Lilja Lions
Your BiWeekly Update from Lilja Elementary School

I am so honored to have the opportunity to explore music with your children.
Keep making music and have a great Holiday Season!
~Mr. Roper
1st & 2nd Grade
We have been working on moving to the Beat of the music with Sneaky Snake. We are practicing our Pitch Matching (Solfege - do, re, mi, etc.) by playing the echo game Taboo. We have also been working on our xylophone skills, singing the song Mallets in the Air to help us with our mallet technique, and taking turns leading Rhythm echoes on the xylophones. We even sang Over the River and Through the Wood (1st grade) and played the Thanksgiving Drum Passing Game (2nd grade).
3rd Grade
The 3rd Graders are enjoying their new recorders. We’ve learned our first notes (B, A & G) and many students have already earned their first Recorder Karate belt! We are developing our note reading skills and we are committed to making our instruments sound wonderful by playing with a gentle breath to make a beautiful tone.
4th Grade
The 4th Graders are continuing to explore Melody and Harmony on their ukuleles. We are starting to sing songs while playing the ukuleles. We are also practicing Rhythm patterns on the drums to accompany the song Banaha. We are focusing on keeping a Steady Beat and playing together as a group.
In 4th Grade Chorus, we are polishing up our songs for our upcoming January concerts. We will be performing for the Lilja students in the Lilja Gymnasium at 8:45 AM on Thursday, January 25, 2024. Also, remember to save the date for the Choral Kaleidoscope at 7 PM on January 27, 2024. This event will be held at Natick High School and will include the combined choirs from the elementary, middle and high school choruses.
Things To Know
Students may wear pajamas to school on Friday, 12/22. Please ensure students are still wearing appropriate footwear as we will have P.E. classes and recess. Please see you student's classroom newsletter for expectations around stuffed animals, etc.
Winter break begins 12/25; there will be no school for the week as well as on Monday, 1/1. School will resume on January 2nd.
Any clothing left at the Lost and Found will be donated over the winter break. Please stop by the front office to check the racks if your student(s) are missing anything!
Our expectations around the holiday season are colored by our own fond memories, smiles on holiday cards, and Hallmark movies.
In truth, however, the joys of the season are paired with significant stressors for both adults and children. However, if we can adjust our expectations, preview expectations and new events, maintain important parts of the typical routines, and pay attention to their physical needs (real food, fluids, physical activity, and calming activity) then we can make the most out of all the opportunities this time of year brings!
A quick reminder that the weather is getting chillier each day! We will go out to recess in most weather conditions unless it is dangerous. Please help your child(ren) remember to bring/wear their cold weather gear to school each day, including a hat and gloves. When the snow arrives, in addition to hats and gloves, students will be required to wear snow boots and snow pants in order to play on the playground and fields. If you are in need of support in purchasing cold weather gear for your child(ren) please reach out to Courtney Simoni (csimoni@natickps.org).
The new lunch system has been implemented for grades K and 1! Now, instead of ordering their lunch in the morning, students will be able to select their lunch at the lunch line and use their PIN numbers to complete their "purchase"!
The Lilja PTO is a group of volunteer parents. Our goals are to enrich the education of our children, support the teachers and staff, and serve the Lilja community as a whole.
Contact our team at pto@liljapto.org
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