independent life-long learner.
- Designate an area in your home as the Learning Hub - similar to a shared space in a library.
- Minimize distractions for your student - just turning a desk or chair toward a wall limits diversions.
- Technology and materials should be readily available each morning for online learning.
- Step away when students are participating in online learning - promote the development of responsibility and independence.
A note about recording class sessions: The school will record class time and archive them for internal use. Students and parents are prohibited from recording, sharing or public posting of class sessions or other online engagements. All class meetings are the intellectual property of the school.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Each grade level will share with their students and families the list of FAQs and/or learning expectations. Here are some common questions that cross all grade bands:
Where can I find the link to join a live class or visit a teacher during office hours?
Links to teacher virtual classrooms can be found on each class Beehively page. The buttons are labeled by teacher name and pinned to the top of the page.
What does a school day look like for students?
Class schedules are created with the grade level in mind, so that the expectations are developmentally appropriate. The typical school day begins with online classes and/or tasks at 8:00am and runs through 12:30pm.
Student should take a lunch break by eating and exercising.
The remainder of the school day, 1:00pm through at least 3:00pm should be spent finishing class work, participating in co-curricular events or assignments, and completing homework.
Where can a student or parent find assignments and due dates?
All assignments and due dates are shared via the Beehively homework corner. Beware that middle school students are utilizing the Microsoft Teams platform and may have received an assignment during class time, before it is posted later in the day on Beehively.
Are co-curricular classes mandatory?
Co-curricular classes provide important elements that round out the academic experience for students. Co-curricular assignments are self-directed and flexible -- meaning that they do not need to be completed between certain hours, but can be completed when a student selects to complete them. Co-curricular assignments are to be submitted within a week of its posting.
How will student be graded during third trimester?
More than ever the focus should not be on the grade, but on the process of learning. It is an opportunity to practice executive functioning skills such as time management, organization, and planning. These are life skills that benefit students in their future school careers and beyond.
That being said, students will be graded according to their participation in classes and assignments. Throughout our distance learning protocol, teachers have been using formative assessment tools to gauge student understanding of content.
Tips and Tricks
When required to take a photo of your work to submit it online, it is highly recommended that students use the camscanner app. Easily downloaded to any handheld device, the app permits students to take a photo, adjust the lines of the page, and create a PDF instantly. With the camscanner app you don't even have to create an account or make a purchase, it is FREE. Just skip to taking a photo.
Teachers will never have to strain their eyes to make out what you wrote or try and decipher your math computations that are under the shadow of your device again.
Try it today! And save a teacher's eye sight.
St Vincent de Paul School
Email: administration@svdpsf.com
Website: Svdpsf.com
Location: 2350 Green Street
Phone: (415)-346-5505