Board of Education Highlights
Reporting on the August 18, 2021 Meeting
In this Issue:
- The BOE Receives Presentation on Tentative FY22 Budget
- The BOE Welcomes New SD81 Teachers
- The BOE Receives Update on ESSER III Grant Funds
First Public Participation
Payment of Bills and Payroll
The BOE Approved:
- Regular and closed session minutes from June 16, 2021
- June 28, 2021 Bills List B: $257,628.23
- July 2021 Bills List: $1,500, 217.11
- August 2021 Bills List A: $2,258,641.31
- June 2021 Payroll: $953,738.69
- July 2021 Payroll: $809,203.61
- Not certain if the conference will be held due to COVID-19.
- Universal masks mandated in Chicago.
- President Desecki asked members if they feel comfortable attending, given COVID-19. BOE has ample time to register, but also must cancel by October in order to get full refund.
The discussion will be tabled until the September meeting.
Old Business Information
- Dr. Boryszewski: Progress is coming along great; Washington School is one of the few projects that are not experiencing materials shortage due to moving full steam ahead right after the referendum passed. Board members took a tour. To date, progress includes framing classrooms, second story construction, windows going up. Dr. Boryszewski is hopeful that students will be in the new building in January, but has been advised that April is a more feasible target. It will be easier to move into the new building after spring break. Although work continued, there was still delays due to waiting for MWRD permits.
1. ESSER Grant III : Dr. Boryszewski informed the Board that today she and Kathy Brant had a meaningful dialogue with the prinicipal consultant at ISBE regarding the application, and the District is on the right track to get the grant approved. Kathy will provide update on what grants the District has written and what we have received.
2 Tentative Budget:
Pasquale Maranto presented the FY22 Tentative Budget, which is available for public observation in the District office.
- The BOE will approve the budget at the September 2021 meeting.
- FY21 Audit will be confirmed in November.
- Mr. Maranto highlighed the Capital Project fund and the 7.3 million spent on new Washington School.
- The District's FY21 budget to actual revenues were estimated with 99.9% accuracy, and the same is anticipated for the current fiscal year.
- ESSER III Grant: Instructional Curriculum Materials, Kennedy Courtyard, Playground Equipment, Furniture, Curtainwall
- There is a positive balance on on all actual expenditures except the Capital projects because timing of when invoices are received and paid for Washington School.
- District 81 has received "financial recognition" for the past ten years, which is the highest profile score possible.
Mr. Maranto demonstrated the Washington School progress through the live webcam so the BOE could note progress.
1. Approval of Embrace IEP and DS Contract Renewals
2. Press Policy - Issue 107 - Reading/Approval
3. Approval of IEA, Schiller Park SD81 and Stomper Agreement
4 Approval of SPEA Contract for 2021-2026
Executive Session
- The Board of Education did not meet in Executive Session
Second Public Participation
- Approval of Personnel Report for August 2021: The report is a new tool introduced to the BOE this month. BOE members agreed it is a useful and efficient way to list resignations, new hires, etc.
- President Desecki welcomed the newly hired teachers and thanked them for choosing District 81.