Health Services
Wachusett Regional High School
Hours 7:30 am to 2:30pm on school days
Health Office: 508-829 - 6771 Fax: 508-829- 1689
Health Office Staff:
Secretary: Karen Pirani : Ext: 1331
Nurse: Louisa Corazzini BSN, RN, NCSN: Ext. 1333
In the role as primary medical provider at WRHS, the school nurse:
- Provides health assessments, first aid, and emergency care
- Conducts state mandated screening, including vision, hearing, height & weight (BMI), postural, and SBIRT(Screening, Brief, Intervention, and Referral to Treatment)
- Develops and implements Individual Health Care Plans (IHCPs) for students with special health care needs
- Oversees medication administration and assessment for prescription and over the counter medications
- Maintains confidential student health records
- Provides link to access community resources
- Provides health counseling and education individually and in the classroom setting as appropriate
- Monitors immunization compliance and communicable disease
Promoting A Partnership
Parent/Guardians have a major role in the health and well-being of their children. It is important for the school nurse and parents to work together to provide a healthy learning experience for their child. Parents can assist by:
- Sending in completed health forms
- Updating emergency telephone numbers and contacts in PowerSchool & Emergency Card
- Obtaining immunizations and physical exams yearly as required
- Communicating with the school nurse any health concerns you have about your child
Luong Duong
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